let's start training

He took them to meet naxy when naxy saw Bran somehow she feel happy

naxy was also same age as bran in his childhood she was not allowed to go outside because that time their family was facing problems, they opposed some really dangerous people so they feared that she will get in problem so they keep her in safe place and tried to make thier family strong, at that time she have no friends and nothing to do so she made book her friend and from childhood she study all types of book and that's was the reason why she became godess of knowledge.

later their family also became strong and well known, so many people wanted to win her heart initially that afterward they take power of their family, this make her to hate man the most and there was also a dark history of her with boys, so after that she started training to become strong, she never know what is love or what is care. she always was alone because her mother father always away for work

but in her life time she doesn't know that she will fell something like this toward a boy

"meet aunty sara which you talked on phone and she is stazy my sister" Bran said

"ohh...hii aunty i am naxy" she said politely

bran got stunned by sudden change in her behaviour 'wow this girl is good in acting' bran mermered

unfortunately naxy was also didn't know why her behaviour changed because she never used this tone to anyone except her family

stazy was very happy she started asking many think and sara aunt also but after sometime his aunt came toward himself said late her talk up to heart extent

"so, how many days you will study..." sara said

"aunty you forget i have to study magic with you" he intrupted and said

"aaa ..m..there is a problem i lost my job yesterday and now i have to find new job and my both children not getting good missions that's why it also necessary so i am quite busy so...." sara said in apologizing manner and get interrupted

"I can help you to learn magic" naxy said she was hearing all things she thought that his aunt will say something about her so she was all ears from start

bran replied instantly while smiling "no its not necessary i already disturbed you, I don't want to disturb you more"

just like bran she also replies in instant "no worries i am free now a day and i saw you are talented so its my pleasure to teach you"

" it will be very honour to be taught by you but..." bran said and got intrupted by sara

"it will be good if miss naxy will teach you she is very good at fights" sara said

"but aunty...." bran said

"but i also need something in return" naxy said again "i will teach and make you powerful as me but i need something from you"

At this time bran feels like he got struk by lightning and mermered "i will not give you my life"

At this time all eyes were staring at naxy and bran said " what..?"

"As you know that you are talented so, i want to know everything about you" naxy said

At this time sara eye narrowed "what you want to know" she asked

By seeing sudden change in aura of his aunt she get shocked " Don't think wrong you know as knowledge seeker i always get attracted to new things that's why i want to know nothing else"

After a moment sara said "can i talk to bran alone please"

"ya why not" naxy got worried that what she have done, she thought that she will not let this opportunity go but she done all wrong, inside she was very angry toward her reaction

At side of room sara whispered " your father is very mysterious person, actually I don't know enough about him, oneday he came here for some reason that time my life was miserable in front of my eye some people killed my husband and tried to kill me but your father came and rescued me and my children he was very powerful and that time had not anything so he gave me that house and thought me some magic for self defence

but some week earlier i got phone call that he need my help to receive you and teach you some self-defense i want to say that i think he was in some trouble that's why he was not able to receive you because he always get happy when he talk about you, i think if you say about your father then i think you will used against him

And i also know that you can't get better teacher than her in this planet or surrounding planets so if you want to give her information then first think about it, that you can trust her or not, take every step thoughtfully

bran pondered for sometime then saw toward naxy then said "actually I don't know that i can give information about me to you or not but there is something that i can offer you..... i have to find a person, if you help me to find that man and if he said yes than i can help you"

'what he think of himself this contract is totally favor him, how can he even think of this' naxy thought but didn't replied recently after some consideration that if in middle she can gain his trust than she can know his secret so she said "okk, but you have to obey me.., you to accept what i will say"

Bran thought that she give him tough training so he said yes because that what's he need

" okk then"

After that we all talked and naxy treated us with some tasty meals then she said to aunty that she will take him to her special training ground for training he will not come home at least one or two month and rest assured i will take care of him

After that in aunt and stazy went to home after that suddenly naxy aura changed