~Rachel ~

We enter the driveway of our house . Mark and I get out and walk to the foyer while Shawn takes the car to the garage . I am tired after the whole dinner and the quickie which wasn't a quickie .  The way Ryan makes me feel is incredible . I touched my cheeks and felt it to be hot as fire . I was walking to the door when I notice a manila envelope at the doorstep . I bend down to get the envelope . I turned it over looking for the sender's address but it showed nothing.

"Mark was their a mail or something to be picked up? " ,I ask as I walk to him with the envelope.

"No honey I don't think so " , he says looking at his phone and smirking. 

"Okay " . I snatch his phone from him and start seeing it myself . Mark doesn't even try to get his phone from me . He was using Instagram. 

"Whom were you stalking big bro " I ask surfing through his search his Instagram history .

"None of your business " he replies singing . I suddenly notice a name familiar .