Believe or not

The girls were doing laundry

" Favour, did you believe what Faith said about her coming from a different world," Lauryn said to Favour

" I don't know whether to believe it or not,"

" I think I do believe her because she seems different from who she was before,"

" that doesn't mean she comes from a different world, "

" well, let's focus on what we are doing right now, whether she comes from the other world or not, all we know right now is that she is a princess that we should never forget understood,"

" yes, you are right," they all say

I went to meet David in his quarters.

" my princess, what are you doing here" one of the guards

" I am looking for David,"

" Let me call him for you,"

" ok"

" David, the princess is looking for you, "

" she is looking for me?"

"Yes," the guard said

" Tell her that I am coming,"

The guard left

" why is the princess looking for you?" Jack said

" Probably she wants to go outside,"

" why would she call you if she wants to go outside,"

" didn't I tell you that the King made me a personal guard for her to follow her wherever she goes out,"

" David, I pity you" Jack Laughed

" pity or not, I need to leave,"

David leaves to meet Faith. I was standing there waiting for him.

" what is it my princess?"

" I am bored so I want to go out,"

" Ok, let's go"

David and I left