
It's been three days and Elan still hasn't gotten her memory back. Tyler and Jacob have been looking after her for the past three days. Lucas has been cooking breakfast and lunches for everyone.

Tyler takes Elan to the beach everyday for a little bit of exercise. They always check on Elan wounds and make sure her stitches are clean.

**one week later**

It's already been a month into the summer with some unfortunate events that have taken place. Elan started to remember everything up to the age of 10 years old.

Tyler's dad returned since he said he would be back in a month. He saw that Elan was in bandages and looked at Tyler like what happened. Tyler began to tell his dad about what happened and also showed him the medical documents that he saved.

Tyler's dad looked at him and back at the pictures in his hand. He made a face of excitement because he thought he discovered something unknown to man.

By this time Elan remembered everyone and everything. She kept a cautious eye out for Tyler's dad and mad sure he wouldn't find anything out about her or her history. Elan wanted to go for a walk so she picked herself up and brought herself to her wheelchair.

She wheeled to the front room to get Lucas to take her out. Jacob tagged along with them and they went to the market in the downtown area. Elan started to talk about everything with them about keeping a close eye on Tyler and his dad.

"Hey guys you know Tyler's dad has been keeping a close eye on me and studying my every move. Well I think he saw my brain scan from back in Maine so he probably knows that I'm different compared to other people. So I need you guys to keep a close lookout for me because my life and everyone I know could be in danger."

Lucas and Jacob shook their heads in agreement. They continued to walk down the streets to an ice cream shop and all got cones and ate them while they were walking around. It was mid afternoon so they walked for a while from their house through the streets to new stores they never knew that were there before. They went to a animal shelter and played with the dogs and the puppies because Elan's favorite animal is dogs. All of the dogs wanted to jump onto the wheelchair and to play with Elan but Lucas and Jacob kept Elan safe.

On their way home they picked up some groceries to cook for dinner and some for breakfast the next day. They also went back to the ice cream shop to pick up some more ice cream for dessert. They were about a 30 to 40 minute walk from the house since they walked so far exploring new places.

They arrived at home around 7:30. They helped Elan to sit on the couch in the front room while Lucas and Tyler prepared dinner for everybody. Dinner was going to take long so while they put the food into the oven they set a timer on their phones and sat down to go watch tv with Elan and Jacob while Tyler's dad stayed in his office doing "paperwork".

About two hours past and dinner was ready so they carried Elan over to the dinner table and passed out the food. Tyler and Lucas did a really good job on making roast for everyone along with many sides. During dinner for some reason Tyler's dad was observing Elan eating her food and watching her every move.

After dinner they all watched a movie and Tyler's dad was still watching Elan's every move. Elan decided she wanted to go to bed because he was creeping her out. So Jacob and Lucas helped her to the room and also decided to go to bed.

Tyler looked to his father and told him to stop staring at her so much or she is going to catch on to you studying her. He also said shes a lot smarter than you think. Tyler's dad laughed and said " You think she's smarter than me. I'm a lot older than her and I also have been to college my son, you should have more faith in your old man. Now go to bed because I want you to keep a close eye on her and study everything that is different about her."

Tyler shook his head at his dead saying "I tried to warn you. Please just don't get hurt because this is a path I don't think we should try to discover. If it's been kept a secret this long imagine what happened to the people that found out that weren't supposed to know."

Tyler headed off to bed and was hoping his dad would drop it because he doesn't think it's safe. He has seen what the dreams can do you he doesn't want to know more. Tyler went to the bed tucked in Elan and headed off to sleep.