Meeting David

Favour came and filled the bathtub with warm water.

" Thank you,"

Faith entered inside the bathtub, the water is filled with flowers. Faith was washing her body and she began to think of ways she should make them be nice according to what that old man said.

" I have a meeting with David, let me sleep early so that I will wake up on time for the meeting,"

Faith stand up from the bathtub and she tied a towel. She went to the room and she began to get dressed. Faith went into the bed and she slept off.

She put an alarm to wake her up. The alarm rang and she woke up. She was yawning.

" Is it time already, I am so tired,"

Faith was having a hard time getting up.

" I need to get up, David is waiting for me, " She barely managed to stand up.

She left to meet David at their meeting spot.

" Why were you late?" David was annoyed

" Who are you angry with, do you know how hard it is to get off from the bed when you are sleeping?"

" Anyway, where did you go today?"

" I went to meet that old man you introduced,"

" Why?"

" I wanted him to elaborate more on what he said,"

" you should have told me, I could have followed you,"

" That day, he seems to be rushing us, there are some things he don't want you to hear,"

" Like what?"

" you don't need to know," I smiled

" you,"

" I miss my home a lot, I am wondering how my family are doing?"

David looked at her and hold her hand.

" Faith, do you trust me?"

" why are you talking about trust?"

I promise you, I will let you go back to your world, and you have to keep your promise,"

" David, I know that why are you holding my hand?"

" Ah, sorry, " he removed his hand immediately

" I met your sister,"

" you met her, what did she do?"

" Nothing, " she lied

" my sister will do nothing, " he laughed sarcastically

" He knows his sister very well, " she thought

" Let's leave before others come here,"

They both left.