Dexter ran his fingers through Isaiah's silky pink hair. He tucked the long fringes behind the boy's ears.
Thick black fog was covering Dexter and Isaiah. Making it unable for others who stands outside the fog coverage see who is inside.
His baby was beautiful as always. Dexter just sadly sighed because he can't hear Isaiah's clear and soft voice anymore.
But still he was very glad that finally his baby is very obedient to the point of not moving until Dexter helps him in doing that.
Dexter nuzzled into Isaiah's hair. His demon horns showing up on the process due to pleasure.
Isaiah was like a statue after he stopped breathing. Dexter thought he would definitely miss the boy's cute snores too.
The king was extremely pleased. In his always cold stone like face, there was a happy smile unlike usual times.
Dexter preserved Isaiah's skin to look fresh as usual with an ancient spell. Knowing about forbidden spells wasn't astonishing when it comes to Dexter because he had lived longer than any fellow immortal.
Isaiah looked as if he was just sleeping. He looked like any other normal human being, if the fact that he doesn't breathe or move is excluded.
A white light shone through the gaps between Isaiah's fingers. It was a striking contrast in the dark room.
Dexter's iris which was in the colour of red turned black as the white part of his eyes turned yellow.
He squinted and took the shining turquoise coloured crystal chain from the boy's strong grasp.
The crystal's shine flickered and slowly dimmed down but yet the shine was brighter than any other crystals if compared.
When Dexter recalled on how this crystal chain of unknown origin was in Isaiah's hand, he remembered moments back when the boy fell on the floor when he tried to strangle Isaiah to death.
Isaiah was dragging his body covered with blood on the carpet.
Blood trailed his path.
Dexter chuckled in amusement and pure bliss while looking at the struggling sight of his baby.
With a very tight grip on Isaiah's right ankle, Dexter yanked the boy to him making the crawling boy scream in pain.
His baby had lost all his strength to resist when Dexter feverishly kissed the boy.
Isaiah was covered in blood which Dexter licked cleanly and rap*d the boy again and again, Isaiah thought that death was a better option.
Dexter cleaned Isaiah and soaked in the huge bath with him while gently caressing Isaiah.
Isaiah's only worry was about his brother. Would Killer harm Claude? He wouldn't right..
Isaiah dazedly stared at the ceiling thinking about Claude, Isaac and Flint.
Isaac is very mad at him for sure. Flint is probably coming up with plans to help Isaiah escape from here.
A dry chuckle left his bloody lips. He just wants them all to live well and contented.
Dexter locked gazes with the boy.
He didn't like the fact that Isaiah was sumberged in other thoughts while he was in front of Dexter.
With fully crimson irises and scleras, the king throttled the boy on the bed after drying him.
"At last, you are all mine and ONLY MINE"