Journal 1

Elan and the guys got up at 6:30 am to start the first journal. They decided to read it together and out load to learn as much as they can from the first book. The book was about Elan's Secret powers she will get after the age of 21. They began to go through the chapters of the book and pointed out the main points. Tyler looked at chapter 4 and said,

"Hey Elan right here it says that you will loose you strength but your eye sight will grow and your brain will develop to use 100%. Elan you will be the smartest person in the world".

Elan looked at them and said "I wish I could just be a normal teenager". Tyler said "your perfect the way you are, you are just going to be like this and we all will have to learn to adapt to it". Lucas read out the page that was titled warning.

"If you loose your virginity before you access all of your powers you are to stay with that person for the rest of your life. And if they don't love you, you'll be stuck with nightmares and constant pain forever. This is the curse of your body so you better hope your first person is someone you love"

Lucas looked up in shock because if Elan were to be rapped or had sex she would have to stay with that person. Elan closed the book even though they were only half way through. She said that she wanted to take a break and go outside for a bit since she is finally off crutches.

Elan was still covered in bandages but she still wanted to go out and get some fresh air. They walked through the town and revisited the ice cream shop but this time they brought Tyler with them. After they had ice cream they decided to take a different turn then they did last time. In their way down the path it got really creepy but it came to a stop as a dead end.

There was a tiny restaurant their it seemed really mellow but it got the attention of Elan and she said "let's eat here". Lucas looked a little concerned as the place looked run down on the outside. They walked inside to find a completely remodeled look and it had a country theme to it.

The Owner was waiting at the door and said " ah we finally have guests welcome Elan, Tyler, Jacob, and Lucas". The three guys got scared that she knew their names while Elan thought it was cool. She said "Elan you look so much like your mother, I wish she could see how beautiful you have become".

Elan said "you know my mother"? She nodded her head and told them to come to the dinning booth in the back after they were seated she gave them menus. She pointed to the back of the wall and said "Elan this booth will help you learn about your past". Elan looked behind her and saw a little remote control and she picked it up and pressed the power button.

A tv popped out from the roof and started playing. The video that started playing was of her and her parents. She never remembered her parents since the horrible accident that happened when she was 5 years old. Elan was watching the video till the food they ordered came out. While they were eating they stopped paying attention to the tv and they heard to gun shots elan looked up to find out the video was of who killed her parents. Elan started crying as it reopened part of her past that she closed off from her memory.

Elan saw the people who murdered her parents. Tyler picked up Elan and carried her out of the restaurant after they payed. They wanted to get as far away as they could. As soon as they left the restaurant and turned back to look at it, it was gone and there was no trace of a restaurant being there. They all felt chills go down their spins and decided it was time to call it a day and to head home. They had enough adventure for that day.

They all agreed that they will stick to a normal route instead of going down creepy pathways.

*At the jail*

Darby ran into a couple of his guys in the jail and they all decided to come up with a plan to escape the jail that they were being held in. Darby was allowed one phone call a day. The day he was going to break out he called Elan's phone and told her "Guess who is going to come visit you soon princess".

He decided to use his strength to tear down the fence when they were outside and him along with a bunch of other guys escaped. Darby planned to stay in hiding for a week before he would go capture Elan. He knew he only had three weeks to get ahold of her again since she will go back to Maine for school.

Darby began to make a scale of different plans with Tommy because Max was still in jail as he was about to be bailed out by his father. They planned to try and catch her off guard but they will have to do it when she was away from people. Their main plan was to attack when her and her friends would go to the beach.

Darby was eager to do everything in his power to get his revenge on Elan. If he doesn't make the plan happen and they eventually get back to Maine Darby planned that he will kidnap her at the airport

*Back to Elan*

Back at the house Elan and the guys were making a night snack before they would go to bed. They watched a movie while they waited for it to cook. Tyler told them he will be back in about 4 hours since he will go visit his dad in the hospital. They ate food and went to sleep. Elan stayed up for an hour after the others went to sleep so she could continue reading her journals in private just to discover that when she gets dreams of the future it's not the fact that she sees the future it is that she makes the future with her dreams. What she sees will happen and either she can prevent it or she won't be able to. This will take massive strength to control the possibility's of the future and that's why she got all of the journals so early.

Elan will have to harbor all of her powers and begin training them to the max of her ability if she wants to save herself against Darby. It was about 2am and she put her books away and went to sleep. Tyler came home at 3am and went to the room to sleep and saw Elan not sleeping with any covers. He snickered and tucked her in and climbed into the bed and went to sleep.