
While Tyler was carrying Elan over to the bed Elan was scared because she was half dressed being carried by a boy. Elan's mind was being flooded with thoughts. She was thinking what does he mean by don't worry or what's wrong we already kissed. Elan was thinking I don't want to do that I'm still young. Tyler paused at the front of the bed which made Elan loose her train of thought. He threw Elan onto the bed and climbed onto the bed and grabbed her hands and pinned her hands behind her. Tyler started to talk to Elan.

Hey Elan you know you are in a really bad situation right now. You're across the country for the whole summer away from adults for half of the summer. I think you should open up a bit and have some fun. Your going to be 17 soon so your getting to that age that you should loose your virginity.

Tyler started laughing and rolled off of Elan after he put hand cuffs on her and said don't worry I won't do anything unless you want me too I just wanted to make you flustered. Tyler got up and said okay I'll tell the guys to come back in. Lucas and Jacob walked back in and said let's push the beds together so Elan believes we won't do anything to give her a heart attack.

While they were pushing the beds together Elan started to think of the possibility's of things that might happen over the summer. She started to blush since the thought of it made her feel hot faced and embarrassed. Elan starred at Lucas and Jacob and thought to her self why would they let Tyler do that to her even though it was a joke. It was about 2am and they started to feel the jet lag so they decided to go to bed but first Lucas decided to talk to Tyler.

Hey Tyler me and Jacob want to talk to you outside of the room. Tyler the way you have been acting might make Elan not trust us or to cause her to be scared of you. Tyler started talking and began to say you probably don't like me treating Elan like this because you like her yourself. Also when she decides to tell me that she doesn't like me I won't tease her that much but I hope that she will like me one day. If you like someone you should go after them instead of complaining to the other person that is trying to date her. So ima go back to bed because if you forgot we left Elan handcuffed to the bed alone.

They walked back into the room to notice that Elan broke off the handcuffs and started to throw pillows at them because she couldn't make a run for it to hide somewhere in the house. Tyler had a large smile on his face and said oh so she isn't as strong as I thought her to be. Elan realized that she gave away the hint so she tried to stay on the opposite side of the room from Tyler. Two minutes have passed and it was pretty much a game going back and fourth. The twins were to tired so they just wanted to sleep and ignore both of them. Eventually Tyler ran and picked up Elan and said what should be your punishment for her trying to escape. Jacob and Lucas decided to listen to Tyler's advice about trying to make a move on her but they weren't as out going as Tyler. So they said we can do the original punishment but make her only sleep in her bra and underwear. Elan was confused on why they all started to join in this game. Tyler agreed with what they said but he smiled and stated who is going to take her clothes off. At this moment the twins already passed out because of jet lag. Tyler laughed and picked up Elan and tossed her onto the bed and said we should go to bed but you can't sleep till you loose the clothes so what will it be, me taking it off for you or you taking it off.

Elan looked flustered and said fine and she took off her shirt and shorts and rapped her self in the blanket next to her so she wouldn't be looked at. Tyler crawled onto the bed and pinned her arms down and kissed her to distract her for a split second. When he was done he lifted his head and smirked because he handcuffed her hands to the top of the bed frame.

Hey Elan you should be more cautious about taking your clothes off because I could just take away the blanket and see what your trying to hide. He said what you going to do the other two are already sleeping why don't you let me have a look. Unless you want to stop me by telling me the truth about why you are different from other people your age. Oh so you think your tough now let's see if you act the same way after I'm done with you.

Elan was glaring at him trying to not show that she was scared or that she liked him. She laid there staring at him and said fine I'll tell you why I'm different. Elan started to tell him how she is a lot smarter, stronger and how she has really good eyesight but didn't tell him about the dreams. He starred at her and said so your not lying but that isn't all of it is it. She said that was all but the lie detector said lie. Elan realized that she screwed her self over by answering. So Tyler grabbed her face with one of his hands and mocked her saying why do you always have to lie. He leaned his face closer to hers and she pushed her face away. Tyler said but if your so strong how come you can't break free right now. Elan stated that for some reason when she is around Tyler, Jacob, and Lucas how she couldn't use those powers.

Elan decided to stop talking and said I'm not saying anymore because I don't have enough trust in you and don't bother asking the twins because they will keep it a secret. Tyler looked over at the twins and under his breath he said we'll see. Tyler rolled off of Elan to the other side of the bed and grabbed blankets and put them over him and Elan and said okay I'm done teasing you. Tyler also said I hope you don't take my jokes so seriously because I just wanted to scare you a little. Tyler fell asleep and Elan laid there wondering what the guys might do to her over the period of time that they were to be alone. She decided to get some sleep because she wasn't sure what might happen tomorrow.