You stood up

I can tell she's about to do something, but I don't know what. Then she does. She simply turns around and walks away. I'm shocked for sure. She was about to punch me, I know it. So what now?

I realize that she came alone. She's the type of person that would always have them there for support and to seem big. Maybe that had a role in it.

I turn back to my friends. All of them are staring at me, wide eyes. Even Mark's head popped up. They all seem shocked. What can I say? Laureen didn't do anything and Evelyn is an asshole.

"What?" I ask, a little creeped out that they're just staring at me.

"What do you mean what?!" Alexis questions. "You just stood up to Evelyn, roasted the shit out of her, and made her walk away. You kept cutting her off, pissing her off anymore."

"It was really funny," Laureen starts to smile, showing her beautiful white teeth. "I'm not going to lie, I almost burst out laughing like you." She's beaming now. I just love her smile, I can't get enough of it. She seems happy I stood up for her, and I'm happy too. But does she realize I did it for her? I mean, I also did it for Alexis and Mark, but mostly for Laureen.

"So what if I stood up to her?" I ask, "You've done it both times she came over here."

"Because the only thing that makes her walk away is the bell." Alexis responds, "No one is able to convince her to stop. She almost always throws punches. No one has ever made her mad enough to the point where she just walks away. I hope honestly thought she was going to punch you."

"Me too," I admit, "I was ready to throw some punches back. Also, I can do a roundhouse kick, but I don't want to break her neck."

"Please do," Mark adds, "anything to get her to stop."

"Not going to lie, I was tempted." As I say that, the bell goes off. We all head to our first classes of the day. Life resumes as normal in those three classes before lunch. In fact, they're quite boring. This school is really boring, but at least people are nicer. Well, that's kinda ironic considering I almost got in a fistfight on my second day of school. But it's pretty much anyone who isn't Evelyn or her friends.

I have freetime in third hour and I have no friends in the class, so I just go on my phone. I get bored, so I turn it off. Everyone is doing their own thing. At least they're not staring at me. Evelyn would probably tell people or just avoid them. Considering her friends weren't there, they may have ditched her. I mean, she spiked Sam's drink and almost got into a fistfight with the new girl. She definitely had a reputation. Key word is had.

The bell rings and it's time for lunch. Oh boy, I can't wait to see Evelyn again. But I'll see Laureen again. She's so wonderful, nice, and pretty. I'm lucky to even have her in my life. But Evelyn will still be mad. And she almost fought me this morning. Who knows what she'll do next?