
I stood pouting as Kaden smiled brightly while holding my hand. I can't believe that I actually agreed to date this guy. I, the smartest of the school is dating a complete douche like this. As we walked in to our high school students stared at us. I slapped my forehead. God above please just kill me for being such an idiot and agreeing to his bullshit.

I lowered my head to avoid sharing any gazes with other people. The great "cold queen" has finally come out of her shell and is dating someone.

"Good morning Lyra!"

I turned to see my best childhood friend Jason walk up to us. I pulled away from Kaden's hand and ran towards Jason. We did our usual handshake then high fived. While I conquered the academics of Weston High School, Jason conquered the Athletics. Rhea conquers the style and beauty of the school while our other friend in our group Landon conquers the tech and student council. We were the big four of Weston High School.

Jason held my hands as he said.

"You're so mean to me Lyra, why have you been ignoring my texts lately."

I sighed as I pointed to a glowering Kaden behind me.

"I'm now dating someone so I've kind of been busy."

Jason's eyes widened as an angry look quickly covered his face. I blinked only to see his usual cheerful expression. I chuckled. I must be seeing things. My bubbly happy Jason would never frown. I pulled Jason's hand towards Kaden.

"Kaden this is Jason, Jason this is Kaden."

Kaden smirked as he looked at Jason. Kaden then hugged me close to him as he said.

"I'm grateful that you've been taking care of my girlfriend Jason."

Jason smiles as he answered.

"No problem I've known her since we've been kids after all."

Kaden chuckled as he pushed me forward.

"Let's go to class Lyra. I don't think that you want to be late."

I quickly turned to Jason.

"I'll text you later Jace!"

Jason waved as he smiled and watched me leave with Kaden. I turned and smacked Kaden's arm. He winced.

"What was that for?"

"Don't "what was that for" me Kaden. Why the hell did you act like that in front of Jason? He's my best friend you know! That's just cruel!"

Kaden stopped walking as he turned to look at me with a frown.

"Don't you think that you're the one being cruel to Jason? How could you tell a guy who clearly likes you that you have a boyfriend? Do you have no sympathy?"

Likes me? I chuckled. Is Kaden serious? Me and Jason have established a long time ago that we would just be friends. We would always laugh at the couples who were friends then became lovers. It's not like I'm really dating Kaden anyways. I'll clarify this with Jason later on.

"We'll catch you later at lunch Kaden!"

I slapped Kaden's back before I ran towards my AP English lit class. Today we have a presentation for our modern spin on Romeo and Juliet. As I entered the class and took my spot in the front like a perfect student a bad feeling filled me. I laughed. It must just be because of what Kaden told me earlier. I shouldn't take it to heart.

Little did I know that that bad feeling was a premonition for a terrible event to happen.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs❤️Stay safe😍😷