Save this kingdom

" I am going out," I said to Lauryn

" where are you going, you are bored again,"

" you could say that,"

" I am leaving, if the Queen ask for me say I am out,"

" how long are you staying?"

" I will be quick,"

" Ok,"

I left and I went to meet David

We left the palace.

" wow, look who do we have here," a boy said

" you are..."

" wow, you don't remember me?"

" who is he?"

" I don't know,"

" I am Jeremy, the one you mooch off food last time,"

" you are the one, the one that got in trouble because of a girl,"

" wow, you remember that but you don't remember my name,"

" I don't remember anybody I saw the first time,"

" So who is he?"

" he is my brother" I linked hand with David. I didn't look at David's expression, because I am scared to look at it.

" your brother, you don't look the same,"

" We have to leave, bye"

" ok, bye"

We left

" remove your hand,"

" Oh," I removed my hand

" why would you say that I am your brother?"

" I am sorry, I don't want him to know about me living in the palace,"

" Ok, let me not say anything,"

" We have arrived,"

" oh, this is the place?"

" let's go in,"

You can do it Faith, you will hear what he has to say and leave this world.

" old man, I am here," David shouted

" yes, I know don't block my eardrums,"

David laughed. This is my first time I have seen David laughed before, he always has a sullen face.

" so, who is this girl?"

" She is the princess,"

" what would a princess do here?"

" Hi,"

" you are not the princess, you are in the body of the princess,"

" How do you know?"

" come in!"

The both of them went inside

" what do you want, fo you want tea,"

" ah, I am okay, how do you know?"

" There is nothing I don't know, so what is your question?"

" How did I enter this place and how will I go back,"

" you are asking so many questions, let me explain to you,"

" you came here due to the eclipse, do you notice anything,"

" I don't notice anything, how can I go back,"

" you will go back naturally once you have complete your mission,"

I look at David.

" What mission?"

" The mission is to save this kingdom"

" What are you talking about, this kingdom is in a good hand, what save?" I was so curious

"I don't know about that all I know is that you are here to save this kingdom,"

" if what you are saying is true, why would they bring a clueless girl,"

" Who are you calling clueless?"

" the two of you don't fight, well then if that is all you should leave because I have something doing,"

" Ok, we are leaving, I will see you later"

" bye,"

" Faith remember if you want to leave you must complete your mission understand,"

" Ok,"

We left.

" David, what does he mean that I have to save this kingdom,"