David is my personal guard

I went to meet the king. This is my first time meeting the King after a very long time he looks old and he seems like he is sick.

" My princess come here,"

I went, and I bow

" Father, you called for me,"

" Sit down I heard what happened today, why would you leave the palace?"

" well.... to be honest with you, I was bored so I decided to leave the palace for a little bit,"

He is looking at me. I hope I am not too honest I am so scared.

" I will let you go out, but on one condition,"

" What condition?" I said happilyoj0y

" you must always take a guard with you whenever you want to go out,"

" What?"

" Is there a problem,"

" no, not at all,"

How can I not have a problem, I will have to take guards whenever I am going out, well it doesn't matter since I can go out whenever I like, I will think about the guards later.

" so, who do you have on your mind?"

" I am thinking about David,"

" David?"

No way that jerk, he thinks everything revolves around him. So he will be the person I will stay with most of the time.

The King went to call David and David came

" your majesty, you sent for me,"

" yes, I did, my princess wants to go out, she thinks that it is boring in the palace, so whenever she wants to go out I want you to escort her and protect her"

" But my Majesty I have to take care of things in the palace,"

" I know, that is why I am employing you as her guard,"

" WHAT" I and David shouted

" Why are the two of you so against it, Faith you should know that if he didn't come with you, you are not allowed to go out,"

" Ok, then,"

" David, this is an order from me, understand that"

David looked at me before he answers

" yes, your majesty,"

" You can leave,"

David left.

" Father, I need to leave too,"

" Ok, go,"

I leave the King's presence and I saw David. I am so angry I can't believe the king my father will put David as my guard. I saw him looking at the same flower I saw him the first time I met him. I began to wonder what is so important in the flower

" What is so important in that flower,"

He looked so shocked

" What do you want, my princess," he dragged out my princess

" I saw you here the first time I met you with that look in your face, I saw you here again with that same look, so tell me what is so important in this flower?

" None of your business,"

" hey, how can you talk to a princess like that,"

" Princess, if you are going out please tell me don't get me into trouble,"

" Trust me, I won't get you into trouble,"

David left. I kept on wondering why that look is in his face, it is as if he lost something very important. The flower is very beautiful, I don't know much about flower but I can tell that the beauty of the flower. I decide to go back to my chambers and forget about everything.