Kingdom of Ice

Dexter glared at Flint. He was devasted when he noticed the marks all over his boy's body.

"Dexter?" Flint asked questioningly as he covered Isaiah with another shirt using his magic. He didn't want other men looking at his Isaiah naked, not even his best friend!

"What is the great noble king doing here? Why are you with what's mine?" Dexter said sarcastically as he released his powers.

"King?" Isaiah repeated. Flint didn't answer. This made the boy felt betrayed.

'Why did he not reveal his identity?'

Everyone in the Empire knew that their king had red hair and red eyes. He is very powerful as well so the boy felt dumb for not noticing sooner.

"Yours?" Flint wasn't an idiot. He noticed the angry gaze towards Isaiah that Dexter directed.

"You dare think he's yours! He is going to marry me!" Flint was filled with rage, his eyes turned into blood red which was an indication that he wants to kill.

Both of them were filled with blood thirst. Isaiah panicked and didn't know what to do. He was not able to stop them.

"I won't let you off without punishing you my bunny" Dexter told with a glint in his eyes.

"Isaiah get out of here" Flint said as he kissed the boy's eye.

Dexter fully released his powers and it hit Flint and he splurted  out blood. Flint created a fire ball and injured Dexter.

They kept frightening and their powers were well matched which made it difficult to determine who would win.

Isaiah didn't go away instead he was very nervous. After meeting these strong kings, he didn't even dare to take pride as a professional assassin.

They were way stronger than anyone could ever imagine. Isaiah ran deep into the forest. He didn't want to meddle with these kings. He just wanted to live a peaceful life with his younger brother and Aunt.

The boy tripped and didn't try to prevent himself from falling flat on the ground.

'At least I hope that this knock some sense into me'

But before he could fall, he was transported. It wasn't him who used the teleportation magic.

Isaiah blinked and saw that he was sitting in the center of a magic circle. To his right was a bunch of men covered in  black robes.

He lifted his head and saw a man with silverish-white hair and turquoise eyes sitting magnificently but for a moment his eyes were filled with emotions.

Isaac got up fom his throne and stepped down. He stood in feont of Isaiah who didn't know what was going on and stared with doubts.

"Isaiah.. is it really you? Or are you an illusion again?" Isaac gently touched his cheek and tightly locked him around his arms.

All these years he was searching for his Isaiah. There was a barrier put up in the kingdom of Blaze where Isaiah lived in.

The barrier can detect if someone has the power of Ice so, except the common people who don't possess the ice ability no one can enter the Kingdom.

Since the barrier was made by the king himself, it was not possible for him to break it as his powers were still weak at that time but now he is strong enough.

The barrier was the consequence that the old King had to face but it was an impact to the entire population in the Empire.

Recently, the barrier loosened after Isaac became the king. Flint didn't strengthen the barrier and let it be. It made Isaac to enter the kingdom with some effort but unfortunately he didn't find his love.

But in reality he found him but he wasn't able to identify Isaiah as he was in a disguise.

Isaac decided to directly summon his beloved through the summoning spell. It was a high level spell but he didn't care because Isaac was desperate.


"Don't say anything. You are my guest now. Can we go back to the old days where you didn't do anything to make you feel guilty?"

"But I-"

"If you are guilty and refuse me because of that, don't be. I forgave you"

Deep down those were the words Isaiah always wanted to hear but he concluded by himself that the day would never come.

Isaac kneeled and kissed the boy's soft lips. He took out a Crystal chain and put it over Isaiah's neck.

"At least keep it safe from now on" Isaac held the boy's hand and kissed his knuckles.