Chapter 1

"Rin you don't have to do this for me. I don't want you to risk your life. We still have money to get by. I would like you and your sister to at least enjoy your childhood."

"Father you don't have to lie to me. I know things aren't well. We don't know how long you will be injured and the hospital bills will be pilling up. I am determined to go down this road and would hope that you will support my decision." Rin said in a firm tone.

"Haaa. You are too headstrong like your Mother and too mature for your age. I've read that children tend to become more mature because the environment forced them to. Was I not a good enough father? I probably wasn't a good one." Papa Rin sighed deprecatingly.

Rin gave him a smile and held his hand.

"No Father, you have raised both of us as a single parent while risking your life to put food on the table. You have done more than enough and it's my pride and joy to have you as my Father."

Papa Rin felt so touched he began sobbing. Such a good son was wasted on a father like him were his thoughts and seeing himself being useless on the hospital bed made him all the more frustrated.

"Rin, joining the army is no joke. Once you join there is no going back, they offer you benefits like it's nothing but the price you pay…"

"Father say no more.. These days the only decent jobs lie with the military. I should be grateful that I won't start off at the bottom."

"That's true… Who knew that my son would have spirit particles? One in fifty! That's the damn rate!"

Rin smiled at his father's cheerfulness, seeing that the visiting hours were nearly over he took his coat and bade his farewell.

Rin walked out and went towards the lobby where a group of men in black were waiting for him.

"Are you ready to leave Sir Rin?" The man in black spoke politely to the young man. Even though the young man was only eight, he was joining the army for his family and was going to become a practitioner of omyodou. That was enough to give the young lad his respect.

"Yes I'm very sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"It's no trouble, it's our honor to be of use." The man in black smiled and beckoned him into the car.

The car drove for sometime before entering 'dark mode'. The windows were tilted black and everything electronic with a signal was disrupted.

"The army sure is secretive." Rin raised an eyebrow and the men in black just laughed.

"For safety reasons Sir Rin. The less people who know where the Military Academy the better."

Rin just nodded but didn't care either way.

After what seemed like an eternity, the car came to a stop and Rin went out only to find a capsule pod awaiting him.

Rin glanced at the man in black who then chuckled after seeing Rin's expression.

"It's the last part of the trip Sir Rin, for sec-"

"Security reasons, I know I know."

The man in black bowed and wished him a pleasant journey and left while Rin boarded the capsule.

The capsule was rather cosy, it was minimalistic and very clean and the seat even had a warmer built in.

'Boop' a screen came down and a pretty lady appeared.

"Hello there, I am the automated intelligence of the army, you may call me AI if you'd like. Before you is a written contract between you and the army, please take a look and if everything is in order please sign it."

A thin stack of documents came out of the table, Rin took it and looked it over and he agreed with the terms and signed. From that moment, he belonged to the army for a few years.

"Thank you! Your contract has been established and it just happened that we have reached our destination! Please head towards your designated classroom before three pm and have a pleasant day!"

The pretty lady on the screen gave a bow and the screen went black and the door of the capsule popped open.

When Rin stepped out he was rather surprised, everything there was huge! Everything was almost brand new completely unlike the city that he was from. He had a feeling this was the true reason why the location was so hush hush.

As Rin walked towards the training Academy, people around him were whispering.

"Hey what's a kid doing here? He's very cute though." (ノ▽〃)

"The Academy doesn't restrict one from joining based on age but it's true that he's very young."

"Must be because he had no choice… Poor thing." ╥﹏╥

"Should this sister comfort him? He'll be an extremely good catch in the future. Look at him, he definitely would be very handsome." (灬♥ω♥灬)

"Call the cops, a pedo is here."

"Hey this sister is no pedo! Is it a crime to comfort such a handsome shota?"

"It is."

"It is."

"It is."

"It's blasphemy." (♯▼皿▼)

Rin ignored the chattering as he was used to it.

Rin went directly to his class and the moment he stepped in the boisterous class started to become eerily silent. All eyes were on him but he paid no heed and just sat near the windows on a desk that was well too big for him.