(IN) Chapter 16 - The Eight-Legged Horse

On the year 09-435 in the evening of the 15th day of Craving, the first meeting held in the Commander's tent had just ended.

Duke, not wanting to mingle with the other Nobles/Commanders, immediately left for the area within the camp assigned to the Pendragon Household.

As expected, it was in the furthest section of the encampment where the 'back up' troops were stationed.

The militant Nobility of Brune considered being vanguards on the front as the best place to earn honor and prestige due to their troops getting more kills/exposure whilst fighting the enemy. Melee battles were the most honorable to the Brunefolk. Brune was known as the Empire of Knights after all, with their heavy armored Knight charges and impenetrable infantry.

"Cultist and Barbarians, it does not matter! We will stomp them down with our war chargers!" The militant Nobles cheered.

And so despite the grave attempt of Alexei to warn the Nobles of the difference between their current situation with that of the usual minor wars/skirmishes.

In the end, the Nobles there still opted to fight for the front, and even the middle lines, pushing Duke who had not volunteered for the front back to the reserve.

[Hmm, will we even get the chance to fight?] Duke wondered as he got to the Pendragon section of the camp.

"Milord! How was the war meeting? Did ya get us on the vanguards like real men, eh?" Byran enthusiastically greeted an exhausted-looking Duke.

"Hmm, about that... I decided to give way for the other Nobles for now haha..." Duke awkwardly replied as he scratched his neck.

"What?! Why?! Our men are as capable as those Gold-Armored sissies!" Byran shook his head.

"Now now Sir Byran, I don't think my lord's decision was particularly wrong... The safer the better! Haha, right Caleb" Derek Eclair happily cheered as he jokingly slapped his indifferent brother on the arm.

"Well, whatever milord decides, I will follow!" Bran pledged, whilst Galleo whimpered: "Aweee... I wanted to test some of our new inventions on the front... Oh well, come sir Caleb! We must continue our talk" Galleo enthusiastically dragged the emotionless-looking Caleb. Though Caleb didn't show any emotions, for some reason he too looked somewhat excited despite getting dragged around Galleo. To the two misunderstood geniuses, this was a rare situation for them to exchange ideas.

Caleb happily learned a lot from Galleo.

"Well, I guess It's not too bad to be at the back, now let's get some rest milord. You're startin' to look like a zombie" Byran urged as the tired Duke retreated to his tent for the night...

The next day, in the early morning of the 16th, Duke ordered his men to all wake-up and start training even before the sun rose. Their noisy shouts annoyed some of the Nobles in the inner section of the Camp where the 'respected' Vanguard was put.

Most Nobles, especially Deacon and his gang, sneered at the ruckus making Duke, thinking to themselves: [Who does he think he's impressing by 'training' this early? Stupid fools aren't even in the Vanguard!]

"See those idiots, men? All that useless work just to tire themselves when they aren't even going to fight? Tsk tsk tsk, aren't ya glad your lord takes care of ya' and doesn't make you do that stupid shit? Look look! Even their Lord, Duke's running with them! Look at his breasts bounce! Hahaha" Deacon sneered at Duke who was jogging with his soldiers, gesturing to one of his Knights as they laughed along with Deacon and the other young Nobles.

Most of the younger generation sneered at Duke's harsh training. Their immature inexperience still didn't know the value and importance of proper formations and discipline within the Army. All they know is that a strong army marched on their stomachs, and so, most of the younger lords became decadent and overfed their Knights wine and meat, forgetting strict training and discipline.

The older generations of Lords on the other hand who had first-hand experience in war simply nodded in agreement with what Duke was doing. Some even slapping their sons and Knights to do the same and train.

The veterans of war were impressed with Duke, especially the Lord Commander, Alexei. His favorability of Duke increased... as it reminded him of Gwaine.

Duke's reputation increased with the veteran soldiers unbeknownst to him, as he was too busy training, ignoring both the sneers and praises.

After their morning training was done, Duke gave the soldiers two hours of rest as he decided to walk around the camp, followed by Bran...

Duke decided to check out the Camp Follower's section of the Army Camp.

When an army travels, they bring along weapons, food, and all kinds of supplies needed to fund their long journeys. Some armies make their soldiers carry such supplies, while some have designated people whose sole task is to supply the soldiers. Brune used the latter method, but instead of designated supply units, they instead employ private merchant companies and their caravans. Much like how the Merchant's Guild Caravan led by Derek Eclair supplied Duke's army.

When several armies form a larger army, all those caravans and the miscellaneous people following the Army get lumped into one group, the Camp Followers. Hence their section of the camp usually looked like a mini-market complete with different small stalls that sold miscellaneous stuff soldiers wanted. As Duke entered the section, he was greeted with all sorts of merchants and entertainers. From peddlers selling weapons and armor to prostitutes and even professional doctors looking for a wealthy employer.

Duke looked around for things that might pique his interest. And after walking for some time, he finally came across a merchant with large metal cages behind him covered with cloth.

Duke already knew the contents of these cages. As slaves weren't allowed in Brune, it was obvious to Duke that those cages contained captive monsters or exotic animals for sale.

But what really caught Duke's eye was the grumpy middle-aged man kicking a small iron pen next to him.

"Wind it down!" The middle-aged man with the bulging stomach growled stopping the tired and weakened neighing of the animal inside the pen.

*Neighh Neighhhh*

"Are you interested in buying an animal, sir?" Bran asked Duke who was already making his way towards the middle-aged man.

"Hey, what's that animal inside the pen?" Duke asked in his curiosity.

[Hmm? A noble?] "Oh, it's a deformed mutant, milord... Ya perhaps interested in buying it?" The middle-aged man asked in a careless manner as he removed the covers of the iron pen.

After the covers were removed, the creature revealed under it truly did look like a deformed mutated creature or a deformed mutated horse to be exact.

A weak-looking horse-like snout with drool dripping out of its mouth, patches of skin that lacked fur and was covered in boils, and eight distorted feeble-looking legs with cracked hooves here and there.

The poor creature looked so miserable that Duke thought it would've been better to put it out of its misery. But as Duke looked into its eyes he saw the will to live, and so:

"Where'd you get it?" Duke asked another question.

"Ahh, some old asshole scammed me into buying it while I was dead drunk... Said it was a mythical creature" *Putoo* The middle-aged man angrily spat at the floor as he continued his story "Well whatever it is, I don't think it's gonna last a month... So you buying it or nah? I'll even charge ya one silver instead of the damned gold coin I wasted on this piece of shit"

"Hmm, sure, why not. I'll buy it... Here keep the change" Duke threw a gold coin at the man who instantly changed from his angry demeanor to a slightly more respectful tone: "Wa- Really?! Thanks, man. You're a lot nicer than I thought, well, better than the other snobby nobles at least... Oh yeah, here, the damned old man left it here along with the horse. Personally, between you and me, I would've kept it but since you're givin' me this much it's the least I could return" The middle-aged man smirked as he handed the iron pen containing the creature to Duke, along with the weird sack of grain the old man left.

Duke carried the pen with his arms as it was small enough to carry, but was also large enough to hold a small lamb, about the same size as the eight-legged creature Duke had just brought home...

Little did Duke realize how good of a bargain he made with just a single piece of Gold.