Sounds In The Walls

Elan started to light the candles. All five of them sat there waiting for the grandmother to come to the library. As soon as she entered the room and sat in the circle with the others things started to move again. Sophie's friend Debbie was the one she invited to help her granddaughter. Debbie began to tell the group to be quite as she was about to reach out to the little girl. The room fell silent and things in the room also came to a halt. Elan asked Debbie if she could ask the little girl a few questions as to how she died or when she died.

*Elan grabbes the item that belongs to the little girl*

"Excuse me can I ask for your name also can you please tell us your story of why you're here, along with why you are so angry towards me". As soon as Elan finished her words one of the candles moved which wasn't supposed to happen and Elan's head fell down as if she fell asleep. Tyler reached over to see what was wrong with Elan at the same time the fireplace went out and started a smaller flame. Jacob got up to go turn on the lights when all of a sudden Elan started talking but it wasn't Elan, it was the little girl.

*Possessed by girl?*

The ghost started talking with Elan's body. "My name is Jonathan and i'm a boy, I may have long hair but that doesn't mean i'm a girl. Yes I am 8 yrs old. I'm not angry at any of you guys and I'm not a ghost. I'm an angel that is supposed to protect Elan when she is sleeping". Tyler looked at Lucas very concerned and was wondering why the ghost was able to take over Elan's body when she was in the circle but slowly remembered how he wasn't a ghost but an angle.

Tyler asked Jonathan a question, "By any chance will you reincarnate into another body to protect Elan that way. You know since you can't do anything in your spiritual form". Jonathon looked at Tyler and stated,

"I can take form of a human very easily and i am not actually 8 yrs old as I took the form of this age since you guys wouldn't have talked to me if I wasn't a little kid. I'm actually 18 so just a little older than you guys. After i tell you guys my story I will switch my spirit over into a human form but I had to let you know who I was before I did".

Soon after Jonathan stopped talking the lights went out in the room and Elan woke up from her sleep. She looked around and asked what happened and Lucas told her everything. About an hour passed and they heard a knock at the door and when Elan opened it a person about her age was standing there. He had brown eyes with brown hair that was kinda curly, he had a golden brown skin tone and was about five inches taller than her.

"Hi I'm Jonathan", he asked if he could be invited inside ad told them this was his true form minus his wings. Elan welcomed into their group and asked him what he would protect her from since she didn't know of anything that was after her.

Jonathan would protect her from forces that her human friend's couldn't see with their own eyes. There are things called demons and other creatures that were after Elan to control her dreams. If they get ahold of her dreams they could easily make her create a body for them or cause destruction to all the people around her.

They listened to Jonathan and decided to not trust him completely just yet. He did try to attack Elan. They told him that they need time to trust him throughout their life times. Elan called off the spiritual listening and asked Jonathan if he could leave and comeback in the morning. He said he couldn't really leave as he had no where to go. So they decided to let him stay in the front room.

Everyone's only fear about this ghost/person is he can make contact with humans and with Elan as elan was almost 18 they didn't want her to live alone with him. Elan was the only one in her friend group under 18 at this point so her grandmother asked her friends to live with her when she has to move out. This was the only way Sophie would feel safe letting him stay in her home when she had to leave.

*three weeks past*

Graduation came and Elan's grandmother moved out from the house. She wrote Elan a farewell letter as she wouldn't be able to reach out to her anymore. She would have to be on her own from family. The whole friend group moved in together and planned their future. College along with the hardships and enemies they will soon have to go against. They all wonder how much stuff they will have to go against in the years to come, what will be next?


NAME: The Truth of Her Dreams