Life of the spoiled princess

" Why are you looking at me like that," I asked curiously

" My princess, let's go to your chamber, and I will tell you about it," Lauryn said

I look at Lauryn as she was careful. I was so curious why she was looking at me like that. When I entered my chambers, I saw my attendants; they were cleaning the room. They all greeted me

" My princess" Favour and Amarachi

" Don't call me ' my princess' call me by my name which is Faith?" I said

They were all surprised by what I said. I couldn't get why they would be so surprised.

" Faith, you said that why am I looking at you like that?" Lauryn said

" Yes," I said curiously

" Well then, let me tell you, you have completely changed my princess,"

" Changed? How so?"

" You never let us call you by your name, whenever we surprised you, you hit us, you have completely changed to a different person," Favour said,

" Hold on, so they are telling me now that the princess that was here before, was a rude girl?" I thought

" So, about the boy we see," I said

" What boy did you see," Favour asked

" She is talking about David" Lauryn said

" Oh, David you forget about him," Favour said

" yes, she did, and to answer your question you were rude to him even when you liked him," Lauryn said

" Wow, why would she be rude to him, when she liked him, Does she think that being rude to him will make him like her," I thought

" So, Faith I think is the amnesia that makes your personalities change," Amarachi chimed