Chapter 22

"Don't bother telling the doctor, he will just diagnose you of going insane and lock ya in a mental facility and throw the key away." Mirror Rin was now even able to move, acting like a doctor and acting out a throwing movement.

"Tell me who or what are you?" Rin narrowed his eyes.

Mirror Rin stopped his performance and looked at the original.

"You don't need to look so scary, after all I am you after all."

Rin slanted his head to the side and had the look that he had no clue what mirror Rin was talking about. If you looked closely you may even see a question mark dangling above his head.

"Well in layman's terms you can call me your manifestation of surpressed emotions. The fun side of us if you will. You have to admit you are rather boring."

Rin blinked his eyes trying to comprehend what he was just told.

'Am I really that boring?' Rin thought to himself though he forgot mirror Rin had access to those very thoughts.

"Of course you are! I can't see a single part of you that's interesting, you always act so mature, your fighting style is literally mostly constraining your opponents and to top it all off you are always surrounded by beautiful girls who are crazy about you get you do nothing. Cmon man! Make a damm harem already!"

"What's a harem?" Rin had one of his eyebrows up.

"Great! The original doesn't even know what a harem is. Too damm pure! Tch!" Mirror Rin sighed and squatted down mumbling how other children his age all knew about dating and yet this one here….

'Knock Knock.'

"Rin are you alright? You didn't faint in there did you?"

"I'm alright don't worry, have you finished talking with Yuno?"

Sylvia smiled at the thought of Yuno's various expressions and replied "We certainly had a pleasant talk."

"No we didn't!" A cute voice protested which came behind Sylvia.

Rin came out of the toilet and they chatted for a while before Sylvia fell asleep in a seated position.

Rin smiled and carried her over as quiet as he could be to the couch in the room and placed a blanket over her. She had a smile on her face so perhaps she was having a pleasant dream.

Yuno wanted to stay over too (because she didn't trust that thieving cat mostly) but she had school the next day plus there wasn't much space left so she had to leave dejectedly though she had a nice hug and a forehead kiss for compensation.

Rin went back into the bathroom after seeing his little sister off but mirror Rin never returned after starting in the bathroom mirror for an hour.

Rin didn't know whether it was a good thing not seeing his mirror self but he did hope that it was merely his imagination.

Though his gut told him that it was unlikely. He definitely felt he would see his mirror self sooner or later.

'I just hope that my mirror self won't be a problem' Rin thought while narrowing his eyes, giving off a strong pressure he never displayed before.