Senior Year

A week has passed since Elan got home and it came to the first day of school. Elan, Tyler, Lucas, and Jacob were now Seniors getting ready for life. This year is going to be a wild adventure along with a lot of stress. Elan called Tyler to see where they were meeting up to go get their class schedules.

After they all met up and got their schedule and was walking towards the CFA (Center Fine Arts). While they were walking Elan bumped into someone she looked back to apologize. The person standing next to her was Darby. Jacob had the quick reflex of pulling Elan away from Darby. Darby starred and started talking.

"So this is where you were at. I was looking over but from the looks of it you are all shocked. I transferred to this school to finish my senior year. I hope we can become close with the time we have left".

Darby was smirking the entire time he was talking to us. It made me creeped out. Elan started thinking "Everyone was looking at us because the guys were about the hottest guys in our age at this school. Many girls have tried to ask them out but they always turned them down. I think that's weird. I wonder who they like, maybe it's a secret crush that I don't even know about". Elan was puzzled but she asked the guys if they could go somewhere else since she didn't like all the attention they were getting.

Tyler agreed and grabbed Elan by her shoulders and walked her away from the crowd that was forming. They reached the CFA and the entire time Darby followed them. Elan knew that she wouldn't be able to get away from him. She decided to text the guys something without the thought of her thinking about it. She texted the three guys that Darby could read minds. They all frantically looked up and he was just smiling at them.

Darby gave them the look of wow you guys just found this out. Tyler said "Okay so if he can read our minds my as well say what we are all thinking since he already knows. So we all know we don't trust him and we would rather have nothing to do with him but he isn't giving us a choice. I will get two body guards for Elan they might not be able to fight his strength but I will try". Elan gave him the look of are you trying to ruin my senior year.

Elan already knew that Darby wouldn't do anything till the day after her birthday but that was at the end of summer. She had time to enjoy as much freedom she had left. Elan will just have to suffer through her friends dumbness and hopes she survives through all of this embarrassment.

The assembly was starting so they all had to be quiet and listen to the principal and the counselors. Elan couldn't focus because she was thinking about how she probably won't have a future. Darby transferred a thought into Elan's mind.

"Let's make a compromise since you want to go to college and be normal. I know your grandmother has to leave your house as soon as you turn 18 so instead of you coming to me I will live with you. You will do whatever I say if you want people to stay safe. Just nod in agreement because me and you both know theirs a lot of innocent people in here. You don't want to see what I'm capable of".

Elan nodded and thought it can't be that bad and she will get the chance to be able to go to college and have a normal life. By the time she was done thinking she looked up to see that everyone was done talking. The last thing they said was that they should make their senior year their best one.

Everyone got up and started heading to classes Elan's first class was band she had that class with Tyler and Darby. Lucas and Jacob had piano instead of band. Elan tried to convince them to join band to play piano during concert season. That never worked because they didn't want to transfer during middle of the year.

After band Elan had math class since Elan was really smart she had to go to college to take her math class and drive back to the high school after her class. It was called Math 55 which is a really hard math class that only few understand and at her age it was almost impossible. After Elan finished her studies in that class she went back to school for 3rd period and economics which was Elan's worse subject even though she was really smart she couldn't remember the people that were stated. Elan's strong suit was math and English along with band.

Elan had 4th period english with Jacob, Lucas, Tyler, and Darby. She knew that period is going to be problematic because the guys don't want her near him at all. After 4th period finished along with french and science it was time to go home since it was a half day. Elan's favorite class besides math was her science class. She was studying Earth and Space science.

Elan decided to hangout with the guys after school and go to the movies. They watched a comedy movie and played in the arcade. After the long day started to get late they went their separate ways and went home. Elan started walking home and it ended with Darby taking her home since she couldn't refuse without something bad happening.

Elan arrived home at 6 and her grandmother welcomed her home and told her to go do her studies. While Elan was in her room doing her math homework and listening to her music she was thinking about what Darby told her. She thought at least she will get to continue with her life as if nothing is wrong besides the point she has to pretty much be a servant. She went down stares ate dinner and went back up stairs to go back to bed. Elan packed up her finished work set her alarms and fell asleep.