
Sure enough, 2 days after the rescue operation, there was a sudden big scoop in the newspapers. Apparently, more than ten 'slave companies' got closed down and thousands of customers were apprehended in a span of a day. According to the news, the royal families have actually caught wind of it and prepared a trap for them. The supposedly big 'slave trade' was 'instigated' by the royal family, catching both traders and customers alike. The customers were only handed a light punishment as well as banishment of their owned slaves, while the traders will be executed by next week. All the credit went to the Flamehaven Majesty, Charles, along with a 'good samaritan' who exposed the slavers' plans to them. There was no news related to Zeke's killing, so Zeke concluded that his father contained the information. Now, only the four royal families know of the real truth behind one of the biggest busts in their empire.

There were also corrupt law enforcement officials who were caught according to some of the traders' information. There was also one head of a noble family who got caught buying slaves, but investigation concluded that it was only done by the family head along with a select few. All other members of his family didn't know anything about it, making them not guilty and exempt from their family head's punishment.

When Zeke heard all this, his mouth curved into a smile. He knew that what he had done was big, but Zeke didn't care for fame nor achievements. He only did it and instigated his Father to do it because he severely hated having that kind of business in their empire his family ruled.

The next month passed by until Zeke's birthday. During this, the three girls mostly spent their time inside the palace with Zeke along with the other children they met from the slavers. They didn't have anywhere to go to and since they all had near the same age, they all got along quickly. They also surprised Zeke on his birthday, making him feel touched. He didn't expect to have all of them care for him so much. In actuality, it was normal for them to celebrate Zeke's as he was, after all, their benefactor. Besides, it was only Zeke's mind not completely moving on from his previous world's experience. Back on Earth, he didn't have anyone to spend his birthday to nor did he get any sort of gift or even a greeting. All he got was more scolding and hitting from his adoptive parents. Experiencing all this was new to him so he hadn't adjusted himself in this aspect yet. He slowly thought and remembered that he was not all alone anymore. He now have loving parents and trustworthy friends with whom he could talk to and interact with.

Tomorrow morning just after Zeke's birthday, Zeke was woken up by Catherine. She looked at her son with worry and concern in her eyes. She had agreed to Zeke's proposal as she too didn't want to hamper her son's wishes to get stronger. She knew that it was also for her son's good future. She didn't worry about Zeke much because she knew her son's mentality was very matured compared to his current appearance and age. She only worried that Zeke might feel lonely or that he might tread the wrong path without her and Charles by Zeke's side.

"Don't worry, Mom! I'll call you every evening and tell you stories about what will happen here!"

"I know, Ezekiel. You've grown now, huh? You're actually leaving your parents all alone on that wretched workplace." Catherine sighed and teased Zeke.

"Mother, when I go back to you and father next time, I promise I'll be stronger than I'll ever be! I'll make sure to surprise you all!"

Catherine chuckled. It seemed like her son had high goals and ambition.

"Yes yes, I know it, son. I was planning to introduce you to our fellow clansmen but it looks like that'll have to be postponed. I'm sure you'd be happy meeting your cousins and uncles, hmm?"

"Yes! I'll make sure to finish studies here and return to you and Father early!"

Catherine knew her son was spewing empty promises. She knew her son will definitely train hard and not return just after a 2-year kindergarten school.

"Honey, our carriage is ready. Oh, you're awake now, Zeke." Charles noticed Zeke and smiled.

"Come here, son! I have something to say to you." Charles gestured Zeke to come near to which he did.

"I managed to make your mom agree to it but it did have a condition. However, don't worry about it as it'll not affect you at all."

"Condition?" Zeke didn't know anything about his mom's 'condition'.

"Yes, you'll know it soon. By the way, shouldn't you bid farewell to your friends?"

"Oh, snap! I forgot they're also going back too!" Zeke rushed out of his room and went outside.

He first saw Aura and Gaia along with their parents and butlers. He rushed up near them and waved goodbye.

To his surprise, when Gaia saw him, she quickly ran towards him and hugged him. He felt a drop of water on his shoulder as he figured Gaia is crying.

"Don't cry, Gaia! It's not like we won't meet anymore, right?" Zeke lightly laughed.

"I-I know! It's just that.. that... I'll miss you." Gaia said as her voice got lower until the last word.

