Forget it

"You don't have to answer the question of you don't want to," Laureen assures. "Just forget I said anything, I'm not trying to pressure you or anything."

"Don't sweat it," I reply. "I don't mind at all."

"O-ok..." she stutters. "I was just curious, so I never said anything, ok?"

"Hey, it's ok," I assure, "Don't worry about it. Let's just finish our lunch and enjoy the rest of our day."

We've already reached the cafeteria again, and sit down. We have extra time and we're not allowed to go to our lockers yet, so we just sit down, talk, and eat until the bell.

While waiting, Laureen pops another question. "What's your next class, Grace?"

"Personal Finance, what about you?"

"No way, that's my next class too!" she chirps excitedly.

"I have Chemistry with Alexis next hour, but you'll get to meet Shane and Sam, they're cool."

"Who are they and why do their name sound so similar?" I ask.

"Oh, they're our friends," Alexis joins. "they're also twins. Brother and sister. They don't fight that much, and it's lowkey scary in a way. It's like they're not related at all."

"That's kinda odd yet cool."

"They also act kinda perfect, so it might get on your nerves a bit," Mark adds. "but it's fine, they're really chill and really just vibe a lot."

"Ok then," I say. "Laureen, are you willing to show me how to get to the classroom? I still don't know and I'm bad at reading maps."

"Well of course," she replies with her genital and sweet voice once again. "but I might have to warn you about one person in the class..."

"Yeah," Alexis chimes in. "she's a real asshole."

"She might be nice to you," Mark mentions. "but she hates us and once she finds out you hang with us, she'll either slit your throat or manipulate you."

"Man," I reply. "I better stay away from her..."

"Her name is Evelyn," Laureen informs. "bleached blonde hair, green eyes, usually wears tight shirts and leggings."

"It sounds like you guys really hate her," I say, absorbing the information.

"Oh shit," Alexis curses. "here she comes."