Chapter 8: Sensations

What is sensations? Sensation is the feeling that you have when you touch something and it also connected with emotions. Example is when you some girl walked by you and her butt touches your hand or she grabs you unknowingly and the body has that tingling sensation. It's also similar to a thing called ASMR. It basically sensations going through your body. Now using this to your advantage. When you talk to a girl and want to be very close to her you get close and touchy. This touchy feeling some girls love specially if you're cute in her eyes. It gives her dopamines if she likes it or it can make her more accustomed to yoo touching her. When I mean touching her I mean on her arms, hand, shoulders, neck, legs, and any place on her body thats not her breast, butt, or vagina. This is a seduction book not a molestation. Once you get touchy feely with her make jokes, and say questions that are sort of personal. So you can have a bond with her. Say weird things like ghost or aliens. That always works for some reason. Also hug her somewhat tightly , because hugging her can cause more dopamines and a hormone called oxytocin to activate. Sensation is the key it can be probably be used to convert a lesbian if you trully and fully understand the last chapters and this one to it's full extent. Remember this!!!

1. Be touchy feely but don't be perverted.

2. When you greet her always hug her.

Same when you say goodbye hug her.

3. Remember to always be a kind man when you talk to her but a freak in bed girls love that shit.