Zeke was surprised. Does Gaia like him? Even so, Zeke felt they were too young for that. He figured he would just leave it to fate.

"I'll miss you too, Gaia. There won't be any more morning routines for us." Zeke sighed. He really enjoyed his time with the three girls especially the last month where they made new friends.

"My dear! We need to depart now!" Meryl shouted at Gaia.

Gaia hurriedly went back and glimpsed at Zeke one last time before entering the carriage. Aura waved energetically at Zeke before going into her family's carriage.

Zeke couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. He spent more than a year with them and he already considered them as his best friends. However, just like that, two of them already left, one going soon after.

Sure enough, Alcazar along with his wife and daughter came out shortly after that.

Rosaline walked up to Zeke as she rummaged through her pockets and handed a bracelet to Zeke.

"It's my gift for my benefactor. Can you wear it at all times?" Rosaline smiled.

"Sure! Why not." Zeke casually replied and immediately wore the bracelet. It had intricate designs all around it along with 3 crystals of different colors embedded. Its appearance was really beautiful and seemed to fit Zeke's handsome features.

"Then we'll go out too. Cmon Rosa, let's go!" Alcazar smiled at his daughter and Zeke's interaction. It seemed like he already noticed something but he didn't dare meddle with their affairs. He simply signaled Rosaline that they needed to go already.

Just like that, Zeke had lost contact with three of her childhood friends. Although he felt a bit sad, he knew he couldn't live with them forever. They had their own family and land to rule and he and his family had one as well. Unless there's something huge happening, he would probably not see them again for a long time.

Soon, Charles and Catherine walked up to their son. They noticed Zeke's melancholic look but they had nothing to say. It was perfectly normal to be like that after a separation their son will and have experienced.

"Son, we need to go now, too. Are you sure you don't want to get back to the Imperial Capital with us? It's going to be lonely here, you know?" Charles offered Zeke again.

"Dad, it's not that I don't want to meet my relatives, but I just want to train for now and go back to you much stronger than ever!"

"Yeah yeah, we get it. *Sigh* Why did we have such a training freak of a son?" Catherine grumbled but her tone still remained positive.

"It's even better for our son to be a training freak with the power and responsibility he has. If he hadn't practice anything, then even though he's a champion, he'd still be weak. Zeke, promise us that you'll contact us every time." Charles handed Zeke another bracelet, one that was very similar to what he received from Rosaline.

"Oh?" Charles noticed the familiar bracelet around Zeke's wrist as he understood where his son got it from. He then laughed loudly.

"What's the matter, Dad?..... Oh." Zeke realized it a bit too late. His previous sad expression then gradually disappeared as he knew Rosaline gave her something for them to have a way of contact.

'It seems like it's not a complete goodbye, after all.'

"Anyways, here's the bracelet. To talk to us, you just need to touch the gem here. The blue gem corresponds to your mother while the red one is mine. Got it?" Zeke got the bracelet who had two colored gems.

Zeke felt odd after remembering that Rosaline's bracelet had three gems. Then it occurred to him that perhaps the four of them had all this!

"Yes!" Zeke excitedly replied. It seemed like they were only gone physically, but at least he could still contact his relatives and friends through voice.

"Good. We're off, then. Until we meet again, my precious son!" Charles seemed to have practiced the line a lot as he suddenly walked towards the exit while saying it loudly and with a cool exit.

Catherine just shook her head and followed along with Charles after kissing Zeke's cheek.

After not even an hour, Zeke didn't have any relatives with him anymore. However, before he could go back to their house, a loud voice rang behind him.

"Well well well Young Master, what should we do today?" The familiar voice rang through Zeke's head. He turned around and suddenly hugged Esteban. At the very least, he still had someone he knew and someone he could trust!

"Mr. Esteban! You didn't go with them?" Zeke asked with slight joy in his tone.

"Oh? Didn't they mention it to you? It was your mother who requested me to join you here or else she'll reject your proposal. Since there is no harm done, your father accepted. Looks like you'll have to endure me for a long time, Young Master!"

"It's not like it's disadvantageous for me, Mr. Esteban! At least I have someone to talk to, hehe"

"Well then, what say we do today, Young Master?"

"The usual spar and training!" Zeke replied.

Esteban seemed to already expect his Young Master's answer as he laughed and took out the equipment from the training room.