I want to go back to my hometown!

Sun rays shimmered through the gap of the windows and gently fell on Isaiah's sleeping face which made Isaiah's usually cold face look more peaceful and relaxed.

Cree was captivated by this very view. He walked past the open door on his tip-toes and stood near the bed where Isaiah was sleeping in.

He slowly brushed Isaiah's hair which slightly covered his face.

Isaiah's eyelashes trembled before opening his eyes. His sight were blurry as he bewilderedly stared at Cree.

Cree smiled and said, "Breakfast is ready!"

Isaiah lazily sat on the bed and murdered,"I'll be down in a while"

Before Isaiah could ponder upon Cree's sly expression, Cree ruffled Isaiah's messy hair and ran. When he reached the door he halted, winked at the dumbfounded Isaiah and continued to run.

Isaiah heard a loud thud when Cree skipped few raisers and tripped on the nosing.

Isaiah's lips curved when Cree yelled 'oww' in pain after falling down the stairs and brushed his messy pink hair with an annoyed frown.


After finishing his daily morning routine, Isaiah descended the stairs and reached the dining table to eat.

Cree's sister didn't want to be in the same space as a witch, so she hmph-ed and left the house.

"I'm sorry for causing inconvenience to your family" Isaiah earnestly apologised to the old lady who was serving him food.

"It's fine. I'm happy to help you. How could I leave a weak girl like you all alone while she is confused and lost?" The old lady gently smiled but was startled by the loud and lively laugh from her grandson.

Cree continued to laugh as he said, "A girl-? She thought.. haha...that you were a girl all along-"

The old grandma realised that the 'girl' beside her was actually a boy upon a closer look and awkwardly smiled and  managed to say 'this old lady's eyes are already too old to see clearly' with a tone of embarrassment.

Isaiah nodded with a red flush on his face while Cree heartily laughed. This kind of cute Isaiah, made Cree's heart thump.

Few days passed, Isaiah's injury almost completely healed. So, Isaiah decided to head back to his hometown to meet his Aunt and brother who he extremely missed.

Isaiah went to the yard of Cree's home after telling his farewell to the Cree's grandma and sister.

Cree's sister was rather happy when she heard that Isaiah will be heading back to his hometown so she excitedly stood near the entrance of her home as she saw Isaiah walking away, confirming that the witch is not planning any dirty tricks before leaving.

Cree and his family lived in a small home. It was very warm and comforting when Isaiah stayed there. He liked this place very much.

Just when Isaiah walked a couple of steps away from Cree's home, the young and lively boy rushed to Isaiah and accidentally stumbled causing him to fall on top of Isaiah who was deeply immersed in his own thoughts.

Cree panicked and said, "Are you hurt Isandro? I'm sorry"

(A/N : Isaiah introduced himself as 'Isandro' to Cree)

"Could you move your face away first" Isaiah coldly said.

Cree closely observed the aloof expression on Isaiah and his red lips slightly parting with every word he said.

The younger boy gulped and his heart beat increased. He feared that Isaiah might notice the weird changes with him, thus, he reluctantly got up.

"Did you want to say something? Why the hurry?" Isaiah asked as he wiped the dust away from his long black robe.

"I can show you the way to your hometown.. only if you agree that is and can you allow me to tag along or something.." Cree blinked his eyelashes and used his charm to the maximum.

Isaiah nodded and resumed walking.

Like a magical spell which alleviated his uneasiness, Cree smiled and with a couple of long strides, he walked side by side with Isaiah.