Chapter 6

"You all should know the history of humanity and what lies above are the predators that toppled the apex that we humans were standing upon. I will teach you what I know and whether you want to learn it's up to you. I really don't care if you listen or not. Well you can call me Mr Wilson or instructor if you'd like, I hope we can have a constructive year." Wilson gave a smile.

The class started learning from the fundamentals, spirit particles.

"In front of you lies a simple light charm. If you are able to pour in your spirit particles it will simply light up. If you manage to light it you may take the rest of the class off till your next physical session."

Free time was a luxury! Especially during the first few months of training, they all saw the schedule and it was packed like sardines. So just the mention of free time became a great motivator and everyone started trying to pour their spirit particles in.

Well all except one who did it without much effort.

"Well done! Tell me was this your first time or did you learn prior?"

"I just learned it yesterday in the library." Rin answered honestly.

"Well seems like your prep work paid off. Go enjoy your free time." Wilson smiled and made a note next to Rin's record.

Rin gave a small bow and walked straight to the library. He still had the list of books Sylvia recommended so he intended to learn as much as possible within the free time given.

At this time there weren't many people in the library but he did see Sylvia with her own pile of books. She had a look of focus and he initially did not want to disturb her but she somehow saw him and waved to him with a bright smile.

"Hey Syl who's that young lad?"

Her Friend that was seated beside her was genuinely curious. She never saw her so happy seeing a member of the opposite sex before.

As Rin got closer he heard Sylvia reply.

"My Boyfriend is course! Isn't he cute."

Rin inwardly rolled his eyes.

'Why is she still telling this 'boyfriend' thing to people who aren't her family. Wasn't it a family issue?' Rin's little Sister would kill him if she heard of this fake boyfriend news. Rin unconsciously shivered a little at the thought.

"What! Boyfriend!? When did you get one?" Her Friend was eyeing him from top to bottom, scrutinising every detail of the person who won Syl's good graces.

Sylvia merely gave a graceful smile while Rin said nothing and his face revealed nothing.

Her friend pouted a little and started playing Detective.

"Seeing that he's here, he must have been allowed to leave class early. A talent."

"Are you complimenting yourself by complimenting him? We all know that if you are ahead of the class you can get out of class, but did you know he's only a first year who just came in yesterday Charlie?" Sylvia smiled with a hint of pride in her voice.

"Huh? Is that possible? I never heard of anyone being able to skip the first class."

"I don't know if it was done before in the past but for his generation and ours he's the first."

Rin didn't want to participate in their farce anymore so he took out the other books and started reading and was soon in his own world.

Seeing that Rin wasn't listening anymore she whispered to Sylvia "What about your other pursuers? I'm sure they won't be happy about this."

Sylvia shrugged. She really had no good feelings for her so called 'pursuers', they were cynical and vile with no redeeming features other than their so called background.

After a few hours the usual shocking amount of books piled up, Rin's communicator reminded him about the time and he quickly rushed back to the classroom. Leaving a huge pile of books for Sylvia and Charlie to return.

Sylvia didn't mind but Charlie was flabbergasted.

"Is that how a Boyfriend should act? He didn't even say goodbye and left this mess behind!"

"Now now, didn't you see his dazed look. Reading and understanding this much books and the physical training together would make him a little ditzy but that's also a cute part of him." Sylvia said with a sunny smile.

"Well your Boyfriend does seem very cute." Charlie agreed.

"He's mine, don't even think about it." Sylvia gave a smile that didn't seem like she was smiling.

Not knowing that someone overheard them talking, the person in question was shocked! One of the three beauties of the Academy had a Boyfriend!

The news spread like wildfire but no one knew who the Boyfriend Charlie mentioned was!


The physical training continued and the suffering for the poor first years just began.

The running continued, if four kilometres was for breakfast, it was six kilometres for lunch. The training didn't stop there, when their legs got tired their upper bodies would be trained.

The program was designed not only to train a person to their fullest potential but to push the limits of both the physical and mental to their limits.

Of course everyone had different limits so the program didn't expect all of them to have a certain amount of standard at the beginning, as long as they finished what they asked with visible effort they didn't care if the students were as fast as turtles.

They did however always made comparisons and they used Rin the youngest there.

If anyone claimed they couldn't do it anymore or they were worse than Rin in a physical activity the Instructors would go "you can't even compare to an eight year old?" Or "What gives you the right to stop when someone as young as Rin is toughing it out?"