The Battle (short chapter)

She hated this, it seemed like there were millions of walls standing between her and him. Her nose was bleeding from crashing through them all. But she was determined.

'Karma! Cut it out you'll kill yourself at the rate!' Asher's voice came through her head.

'I just want to be with you!' She cried.

'This isn't how! You killed Lorella just take the time to run around the walls.' He told her sternly.

She did, she slowed her pace and started jogging around the walls. Left and right and left and left, and right, and straight. There were so many turns. Was she even close to being out yet? She was getting frustrated, so she stopped. Looking around she saw one of the walls she had smashed into. 'Ive been going in circles!' She thought in frustration.

She started watching where she was going and ended up outside of the dungeon walls within a few minutes. Now came the tricky part, getting out without being noticed. Her wolf wouldn't make it very easy. So, she shifted and began fast walking towards the pack wall's gate. "Where do you think your going?!" She heard someone yell.

'Maybe they aren't talking to me...' she thought to herself. She picked up her pace and continued for the pack gate.

"Stop her!"

'They are definitely after...' her thought trailed when Asher came bursting through the pack wall in his wolf form.

"Shift!" He barked at her, and she did what he said.

Everyone stood still, not daring to move. Asher and Karma stood a few feet taller than any of the other wolves. Asher let a growl ripple through the crowd, causing some people to back away and some to stand more on guard.

"Attack!" One of the men said right before sifting. Asher sprang at him pinning him to the ground, leaving him in his bloodied human form, panting for air that wasn't coming.

She almost didn't feel the wolf that sunk its teeth into one of her back legs before she spun around and bit into its neck, causing it to whimper then go silent. She felt bad, but knew that it was her life or theirs.

Karma and Asher attacked multiple wolves, leaving the pack bloodied and in human form. Some lifeless, some fading, and some in critical condition. Finally they surrendered and backed off. Meaning Karma and Asher were this pack's new alphas. It didn't click with Karma for a while until they all were waiting for the two to command them to do something.