She awoke to the nice smell of a fire, the whimpers of a pup as her brother chewed on her ear, and her make staring at her smiling. She separated the brother from the sister and smiled at them.
She turned into her wold and lay down so the pups could eat. Asher started cooking meat and boiling water. Her mouth watered over the smell as it drifted in the wind. She smiled a big toothy wolf grin at her mate, and he returned it with his nice, human smile. She snuggled with her babies as she thought about names and tosses a few ideas around.
'What do you think about Alex for the black one with white paws and a gray chest?'
"I think thats lovely! We could do Emmie for the little full grey pup."
'And Ash for the white with grey paws'
Asher smiled at her "then we should do Kala for the fully white one."
Karma looked at her pups. 'Kala, Ash, Alex, and Emmie.' She paused a second, 'Lex, its unique like her coat.' Karma turned her attention specifically towards a little blue eyes, white body, and black tipped tailed wolf.
"They're lovely." Asher said in a lovely voice with a calm expression.
All the pups unlatched and Karma turned back to human and got dressed.
Not long after the meat was ready. Karma sat, with her head leaning on Asher's shoulder, as they ate. "I hope they find the perfect mates."
"They will, love. We all do at some point."
"But, i hope they realize how special their mate is. And i hope they accept them without a second thought."
Asher looked at Karma and paused. "Why do you say that, love?"
"Because, sometimes i wonder what i would have chosen if Cayden wouldn't have died..." Karma let her sentence trail as she stared at the meat she had in her hand.
Asher seemed tense, thinking about his brothers death. He remained quiet and didn't say anything.
"I think," Karma paused a second and made eye contact with her, "i think i would have chosen you, but the answer would have taken longer. Before he dies, i had a dream about him." Asher nodded for her to go on. "I woke up, with pups, and they were walking me to our 'home'. Cayden came up and swatted at them, and just stared at me with a very grim expression on his face. The pups said that it was because he had found his mate but he was held back with me because of them. I was really confused, until you woke me up to tell me he wasn't breathing." Her eyes teared up, and so did Asher's. But he brought her into an embrace and kissed her head.
"If it makes you feel any better, me and my brother never got along until you came around. We bonded in that short time faster than anything, and its all thanks to you." He said in a loving tone.
Karma smiled but kept her head on his shoulder. "I love you."
Asher looked at her, "i love you more than you will ever know." He said before grabbing her chin, forcing her to make eye contact with me, and then kissed her.