We are friends

" In my eyes, this restaurant has changed,"

" It has changed, this is still the same restaurants it has always been,"

" Is that so?"

" Let's go and sit,"

To Faith eyes, this restaurant changed. It looked very different. They sat down, and they ordered their food. Jeremy notice Faith was sad.

" Why is your face so gloomy?"

" It is nothing,"

" Come on, tell me, we are friends right,"

" When have we been friends?"

" Just a minute ago, If we are not friends, will you still sit down with me and eat,"

" I am only with you because it is free food,"

" well then, if it is free food you were with me, doesn't that make me a friend to you?"

" You," Faith was enraged " No need to get angry with you,"

The waiter brought their food.

" Here is your food,"

"Thank you,"

" Wow, the smell of this food is so good,"

Jeremy looked at her and smile.

" you love food so much, you were angry as you see the food your mood gets better,"

" Of course, it has to get better, the food did nothing wrong so why should I be angry with the food,"

" This is the first time I have seen somebody think about the food before getting angry,"

" Everything is always your first time,"

" So, why were you angry, did somebody do anything to you,"

" You won't understand even if I tell you, so don't worry about it too much,"

" I want to understand, tell me,"

" Jeremy, how much do you believe me?"

" What are you talking about?"

" If I tell you that I am the princess, will you believe me,"

" No way, because those princesses are so rude, I don't want to even see them or near them at all, I hate them to the core,"

" I see,"

" Why will you say that if you are the princess,"

" I am just saying,"

" Though I don't know you that much, your personality is way different than the princesses. I heard the second princess was kidnapped. That is a good thing, she was kidnapped, I am sure she must have humiliated the kidnappers,"

" Even Jeremy hates her, how can I save this kingdom if everybody hates her, I want to go home so badly, my mother must have missed me," she thought

Jeremy waved his hand on Faith Face.

" Why are you so out of it today?"

" It is nothing, I am done eating, I want to go home,"

" Let me take you home,"