Growing up

They both were in each other's dreams off from day one. They will see everything from the perspective of each other. Feeling the pain and anger all the way to each other's happiness. Elan was is the perspective of Tyler and the other way around. They each saw each other's births which made each other kinda weirded out. They grew up as each other and saw everything about each other. When Tyler was at 8 years old Elan saw his mother disappear she left one night and never returned. Elan felt bad for Tyler not only that she also felt what he did but she could relate in one way of her parents disappearing. That day they each made it to the age of 10 and they would continue the next day if they have the opportunity of sneaking into the room again. Lucas and Jacob woke up Elan and Tyler so they could go to their rooms and go to sleep.

After they went to their room and decided to go to bed since they would have to go back to training the next day. Elan couldn't sleep because she was starting to remember things from her life. It started with her remembering her meeting Tyler and the other two when she lived with her grandmother. She relived the moments at the playground until she woke up the next morning. Her training was intensified so they would be prepared for her next encounter with Darby. After her hours of brain scans they learned she knows a lot more since the last time they scanned her brain. Her Grandmother asked her what has she been dreaming of when they woke her up and she told them she has been dreaming about how she met certain people along with events she didn't know about before she went to sleep. They realized that her mind was making her remember things that the machine couldn't. So they told her to not fight it and to let the dreams happen no matter what. Elan was a little confused at what they were saying but she agreed with it.

Elan, Tyler, Lucas, and Jacob left training around 5 o'clock and decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. This was their excuse so they could get a break away from the other people in the warehouse. They decided to go to a little diner that was about a 15-20 minute drive from their house that they were currently staying at. They all ordered special dishes that were signature to the restaurant. Tyler and Lucas shared a huge two serving bowl of fish and chips salsa. They both didn't think the servings were going to be that big so they ordered two. Elan ordered a steak along with some onion rings. It came with a side of ranch that is specially made for the restaurant by the owner. And Jacob ordered their famous macaroni lasagna. They all ate their food really fast and took home the leftovers. On the drive home they had to pull over to a gas station since Elan forgot to go to the restroom before they left the restaurant. Tyler walked with her inside and decided to buy a couple snacks for their room. He bought some slim jims along with some sodas and different types of drinks.

About an hour later they made it to their rooms and decided to watch tv and play some video games. Elan played a couple games with the guys, after an hour later she walked up to the dresser to get her personal journal from her mother. She continued to read from her spot on page 59. As soon as she hit page 65 she read Tyler's dad's name on the page. She called for the guy's attention and quickly remembered that the guys weren't allowed to read this book. But she didn't care at that moment they told her one second so she continued to read. About three pages she read both of Lucas and Jacob's parents names as well. She told them to get off the game now because it was very important.

They walked over to where she was sitting and sat down next to her asking what was wrong. Elan stated "My mom new your guy's parents and wrote about them in this journal chapter. What if when your parents disappeared it could be the same reason why my parents also disappeared". They all looked shocked and thought back to when they were kids trying to remember if anything was off at that time in their lives. But nothing rang a bell to them. Elan continued to read the book and read out a sentence that had everyone's name. "Me along with Matt, Mary and her husband James, also with the Arrow's. We were trying to find out the secrets of the VanDervoort's, we were on an undercover mission to discover what they have been doing." This was written in the journal by her mother she looked up at the guys and said "our parents were part of undercover organization and they probably got in trouble". They all began to look at each other and thought about the times that their parents disappeared and all realized it was on the same days. They decided that after they all get their powers and graduate from school that they will discover why their parents went missing and the secrets behind the VanDervoort's.