I wake up before Rachel . She sleeps like a baby . Her lips are puckered and her hair is splayed all across her face . She turns on the other side . It's eight in the morning and it's a Sunday . I plan to make her breakfast but I certainly know only some things to cook . I remove the hair from her shoulder and kiss her between the shoulder blades . 

"Lisa , my coffee ." She mumbles and turns to me .

"Fuck the work and get me my coffee ". She whines again

I bend down to brush the hair off her shoulder and kiss the ball of her shoulder.

" Rae , it's me Ryan ". I say , she hugs me and buries her face in my chest , I hold her. How can this be even possible. I tuck the strands of her blonde hair behind her ear and she opens her eyes. Those blues look so beautiful in the morning.

"Ryan how are you here ?"She asks rubbing her eyes .