Xuanyuan Wenhao

Once upon a time, there existed an Empire that spanned over 10 thousand miles, it was known as the Grand Xuan Empire.

This Empire's Emperor had 3 sons and 7 daughters. The eldest son was named Wenhao.

Xuanyuan Wenhao was a genius at cultivation and he had great talent at writing poems, governing the empire, and strategizing. He was the most handsome man in the entire empire, all noble ladies fought over to get his attention. He was a blessed son of heaven acknowledged by all. He thus became the crown prince at age 15.

At age 16 he married Cai Lingxin, the greatest beauty of the empire; They were a blessed couple in heaven. The whole empire celebrated for 7 days and 7 nights. He was at the peak of his life.

On a dark day, The Emperor fell ill to an unknown disease and he passed away when Wenhao was 19. From then on Wenhao's life turned for the worst...

Walked a very handsome young man, dressed in royal robes of gold and purple, on the stone pathways of a great palace. Many people followed behind him respectfully, the closest a great beauty that put the sun and moon to shame.

He had a serene smile as he looked at the beautiful woman beside him, his face looked blessed and happy. His dark eyes stared deeply at the beauty and he stopped walking, he extended his hand and gently moved few strands of black hair away from the woman's face and put them behind her ear gently and affectionately; His hands barely touching her skin.

The woman's eyes sparkled as she stepped closer and closed the distance between the two, her intoxicating scent entered his nose, he greedily took her scent in as he put his hand around her and embraced her with one hand, and began walking again.

"Xin'er how is life in the palace? The empress didn't bully you did she?"

The woman named Xin shook her head gently and said, "No, my husband. She is very kind and gentle. I am grateful you care for me."

The man nodded and affectionately kissed her forehead, he let go of her and increased his pace. "Let's go to my quarters..." The woman only nodded obediently.

The ones who followed them from behind ignored everything and just calmly walked behind the couple, awaiting orders.

Just as they entered the great quarters of the prince, Dozens of soldiers surrounded them; A few riding on flying mounts and several were levitating in the air, shining weapons in their hands were pointed towards the couple or more precisely the prince.

The greatest of the soldiers approached the prince with a hard stare, "You have committed a great offense punishable by DEATH! Surrender for the investigation to begin or Die!"

The prince was surprised and frowned, "What is going on?"

The leader answered with killing intent, "The Emperor died hours ago and we discovered it was due to poison, the Empress provided us with evidence that it was you, traitor! How could you kill your own father?! Crown Prince or not, we will get justice for the Emperor. The Great Elder has acknowledged you as guilty!"

The expression of the young Prince changed greatly, his tone furious, "You dare slander me, the crown prince?!"

The leader of the soldiers smirked and commanded, "He is a Demon who killed his father, Seize him!"

The crown prince looked on coldly as a powerful aura emanated from him, scaring the grunts to stay back.

He brandished a sword out of nowhere and pointed it at the guards, "I am your emperor by law and right, you shall obey me! I will investigate this scheme and avenge my father; You..." His speech stopped mid-way as a black shadow knocked him out. He collapsed on the cold ground unconscious.

The guards immediately apprehended the prince and left, all this time the woman and the ones who followed behind looked on calmly. There was a hint of a mocking smile behind the woman's eyes.

The next time he came to consciousness, the crown prince named Xunayuan Wenhao, or Wenhao for short, found himself in a dark cell. He looked around and realized his hard-earned cultivation was destroyed. He felt grief...

He thought about the recent events and realized a great scheme had deceived the Great Elder and he was framed for the death of his father.

He went into shock and didn't realize the passing of time, his only thought was to worry for his wife and his only sliver of hope was that the three generals, royal elders, or the great elder of the Empire learning of the truth and saving him. In his daze, he didn't notice a guard harshly kicking him in the stomach, he coughed and winced in pain but made no other sound.

The guard indifferently took hold of the chains that held his hands and dragged him out of the cell. They arrived on a grand stage where all the officials, generals, and royals stood with cold eyes. The great elder, that was the previous emperor before his father which made him Wenhao's grandfather was missing.

The moment he saw the cold eyes of the three generals and royal elders, he realized that all hope was lost, a dark and crazy gleam appeared in his eyes as he looked at the Empress.

'It must have been her, From the 1st day I knew something was wrong with her...' he thought with hatred.

He was dragged to the middle of the stage and silently awaited his trail and as he noticed, the empress stood on the seat of the judge...

The Empress wore a majestic dress of Red and gold with designs of a phoenix, a crown on her head made of red crystals, she looked overbearing and beautiful and slightly sinister due to her wine-red eyes. To her right stood her children, these were hers by blood, unlike Wenhao who had a different mother and was not related to the Empress by blood. All the princes and princesses had red eyes and dark hair signifying their relation by blood.

As he looked at them all, he realized that he was always a stranger in the palace. The only reason he hadn't noticed was his father and his duties that kept him busy but he saw clearly, no one was on his side. The Empress had the entire Empire in the palm of her hand and with the Death of the Emperor, it was official.

'I was a fool... Too careless... Where is Grandfather?' he wondered.

