Chapter 10: Voice, Tone, Pronounciation, Speech

Well speaking is very important because the way you say things can convince people. That's why some voice actors sound so cool. The voice can make a person become more cooler then he actually is. I stutter so speech was my worst suite on me. I now understand that reading, grammar, pronunciation, and tone of voice can attract females. The calm, deep, and slow voice is very attractive for some reason. For women when they are interested their voice pitch is higher then normal. Now if you want to get better in mastering pronoucing words, then talk slower than your normal speed. The best way to grow your speech is to read. I found out to late that reading is very important, specially for speech, and pronouciation. So don't make my mistake and start reading and tell your kids to read. Tell them to read things that they want to read like games, sports, anime and things that interests them. It will certainly help. Now to use this in seduction. It just basic conversations. Understanding talking and words can persuade women and increase knowledge and self worth.

Conversation can go very deep and many meaningless conversations can end in a great amazing stories for you. I might be a bit crazy but sometimes craziness is what people need. A charismatic person can understand this cause they use and emphasize their words. Let talk about Tom Holland. He uses his hands and emphasizes some of his words he says yo make stories or words appear more special than the actual worth. Just like a salesman they emphasize a lot of words to make a connection and people with feelings are the most attractive. Peoples emotions can control a lot of things, so control your emotions and learn how to control the emotions. Theres a lot of factors in speech and tones because they can work well with the body. Also congruency is really important. If you sound like a kid and look like a big buff dude it wont fit and will be funny. So be congruent.

Your goal is to understand her tone of voice and her body actions when she is near you.