He escaped again!

●Kingdom of Ice●

"We don't know what it is exactly.."

Isaac unsheathed his sword and pointed the tip towards the kneeling man's neck.

The scared man blurted, "But the spies in the palace informed that the king will be leaving the palace and heading to the continent of the dead. Please forgive my insolence your majesty"

Immediately after the informant finished talking, a white snowflake with sharp edges penetrated into his heart.

"Clean this place. It reeks of blood" A deep voice resounded.

Two palace maids rushed in and started to clear the mess created by their king.


●Kingdom of Darkness●

Isaiah's blood was sucked till he nearly fainted. The tyrant played with his body as usual. He was at his limit so, he made an escape plan.

The raven haired man leaves in the morning and comes back by noon to annoy Isaiah till night.

He even fed water through his mouth. Just thinking about that made the pink haired boy's blood boil.

It was not like he didn't try explaining about his brother to him. When he did, Dexter just glanced at him and told the boy that he will arrange for his recovery and with a smile not quite reaching his eyes he said, "You must not leave here"

It was morning and Dexter ruffled Isaiah's hair and kissed him before going to the bath. The boy pretended to be asleep and continued to do so till the king left the room.

Isaiah scuffled away across the room and used the invisibility magic spell to not get caught by the guards.

He jumped from the palace walls and walked casually in the street. Isaiah saw a royal carriage and was envying it. He didn't regret not taking the treasures of the palace and only taking the gem.

He touched his pouch and realised that he forgot to take the gem from the box in the wardrobe. He facepalmed and ran back to the palace.

After grabbing the gem in a hurry, Isaiah tripped and accidentally  leaped from the window. When he thought he would have to escape with an injury, he was caught in someone's arms.

The boy slowly opened his tightly closed eyes and stared at the man holding him. He had red eyes and hair and looked strikingly similar to the dangerous man he saw by the lake.

It couldn't be, it's that creep!?

"I was looking for you but seems like I don't have to anymore. Beauty come with me"

Isaiah's face paled and struggled to get away but the man was too strong.

Flint used his magic to make Isaiah slump to unconsciousness. He carefully held the boy and left the palace.

"Tell Dex that I didn't reach the kingdom and have a important work to do and that I'm held back in my kingdom because of that"

"As you order, your majesty" The women clothed in a heavy armour replied.

Flint made the boy sit on his lap inside the carriage and gently patted his hair after kissing his swollen lips. It was evident that someone had laid their hands on his beauty. His eyes turned into a blood red shade and he used his nails to scratch Isaiah's lips.

He licked the blood which was trailing down the swollen pink lips.

So pretty..

Dexter has always relaxed his guard against Isaiah as it's  impossible for his bunny to escape with him by his side and deep down he trusted the promise Isaiah made to be his food. Dexter knew that clearly his Isaiah is precious, it's just his bunny is way too oblivious to realise his feelings.

Dexter never thought that his boy would escape. Was he not satisfied being by his side? What does he lack? A string of questions snapped his rationality.

The king sat on the bed. The warmth was still there. He opened the draw and saw that the gem was indeed missing as he speculated. He chuckled with furrowed eyebrows and dark gaze. A completely twisted sight.

I shouldn't have trusted my little theif. Next time I'll make sure to mark his body and lock him up! Even if he pleads, I won't let go!