Chapter 25

Keiko in a little understanding manner said, "Well it is understandable, it's not necessary everything will go well till the end."

Anjali and Sophie also nodded though it was a sensitive topic being women themselves they all had a certain understanding, their peaceful conversation was suddenly interrupted by Amit, "All Indian women are same they are forcefully married to people they don't love and live in misery. Sukhwinderji you don't have to hold yourselves all Indian men are like a beast"

Sukhwinder, "I think you got a wrong idea, what I meant to say."

Amit tune became more sympathetic, "I know I know you can't curse your husband like that, you still must be scared of him. They only know how to exploit their wives."

Sukhwinder was trying to control her anger, "Mr. Amit, first of all, you don't know my husband personally, and he never disrespected me in my entire marriage. We had some problems but it doesn't make him a bad person. "

Amit in more pitiful tune said something he shouldn't have, and it was censored by the t.v channel and then he tried to put his hand on Sukhwinder's shoulder and her reflex action made Amit taste grass of the garden if your thinking it was the end of the show your mistaken she stood up took him by the collar and slapped him on his face so hard that her fingerprints were clearly visible on his face, Sukhwinder was pulled by Anjali to stop the fight.

Sukhwinder in very loud and aggressively said, "I hate most people thinking me Damsel in distress, or making their own judgment without even knowing me and my situation, and the last thing I don't want anybody's sympathy."Then she lifts the scene.

Meanwhile at the same time Conrad, Diljit and August were watching the scene from distance in the veranda. Conrad pointed out, "Dude you must be feeling terrible, she is pressing her ex-husband."

Diljit pulled August sleeves, "Mr. Kent, sister Sukhi needs your help, I feel that man's intentions are not good.

Conrad, "Yeah you should look after your woman."

August made the Catholic hand gesture of cross and said, "Raab (Punjabi word for God) take care of Amit."

Conrad and Diljit became confused seeing his gesture and sentence when they suddenly heard a thud to turn their attention towards the garden now making them clear of the situation.

August was thinking himself, ' I need a body double but my wife .. If my wife had tired harder in Hollywood she would have been next Michelle Yeoh'

Seeing she is going inside, August followed her without saying anything. The scene ended showing August gently applying ointment on Sukhwinder's hand.

Erin, "Brother I am becoming a fan of your mom day by day."

Balin nodded he never has seen his mother so mad before.