The day of the festival

The day of the festival has arrived. Faith was nervous because of what David said. The girls come in.

" Faith, are you ok?"

" yes, why do you ask,"

" your face expression tells it all,"

" my face expression?"

" yes, anyway we are here to help you prepare,"

The girls were all with Faith, helping her dress. Faith comes out and was in the hall.

" I am going outside to see the fireworks and put a wish in the lantern,"

" you can't go out,"

" Why can't I go out?"

" you can't go out because it is very dangerous for you, the princess has a lot of enemies, so you might be a target right now,"

" What are you worried about, I have David, he will follow me,"

" David said he will follow you?"

" yes, so he will be with me,"

" Well then if David is with you then we don't need to worry, " Amarachi said

" What time will you come back?"

" I will come back when I have seen the firework which is at night,"

" I see, come back safely,"

" don't worry,"

Faith left with David.

" David you are right, there are lots of people,"

" Of course there are, didn't I told you,"

" What should we do?"

Faith saw a lot of children playing.

" They are so cute,"

" so what are you planning on doing right now?"

" hmmm, let's see, " Faith looked at everywhere. " Let's sit down over there,"

" Okay,"

They both went to sit down there.

" I am very happy today,"

" Why?"

" To see a lot of people smiling makes me happy,"

" you are such a strange girl,"

" Why are you calling me a strange girl?"

" I wish I am like you, carefree, don't worry about anything, it would make my life much easier,"

" What, you think your life is not easy?"

" Well, what should I say, I am being forced to stay here and the king said he trust me after everything that happened,"