New Pain

It's been three days of Elan being in her coma state. Elan was found walking through the halls sleeping along with screaming in her sleep. The past three days that Elan was in this state, it ended with them restraining her to make sure she didn't hurt herself. Tyler, Jacob, and Lucas went to go visit her after their training. They saw Elan tied down and were enraged, Tyler untied Elan's wrist. After they untied Elan two strange looking people walked into the room and locked the door behind them.

Tyler looked over and asked what they were doing. One person took off their face mask and said yes these are the kids. After a minute passed of Tyler looking up at the two adults one walked over to Elan and injected her with something. Elan woke up instantly. They said that they need them to go back into the past to get something to fix the future. Lucas asked why they were needed and he looked closely and realized that one of the older people was Darby and he instantly went over to Elan to guard her.

The future Darby realized that this was about the time when they were enemies. He said "I will explain on the way but if we don't do this now everybody will die". So they all decided to pay attention to him and he said hold hands with everyone. They did as they were told and the lights went out in the room and in the center of them a huge light started to form and he said to not let go of their hands but before he could finish his sentence Jacob let go of Elan's hand and the light exploded. And they teleported.

*New place in the past*

Elan was still hurt and the place they landed was no place for someone to be injured. They were all separated Elan was with the two people from the future. They were separated into two groups once had Lucas, Tyler, and Jacob while other was Elan, Future Darby, and someone elan hasn't seem yet. Darby said "that they never change. We have to find a way to go back to the time frame to help stop something but they need to get Tyler and them first".

He looked down at his tablet to see what year they went back to along with the location since he never seen this area before. It said they jumped back 200 million years which is the farthest someone has ever traveled back. He said we have 48hrs to find the others or they could be stuck here forever. They were at a disadvantage as Elan still couldn't walk so Darby carried her. On the way for looking Elan pulled out a tracker system and said "they will look for us and Tyler also has a tracker so we could follow this".

Darby told Elan "I don't know how me and your future will change because in my time line you never fell into a coma so me and you might not be friends in your time line. Make sure you stay safe and don't let me have sex with you". Elan laughed since he said it so bluntly and they continued on their journey but the third person hasn't said a word yet. Elan looked over Darby's shoulder to try and see who it could've been but Darby covered her eyes. Darby stated "your not allowed to see her face since if you do it will mess your time frame".

After 8hrs of them following Tyler's tracker they sat down to take a rest and drank some water. They didn't have any food since they thought they were only going go be gone for a couple hours at most a day. So Elan and them sat down to take a rest before they would go back into trying to find the others.

*5 hours later*

They came across the others and it started to become night fall. They would need to find shelter as they were scared to come across dinosaurs. They new if they affected the past it could destroy everything in the future. They found shelter for the night in a cave. They took turns keeping watch through the night and in the morning they will go back to the original area they came through to get to the time they needed to be at.

It was morning and they were on their way back to the spot and they heard a loud screech in the distance and the ground started shaking. They all sprinted to hide behind a large tree and a Tyrannosaurs was running after what appeared to be a baby dinosaur. They all stayed hidden till the dinosaurs passed and continued of their way while The masked person carried Elan since she started to feel pain.

They reached the spot and a light started to form, this time no one was going to let go of their hands. The huge light flashed and they were in a new place it seemed like they were at the location of where Elan's parents died. Darby said yes this will change the future but if I don't do this Elan will never wake up from her coma. He went into the house right before Elan's parents were about to get shot and shielded the babies eyes. Tyler than asked "why you needed all of us to do this". Right when he said that he looked over to see Elan blackout. He said "because she won't remember any of this but you guys will". As a warning don't tell her who is with me if you seen her face, if you do she will be branded to a future she wont want.

In the blink of an eye they were gone. Lucas turned to them and said the person that was with him was Elan. If he got ahold of her that means it was during or time. They looked at each other while Elan started to get up in her hospital bed. Because she was in coma state for to long she couldn't walk that well. Elan's grandmother checked her out of the hospital the next day and they went back to the warehouse as if nothing happened.

After the three days of them going back in time and seeing all of this the guys have learned they will have to keep Elan away from Darby and all other guys that could have bad intentions. They all went to their training and Elan went to her training and Elan started to realize something was off.