
"Ryan , it's fine . It's not like my family will toast you up . Maybe my family will play questions with you . But still don't be so scared " I say as I take his hands in me intertwining our fingers . I kiss our link fingers and Ryan rests them on his lap .

"I'm not scared of anything. Don't you see I'm here driving you home " he says but his face shows all the signs otherwise .

I wipe the sweat from his brows . He's literally  perspiring because of his fear and why does it make me feel giddy .

I giggle and look out of the window . He clears his throat making me turn .

"What makes you giggle love " he says without looking at me .

"Nothing " I say. We're already there . Now I'm feeling scared frightened and all . I'm not scared of my family but I'm scared of what they're going to ask Ryan about .

"Scared baby " Ryan asks as he parks the range rover with the other cars . I never saw that I have got so many cars .

"Boys and car " I mutter to myself .