Elan’s Birthday

It has finally came to the day of Elan turning 17 years old. Something Elan was waiting for a long time but now she has to think of her escape plan. She knew that she was endanger and she couldn't wait for help.

Elan woke up before Darby to study the house. Elan had till midnight because he said he will take her virginity after her birthday. Elan didn't want that to happen especially with a psychopath that she didn't know.

Elan decided to make a plan while staying on the low so he doesn't notice her observing everything. She thought this would be the safest option and to figure out how he knows her so well. She made it her mission to try and make him like her enough to not hurt her.

She went back to the room to pretend she didn't leave the room but he was sitting at the edge of the bed. Darby looked really mad she knew that she already made a mistake which she said if she makes one she'll be punished. Darby began to stand up really slowly towards Elan. Elan tried to bolt out of the door but it didn't work because he was faster than her and pushed the door shut and pinned her against the wall.

"So did you have a nice adventure I know everything you planned because one of my powers is telepathy so making plans to try and get me to like you won't work. Also because you were thinking of trying to trick me you should get a punishment. Don't worry I won't take your virginity yet that's tomorrow's schedule." Darby was talking in a mocking tone since he knew she was thinking she was screwed.

Darby grabbed the back of Elan's head and said "I know the perfect punishment for this crime you committed". He leaned in closer and closer to her face. He started kissing Elan straight into french kissing and after Elan realized what was happening she bit his lip. He smirked while whipping the blood off his lips and said "Oo feisty, I'm going to have fun with you".

Darby grabbed Elan by the back of her head and threw her onto the bed. "It's either you let me kiss you like I want or we can have sex right now. I do really want to see you squirm in pain. Choose now or I'll just start taking my clothes off".

Darby read her mind and how she was thinking I would rather kiss but I will still fight back. He laughed and said your to easy to read but because you didn't answer I get what I want". Darby ripped off Elan shirt and said "we kiss like this because you can't simply reply to me asking a question".

Elan tried to push Darby off but she couldn't budge him. She kept pushing him away from her and Darby got agitated and grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her head.

He grabbed her face and said "your going to regret this later I won't be gentle". He started to force her to kiss again but to get back at her for biting him he started to kiss down her neck and giving her hickey's from her neck to the top of her breast. Elan was squirming trying to get away and he told her the more you move the more I'm going to give you.

Elan gave in and stopped moving because she knew he wasn't lying. Darby laughed and sat up and said think about that next time you doubt me. Elan waited for Darby to leave the room and she remembered she had another tracker on her that on Lucas and Jacob knew about.

Elan thought something was going to happen in the future so injected a tracker under her boob. But the only way to activate it was stabbing a needle into the center of the device. Elan ran over to the dresser and found a sewing kit and grabbed a needle. She was scared but knee this was the only way to save herself and she stabbed herself in the boob to send the message.

* Back at the hospital*

Lucas got an alert on his phone showing the location it was about an 7ish hour drive. He rounded up everybody to make the plan and to hit the road to save Elan. The toad trip seemed to take for ever so they would make the plan on the way there.

Tyler grabbed a tranquilizer gun because he didn't want to kill anyone. They were about 3 hrs away and tyler started talking.

"So one of us will act as bait to lure him out of the place but if out background information is correct this person will be hard to defeat. Supposedly stronger than Elan. We have to be careful".

Doctor Walker tagged along to give them all of the information he had on Darby. Everything about Darby after the age if 17 was a mystery as he went rouge. So they had to stay on their toes and keep a lookout for anything that was suspicious.

* Back at hideout *

Darby received word that 6 cars were about an hour away from the House and that they were talking about Elan. Darby marched up stairs and grabbed Elan by the throat. "WHAT DID YOU DO"! Darby was outraged and grabbed Elan and said you have a tracker on your body I'm going to find it and take you somewhere new.

He ripped off Elan's shirt and said "lets thoroughly check your neck and your mouth. We have an hour I can easily finish you off in time. Your gonna wish you kept your mouth shut when I'm through with you".

Darby forcibly grabbed Elan by her waist and said your gonna experience things that you will register again. When I'm down with you, you'll only feel a surge for me because your curse is whoever you loose your virginity too is the person you have to stay with no matter what it's the guardians number one rule so when I'm done they can't take you away from me unless they want to be punished".

Elan shook her head disagreeing saying her Nana would never let that happen. And her friends will stop him". Darby just laughed and tore off Elan's clothes and said "it's to late".

Right as Darby was about to violate Elan down below he was shot with a tranquilizer dart. Knocked out instantly he didn't get to finish the job he wanted to do. Tyler grabbed his coat and rapped it around Elan to cover her. Doctor Walker said "he didn't get in you correctly". Elan nodded and Doctor Walker was relieved telling the guys and Elan what would've happened if he did.

They returned to the car and had Darby arrested on their way back to the house since it was a long journey they started to bandage Elan's injuries and let her rest. They would wait till the next day to ask her about everything that happened and what Darby said to her.