One: Giggity Giggity

The project that was created by the military backfired on their creators that turned nearly all humans into the walking dead.

Its effect brought rise to both the walking corpses and the extremely strong and smart creatures called the mutants!

One of the mutants, known as the master, became the leader of an army of zombies, right now, he was assaulting one of the human survivor's shelters…

The shelter commander has fallen in battle, joining the numbers of zombies laying siege to the shelter. The residents are terrified of the situation and asked a young man to lead the defense until it's too late.

while they were desperate it was mostly due to not wanting to possibly die a horrible death as the numerous others that took command were killed in a dreadful manner!

"Please take command! The fighters are ready for the decisive battle!"

The residents failed to realize that the one they appointed was a person with an extreme fetish for the undead even more so for the ones with an unharmed or non-rotting body.

But alas he will never let them stop his quirks as he now held the highest power in the shelter as he too had an ability that rendered him immune to the ongoing virus as his lifeforce grew each day, he was something akin to the master that will be something to be known in the future.

The man's name is Francis, he never gave his last name as it was useless at the time as if returning to the medieval ages where only those with an achievement would have a last name or title.

This 6-foot tall man with slightly out of proportion arms stood looking down with his dark brown eyes with brown hair styled as a crew cut, with a slightly pointed nose a scar made from claws of some sort of beast that started from his upper lips down to his right clavicle, showing that he had his fair share of fights, the man wore a tank top as it was the only kind of top he could wear no problem thanks to the size of his arms with leather pants and steel toe boots, his pale brownish skin was exposed to the cold winds of this season.

since there weren't any good looking female zombies he used his ability to hinder the horde's approach by making them fight amongst themselves then commanded the fighters to use the guns they had and began firing, to conserve as much ammo as possible, Francis had them fire in short bursts which proved to be somewhat effective as only the ones that actually knew how to shoot actually hit something and combined with his 'puppets' efforts they made quick work of the dwindling horde!

now he had to have the greenhouse and the generators working properly as the next objective was to secure the water plant nearby!

there were two reasons why many of the people of this shelter both respected him and feared him he would always head out leaving the command of the base to his trusted friend leading the scavengers to gather supplies and extra food, almost every time he was the one leading no one was infected by any viruses sure there were deaths every now and then but that would only happen with those that were too complacent and strayed too far from the group.

the second reason was due to how the zombies and mutants acted when he got close to any of them it was as if they feared him and tried escaping every time!

They all knew that Francis had been scavenging for nearly 15 years even if he was the leader of the shelter, the man still continued to do so!

no one knew of the things he had gone through but there were some stories about him ripping zombies apart with his bare hands!

the only thing that they were sure of was if he was nearby they would have safe travels.

Francis returned to his house slightly tired from all of the bullshit he had to deal with, from idiots trying to be a hero to bootlickers trying to get more supplies and food for nothing, so upon arriving he shut the door locked it and moved to his small living room that had a dirty carpet at the center.

His house was small and simple with his blinds down Francis was a man that cared little for the opposite sex mostly due to before this all began, he wasn't handsome just average looks at the time but his strength was greater than an adult by 5 times.

twice he was tricked by women to fend off the unwanted men only to be tossed aside when they were done.

thus he decided to stay away from any more women that sought to use him for protection or a meatshield, his house was small and simple a kitchen full of canned goods that he gathered from his scavenging, a bedroom with a beaten up bed with old ragged sheets, a living room with a sunken couch against the wall and a fireplace, then lastly a bathroom with a toilet and bathtub, it wasn't much and ever since he became the leader of the shelter the women of this base including one of the girls that tossed him aside after using him tried offering themselves to him...

However, Francis didn't even care about these women and simply shut the door and locked it, he had to block the windows as some of them had the bright idea of sneaking in and joining him in bed!

as living conditions of this shelter wasn't very good with the limited supplies, there wasn't any problems with food and clothes thanks to capturing some livestock as well as growing fruits and vegetables.

and one of the reasons why he was so adamant about rejecting any women of the shelter was due to his little secret in the basement he built some time ago...

Francis learned something bizarre about himself as to why he was so strong before all this began and in addition to being immune to the virus there was another cool thing about it, as for the ongoing virus while this was a good thing that he no longer had to worry about becoming a zombie, it was also a horrible thing as well thanks to the leftover government being under the control of dictators.

there was others like him immune to the virus and they were immediately sent to the frontlines to destroy the mutant called 'master' as for what happened to them afterward doesn't need to be said since the one called master was still alive controlling hordes of zombies and mutants to swarm shelters and other cities while the areas controlled by dictators were left untouched by the hordes quite interesting things are like that, no?

Thus rather than being used by those that will just send him to his death, he'd rather just be a leader of this shelter live life as he wants until these ungrateful people of this shelter eventually try to kick him out as they did to the man before him.

he took a quick shower to refresh himself only draped in an old bathrobe when he was done drying himself off, Francis went to the living room to do his favorite thing to pass the time again, he removed the dirty carpet that exposed a wooden door leading to his basement via ladder before climbing down a bit before closing the wooden door and locking the bolt under it as he didn't want anyone to know about this...

there were lit lightbulbs around thanks to the still working powerplant nearby as the government took control over the area, he didn't have to climb down too far and at the bottom of the stairs was another door made of metal that looked reinforced and padlock holding the bolt in place it was a 4-digit combination lock so using the year of when this had started unlocked it and allowed him to see the beautiful sight within it...

Francis had gained a fetish upon discovering his differences from regular people and mutants and zombies never really cared for him so yes within his basement that was still growing in size had zombies that were in good condition as well as mutants that were beautiful compared to regular women wearing different outfits from soldiers to high school students he made sure of one thing when he brought them here.

that was these zombies and mutants had never eaten human flesh it was difficult but doable since those that had eaten people had a predatory feeling about them as for those that haven't felt less oppressive and were easier to control... yes, control this was the thing he had gained from not turning into a zombie or a mutant and even better it only affected female ones!

His method of feeding them was through beasts and mutant monsters he hunted on his off time alone and the other that made them mellow out around him which will be mentioned soon enough.

As for the male zombies and mutants just ignored him as they could care less for him and let him be unless he attacked them.

but back to the main thing, Upon his arrival the inhabitants all looked at him in a different kind of hunger, Francis wanted to release some pent up stress and a mutant which he recently brought was wearing a policewoman's uniform Japanese style gotten his attention, one of the reasons why he picked this one was due to it looking very similar to his favorite singer in the past called Sh**ira, the only difference was it had natural red hair and the mutant it had affected its arms making have a scale-like cover with wider hips.

Francis going to spend the whole night with this one as the others went about doing their own thing unless they decide to join in which by the way they do since he had quite the time with each and every one of them and him pumping them with so much of his 'love' certainly did wonders to their skin making them look even better than when he first got them cleaned.

Zombies and mutants may not feel pain but, pleasure they can feel and remember that and after having sex with them a few times can make them quite clingy and want more.

The Beast he brought here recently wasn't even half-way done being eaten.

thus while the inhabitants may be distracted by the meat hopefully, he wanted to make the Sh**ira look-alike do the same and have a good time, but most of the other inhabitants all moved towards him letting him know that he ain't going to be resting tonight!

But for a pervert like him?

This was paradise!