Mysterious Man

A tragic life, that's how Isaiah's life has been so far. His father and mother were killed.

He wanted to die too because he missed his parents so much but he stopped his urge to suicide because of his younger brother and became an assassin after brutal training.

He had no problem about money now that he is a professional assassin. Isaiah thought they could finally enjoy a life without killing anyone after he save up a bit more money to live a comfortable life.

But his brother has suffered from a major injury which has shattered his magic circle. He can do magic no more but that isn't all his worries are about. His brother is in his death bed.

'He can't be saved' is what all the doctors who have examined his brother, Claude have conveyed so far but he didn't lose his hope and called for a well known doctor from kingdom of Darkness.

"Doctor Eleana, How is his condition? Can he be... saved?" Isaiah's voice quivered slightly while he asked the doctor.

"His magic circle is broken as you would have already noticed, his legs suffered a tremendous blow and the tissues have ruptured, his left eye has been stuck with a knife, his ears have been cut. His stomach has been stabbed with a rusty knife and It's quite deep. It's a miracle hat he is still alive which I'm guessing is because of his very powerful magic which shielded him at the last moment. He can be saved but.." The doctor trailed her sentence hesitating to continue.

"Is there a way to save him!? Please tell me! I will do anything to make him stay alive" Isaiah pleaded.

He knew very well that his brother would rather kill himself than live without magic but Claude is all Isaiah has. He is not strong enough to continue to live after his last ray of light dies.

"Have you heard about the gem of regeneration ?"


"Well, its not surprising that you didn't know about it. It's in the possession of His Majesty, the king of kingdom of Darkness. If you can get that gem and use it on your brother, then he will have the power to regenerate his lost parts and can also get completely cured. Moreover, can also regain his magic core"

Isaiah remained quite. He really wants to save his brother.

"Thank you, I'll take care of the rest"

After sending off Doctor Eleana, Isaiah sat on the edge of the bed where Claude was laying on.

"Sweet dreams Claude. I'll cure you very soon"

Isaiah kissed Claude's forehead and went to take a bath in the stream nearby. After scrubbing all the dirt away from his skin, his skin looked soft and smooth.

Not realising that there is someone staring at him while being shrouded by the moonlight, Isaiah came out of the stream. After he put on his pants, a figure covered by a black cloak jumped down from a tree.

Isaiah became alert and immediately took his drager and stood in his fighting stance. That man's face was hidden under his cloak but Isaiah managed to see his blazing red eyes.

"Too beautiful..want to break you.. meet you soon" The man in the black cloak mumbled and walked away.

Baffled by the ridiculous words, Isaiah threw his dragger aiming at that man's neck but it was caught by the unknown man. He turned and removed his hood.

Isaiah was mesmerized by the man standing opposite to him under the soft glow of the moonlight he looked at the most handsome man he has ever seen with red hair and red eyes. He was so handsome to the point of it being unbelievable.

The red eyed man burnt the dragger to ashes in seconds and continued to walk away after smirking at Isaiah.

'Just how powerful is he to burn down my magic dragger? It's strength is 3/4 th of my strength altogether'

Isaiah gulped and immediately left the stream. He has always been the most powerful among the assassins he has known so far and even stronger than the common magic folks who are named for their strong magic strength yet this guy destroyed his powerful dragger in seconds..

'It's better to not get involved with him'