Birth of a Champion


At this point, Zeke felt confused but not surprised. He got used to being clueless ever since he started talking to 'Pandora'. Even so, using a strong word like 'Champion' meant it was something very powerful if it's an ability, or very high in terms of status. Like usual, Zeke asked what it's about before agreeing.

[Us deities have no offspring. We just live here and manage the affairs and worldly matters of the mortal world. We give things to mortals who support us and sometimes offered our help whenever they want to do something big, kind of like what happened to you and your classmates. But there is one thing that we can't do, and that is dealing with mortals directly. You see, even though we're almighty and powerful and yadda yadda yadda, we are still bound by the rules of this world. We are never to interfere directly on mortal affairs. We can only support the mortals and let them do it themselves on behalf of us. There are mortals that are chosen by deities to do their bidding, to an extent. These mortals are what we call 'Champions' here. Our champions have a deal with us and the relationship is like that of master and disciple. The Deities guide their champions, while in turn, the champions can do the deities' bidding if they have. However, don't worry, I assure you that I will never limit your freedom! My biddings will only be suggestions that you may or may not follow, although I suggest you do.] The deity smiled.

Hearing this, Zeke was unworried. He didn't sense any malicious intent. Also, if this old man wanted to hurt him, he would've done so long ago. It turns out the soul the deity wanted Zeke to take care of is very important to the point where he could give the title of his champion to the caretaker if needed, and right now seems to be the case.

As usual, the deity inwardly laughs at how Zeke misunderstood things. It wasn't just Zeke who's getting the benefits here, it's actually quite the opposite. Old Deity Pandora wanted to get rid of three of his problems in one go and he was actually the one getting the most out of it. First, he wanted to get rid of the soul. It's not that he's a heartless deity, it's that he doesn't know how to raise it. Thus, he sealed the soul in a cocoon of thick mana and stored it there. The second was to have his own champion. Normally, it was easy to find a champion as a deity. The deity can just pick a believer of his and that would have been it. Unfortunately for Pandora, his name wasn't quite well known in this world... yet. He was actually a new deity, unlike the others who have been here since from time immemorial.

'Do I really need to be your champion so I could get the ability?'

Pandora slightly puffed his chest out.

[Yes! This ability is reserved for my champion. However, since your preferences actually fit my ability, then you need to become my champion to inherit it! What are you waiting for? just accept it! You should know that it's usually very hard for mortals to become champions, yet you can actually become one the moment you were born. This is a rare opportunity not....]

Before the deity could even finish his sentence, Zeke interrupted him.

'Yes, yes, I know, Mr. Pandora. I figured it out myself. However, are you really sure about picking me? I'm clueless about this world, you know.'

[Is that so? I thought you were really planning on refusing it. Turns out you're just worried about my decision? HAHAHAHA I have never expected that a mortal can doubt a deity's words! Don't worry brat, as long as you can take care of the soul I'll give you, who cares about my champion title! Besides, I already deemed you as worth ever since I knew how you think. That brain of yours is something alright. Your train of thought is very different than both your world and this world's inhabitants. That alone compliments my element. Hehe]

Pandora chuckled for a bit. He seemed really happy about finding his own champion.

Zeke just shrugged. He never considered himself a genius, but he knew that he was much more cautious than any of his classmates were. Perhaps it's just his instincts that are different from others.

'Alright, champion it is!'

[By the way, what continent do you want to be born in? Just so you know, there are three known continents in this world. The Human Continent, which mostly contains humans and is the biggest continent out of the three, the Demon Continent, which is home to countless intelligent monsters and demons themselves, and the Dragon Continent, which is home to real dragons and half-dragons and the smallest out of the three. Where do you want?]

Zeke pondered. If he reincarnated in the Human Continent, he'd have a chance to have a life almost similar to his previous world, with the exception of getting stronger and the mana part. But when he thought how the reason they were summoned here, he furrowed his brows.

'It seems the Human Continent is in a crisis. They wouldn't dare sacrifice 4 souls and enormous amounts of mana to summon some souls from our world just for some small reason, right?'

Thus, Zeke inferred that the Human Continent or a major power in there is having some major troubles. He didn't want to live as an infant on a continent where his safety wasn't guaranteed.

'As for the Demon Continent, it's an even more forbidden place than the Human Continent for him. After hearing from Pandora that real demons and intelligent monsters reside there, he didn't dare start there since he lacks information and the safety of his infant self is also not guaranteed, as he thought of demons as something negative. According to what Zeke read back when he was on Earth, Demons are evil incarnate. They follow their desires and act upon their feelings. They are also much brutal and merciless, as well as being ugly and hideous. He shivered at the thought of having demons all around him. It was a very very deep misunderstanding

'I'm afraid I'd faint the moment I see my parents.'

In reality, demons don't actually look all the same. The demons in Zeke's head are more evil and hideous as if it's evil itself. Most demons are actually docile and they, like humans, also have families and nobilities. They also don't have ugly and hideous faces. They also looked a lot like humans except for some body parts that they innately have that humans naturally don't. A good example of this would be the nobilities, as they look a lot like a human with only a bit of their body parts different, such as horns and fangs. Except, all these were not known by Zeke, as he blindly judged the demons as a whole as evil. It was all Zeke's fault for using the logic of his world to judge this.

Zeke thought about the Dragon Continent. For him, it's the most favorable environment right now to start. Human Continent is in turmoil, Demon Continent is a 'no-no', while the Dragon Continent is the most 'normal' continent for Zeke. Besides, even as a child, Zeke wanted to see dragons. He is also a big fan of fantasies so seeing dragons and possibly being born as one of them is one of Zeke's childhood dreams. It was also the smallest continent, which means there are fewer powers there than the two continents. In his mind, the more powers there are in an area, the more fierce the struggle for power and land will be. By being in a small continent, the competition would be a bit less fierce, plus the fact that it is one of Zeke's childhood dreams, Zeke finally decided to be born on Dragon Continent.

Pandora nodded and was slightly amused by his way of thinking.

'This brat thinks too much. I'm sure it's good that this child is wary of anything, but I hope he tones it down sometimes'

The deity sighed inwardly. He then stood from his seat then touched Zeke's forehead. After chanting an incomprehensible incantation, his finger that was touching Zeke suddenly glowed with a golden color. It was so bright and sudden that Zeke closed his eyes instinctively. Just as he was about to open his eyes, a large amount of incomprehensible language surged on his mind and along with it was something egg-shaped that glowed with faint white color. Seeing the incomprehensible words, Zeke suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his brain. He then realized that the texts in his memory disappeared slowly like it's melting. While he was holding his head with both hands, his soul form suddenly started disintegrating starting from his feet. He panicked and looked at Pandora, who was smiling at him.

While disintegrating, he heard Pandora's words.

[Oh right! I forgot you wished to have a good life here. I'll make sure of it! I'll throw in some bonus just because you entertained me even for a bit. As for the soul, its currently within you and you'll know it when the time comes.] Pandora smiled.

[Once again, otherworlder named Zeke, I wish you the best life in your new world!]

Those were the last words Zeke heard before he lost his vision and his consciousness followed shortly after that.