Washington was finally allowed to see Alexander at about 4 in the morning when he walked in Alexander was still asleep and in pain Washington sat down next to him and pushes his hair out of his face 30 minutes go by and Alexander starts to wake up he opens his eyes and looks around for a second and then trys to sit up "agh" says Alexander as he sits up "hey take it easy ok son" says Washington putting his hand on Alex's shoulder Alexander lays back down "did you see who did this" says Washington " no" replys Alexander "ok just try and relax ok your body needs some time to heal" says Washington he hasn't slept yet he looks like he is about to fall asleep "you should go to sleep you look exhausted" says Alexander looking at Washington he doesn't a first but he does fall asleep a few hours later Washington is still asleep and John walks in "Alexander your ok I am so glad" says John Alexander smiles "how do you feel dose anything hurt" says John he is studying medical stiff back at the collage "I feel fine and it hurts a little but nothing that bad just as long as I don't move around to much" says Alexander "ok are you sure" says John "yes I am sure" says Alexander. Alexander is in the hospital for a few weeks and the he got discharged he is still in pain in spots but other then that he is fine.