Eighteen years later.


"Elana , Rayana ,Ryan come down , the breakfast is ready " I call from the kitchen . My two daughters and their dad are always a PIA , not that I'm grumbling about that but they can be seriously a pain sometimes . Ryan comes into the kitchen . He's already dressed for meeting . Yes , we joined hands again . My husband handles most of the meetings whereas I stay at home taking care of our little princesses.  Our marriage was the most talked about event eighteen years back. 

Elana comes running to me and wraps her small arm around my waist and looks up at me . My ten year old daughter is already looking like mini me . She has the same blonde hair as mine and eyes like Ryan's. I ruffle her hair and she rolls her eyes at me . She never allows anyone touch her hair. She's a big fan of Rapunzel and thinks her hair holds magical powers the thing which Ryan made her believe.