Chapter 3

"Hmm how would you like me to prove it?" Rin gave a nonchalant reply.

Sylvia gave a cheeky grin intending to embarrass him a little should he be lying.

"On the last few pages there were instructions to form a basic shikigami. It's considered the basics, every omyouji is required to at least be able to use it."

Though it was true that making a basic shikigami was a required skill however she did not mention that it usually took an entire month to reach that level. Even the geniuses could only form one after a week or two. She was giving him an impossible task. Without waiting for a reply she handed him a few pieces of enchanted paper and a spiritual pen which were all top of the line goods.

Rin still with the usual indifferent face, he took up the pen and started, if someone was offering their materials for him to practice why would he deny such an opportunity?

As strange letters and characters began appearing as his speedy hand wrote them out like it was being printed.

Sylvia was very impressed, the pen she gave him only could write when one could pour in spirit particles and being able to do so was already a sign of a genius.

It took him another five minutes before finishing up and he presented his work.

"That's amazing Rin! I don't know if you can activate this shikigami but being able to write with spirit particles is already impressive enough. Don't mind if it doesn't work okay?" Sylvia tried to prevent this little genius from being too hurt.

It was difficult to control just the right amount of spirit particles when crafting a shikigami, that was why usually many people couldn't use shikigamis. The basic one sure but higher than that would require talent. If you had the sense for it good for you if not you had to specialise in something else. So even though on the surface what Rin did looked perfect, his shikigami may not activate.

Rin just nodded his head, he didn't mind if it couldn't work because practice was normal no?

He took the charm he just made and poured in spirit particles, "Come Shikigami."

The charm turned a light blue and a small bird form started rotating around Rin and landed on his fingers.

'It's cute.' Rin inwardly praised the little blue bird. It had no eyes or features but just an outline of a bird but it was very memorable.

Sylvia blinked her eyes and in shock.

'Was it possible to do this in less than two hours?'

'Was this just beginner's luck or real skill?'

Sylvia herself was a hardworking genius. She completed making a shikigami in only five days which brought great praise but it was nothing in front of someone like this.

"Can you recommend the next set of books?" Rin's words woke Sylvia up from her daze as she saw his puppey eyes asking for more books. How could she say no?

Sylvia handed him book after book and as the hours passed the stack just got higher and higher. Before long both their stomachs were growling, reminding them that it was WAAAY past dinner time.

"Oh dear it's already past ten? Time certainly flies when you are engrossed in reading. Rin the canteen is surely closed at this time, would you like to have dinner with me?" Sylvia happily offered.

"If it's not too much trouble, it would be my honor."

Rin borrowed the few books before Sylvia happily grabbed his arm and stuffed him into a car and they zoomed off.

"Oh do you want me to send you the remainder of the fundamentals list? Just add me on your communicator."

Rin blinked his eyes.

"I actually don't have one."

"I've never heard of a person without one…"

"Well I did have one but I gave it to my little Sister. She needs it more than I do." Rin gave a kind smile as he thought of that adorable Sister of his.

(A/N: Is Rin a sis-con? Stay tuned to the next episode to find out (im kidding).)

"Here then take this." Sylvia tossed him a brand new communicator that she grabbed from under the seat.

"No I can't just accept this.."

"You can and you will." Sylvia said firmly with no intention of letting him give her gift back so he could only give his thanks while owing her one in his heart.

Before long they arrived onto a rather large property with a gorgeous garden which was very rare and only available for the rich in this day and age. Furthermore wasn't this area supposed to be for the military?

"Welcome back lady Sylvia." A rather old butler came out with a horde of maids behind him all welcoming her back with a light bow.

"Thank you gramps. Do setup an extra place setting for my dear guest for tonight's dinner."

It was only then the old butler saw a doll like young lad behind the young lady.

"Oh apologies, forgive this old man for his poor eyesight young mister. Thank you for being good friends with the young lady, I hope you can watch out for her."

Run nodded his head with the same unchanging expression.

Sylvia grinned as she went behind Rin to give him a big hug.

"Not my Friend, My Boyfriend."