The banquet

Dexter fondled with the soft skin on Isaiah's palm. The boy lazily observed the people below, his eyes met an intense pair of eyes of Flint.

Isaiah flinched and moved closer to Dexter. He looked at Flint dubiously.

The man's eyes were of a colour which scared him and was unlike his usually gentle and mild red eyes which Isaiah liked a lot.

Flint's lips moved, an inaudible sentence left his lips.

"Come here"

Isaiah shifted uncomfortably.

Dexter knew what Flint was after. He wanted to take away his Isaiah from him. He placed his hand on the boy's waist and glared at Flint.

Moments later, a man announced the arrival of the King.

Dexter stepped down the huge stairs. The aura of a powerful king shrouded him.

Next to him, a boy with an otherworldly appearence descended the stairs with elegance.

Many royals and nobles gasped at the boy's beauty.

Thick eyelashes fluttered like butterflies flapping their wings, his skin was white and smooth.

The banquet began shortly after and the palace was bustling with people of high status like the nobles.

Isaiah drank a cup of fruit wine. A thin line of lavender liquid was seen flowing from his moist lips.

Dexter licked the liquid right from the boy's pouty lips and all the way down to his chin.

Isaiah lightly pushed Dexter away. All the people who witnessed the erotic scene were speechless. Flint's nails dug into his palm causing a generous amount of blood flowing from his clenched fists. 

After the banquet, Dexter announced the news of making Isaiah his Empress. The guests were all shocked but they didn't dare to say anything against the powerful king's desicion.

Even if the king didn't get married, it doesn't matter for the demons as long as he is the strongest in the Empire and Dexter has been the king for centuries so they knew that he is invincible.

They all chose to assent.

"I have to discuss something with the people there" Dexter pointed to a group of people wearing an uniform.

He then continued, "They are from the council and want to know more details about my announcement"

"If they oppose the idea of us marrying, would we not?" A pleasant uncontrolled smile arose on Isaiah's face.

"I love it when you smile and when you are happy but I hate the fact that you are doing it now" Dexter's hold on the boy tightened.

"Go back to our room"

"It's not ours, it's yours. I'll go" Isaiah looked annoyed as he walked away.

"No. I will leave you there" Dexter couldn't get himself to believe that the boy will be obedient.

"I am still inside the palace and it's not like I can leave here with all these strict security around me" Isaiah knew that there were shadow guards to look after him from the dark always.

Dexter wanted to retort but was stopped by the call of the council members who seemed to be in a hurry and demanded his presence.