An old official with a long beard stepped up and opened a scroll, "Hereby begins the trial of the previous Crown prince! He has committed adultery, disrespecting the gods and immortals; he has committed murder, disrespecting the laws of Heaven; he has poisoned and killed his own father, disrespecting humanity and his ancestors. All these have been accepted by the judge and the Empire due to witnesses and evidence gathered after investigation. As per the power granted to me by the Empress, I hereby name him guilty. His punishment shall be decided by the Judge, the Empress."

The official said and stepped down to his place. Wenhao looked at everything coldly, it was just a trial to make it official and get rid of him. 'As Father once said, Once you play the game of royals, you either win or die... I am done for.'

The Empress stepped on the stage and approached him, he looked at her with extremely coldness in his eyes, deep within them was darkness and crazed killing intent.

"You bit*h, my father married you into our royal house and this is how you repay us? You are were a mere servant girl of the heavenly moon sect while my father was an inner disciple, you are a piece of mud staining this royal house, traitorous bit*h..." he said as he couldn't control his rage.

The Empress coldly glanced at him, "I don't like the look in your eyes."

She suddenly used a dagger and swiped it on his face several times in barely a second, she cut his eyes and dozens of cuts appeared on his face destroying his looks. Despite all that, Wenhao didn't let out a sound.

The Empress smiled sadistically, "If you are not going to utter a sound, then it's best if you lose the ability to... That way you can stay silent forever."

She used her finger and used a technique and pierced a certain part of his throat, Wenhao realized he couldn't utter a sound anymore.

"That's better, now, I shall punish this wicked animal. I shall spare his dog life due to his royal blood, He shall be banished to the farthest city of Empire, Dark demon city." She said and then she whispered near his ear, "Enjoy your short mortal life as an ugly disabled man, This must be worse than death for you; I never liked your father and only married him to get this Empire for myself, blame your father for he shouldn't have made you the crown prince. I have bought everyone's loyalty and killed or fooled those I couldn't when you were still a child. The last surprise will await you before you are banished..."

"Guards, take him away." She said heartlessly and turned around walking away. He was taken back to his cell, his world was engulfed in darkness.

He heard a familiar voice not long after, "Wenhao!" He was surprised and slight panic engulfed him.

The girl entered the cell and said calmly, "I am fine if that's what you are wondering..."

He sighed in relief but worry soon returned to him. He felt her gentle touch on his stomach that went down, he became confused.

"I am sorry to say this but I never loved you, I was simply an assassin specifically trained by the empress to spy on you and kill you if she commanded. She has already killed all people loyal to you, there is no hope for you. Since you took away my purity, I will take away this as the price!"

She firmly grasped his lower parts and suddenly cut them off. He felt his heart get torn to shreds, he struggled but the chains were too strong to be broken by him.

She suddenly cut his ears off while saying calmly, "I had this habit from childhood to collect the ears of my victims, don't worry, yours I will treasure."

She sighed and said with pity, "It was fun playing with you and since she wants you alive I will close the wound."

She said as she pressed a piece of red-hot iron on his wounds; The pain was unbearable but he couldn't scream so he only took deep breathes.

A while later and she was finished. She began walking out but before leaving the cell she said one last thing, "I actually like your half-brother Wentian, The Empress promised me that I would marry him after all this. He is far better than you in bed..."

She left. His world had overturned in a single night, he felt as if it was a nightmare but the pain reminded him of reality.

Wenhao lost everything, his status, his body, his heart, and his future. He realized his fate was worse than death, an extremely dark and sinister aura filled his heart.

'In a day, I have fallen from the heavens to hell, I realize now that only personal power matters, authority, and power that is given is fleeting. If I had invincible cultivation, none would have been able to do this to me; I am to be blamed for I lived with the illusion that I mattered and cared for people and not much for myself. If I get another chance, I shall become a Devil and devour the heavens so that only I be invincible...'

The sky darkened slightly but no one noticed a thing but a handsome man in a simple white robe who looked on indifferently from above the clouds and left soon after.

He was banished to the city and he starved to death on the dirtiest streets of Dark Demon city, a city infested with criminals and Evil cultivators.

The memories of Xuanyuan Wenhao made the now Transmigrated man from earth gasp as he held his head. Most of the memories became cloudy and he lost them in his head, he had to actively try and remember them. The most vivid parts were the last parts before his death.

"Wenhao, what a miserable ending you had... I will avenge you if I get the chance," he murmured.

Ling Tian shook his head and began carefully inspecting his body, he sighed in relief when he found no scars and such. His body was in perfect condition as if all the memories were a bad dream. His little brother down there was fine and vigorous.

"It must have been the system! Right, I need it right now to grow stronger fast. This face has too many enemies..."

Because the memories carried no feeling, he didn't feel what Wenhao felt; Only information which triggered feelings of pity and anger in his heart but they were his own.

After making sure that everything was fine, he sat down and opened his system screen. 'I can't waste time...'

"Now, let's see..."


Dear readers; The circumstances regarding Xuanyuan Wenhao are meant to be confusing and not make sense due to the fact that we are looking at them through the foggy and incomplete memories the main character has gotten from the body. The full circumstances and whys and hows will be explained fully when we reach the part of the plot it relates to. (What you read regarding the death of Wenhao are what Ling Tian sees and no more, thus it's hard to make sense and many things seem confusing. It's because the details that clarify are missing from the memories for now.)