29. Congratulations

Waking up from my sleep the next morning I felt refreshed and got ready. I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Going down I saw everyone already up except Shirogana-san sitting on the table while Narumi-san was bringing in the food one by one from the kitchen with Meiko.

As I made my way towards the dining table Narumi-san saw me coming and, "Oh Rei you are here good. I was just thinking of sending Sora up to wake you up."

I nodded and asked, "Is Oji-san not here Oba-san."

She replied, " He is still sleeping, Rei. Do you want to talk to him about anything?"

I nodded and said, "I just wanted to congratulate him on winning Oba-san."

She then just nodded and sat done along with us. We all ate in silence and after eating I made my way up to change my clothes and wear shoes as I needed to go for the jog. I already thought of it and my body is very weak so jogging would help. As I was making my way down the stairs I saw the siblings standing by the door wearing shoes.

Confused, I asked them, "Are you both going anywhere?"

Both just turned around smiling and Meiko said, "Yes we are coming with you to do some jogging and get some workout done."

Sora just said, " Yes, a workout is good for the body."

I just nodded as there was no problem and made my way out of the house with both of them following behind me. We three started the jog towards the park. But I then felt that something was weird and turned towards the siblings and asked, "Why are you both jogging so slow. You both can go ahead. I will catch up to you both in the park there is no need to hold back because of me." and continued to jog.

They both stopped and I turned back, stop seeing them. Meiko asked, "Are you sure Rei. We don't have any problems." and Sora nodded by the side.

I nodded and assured them, "It's ok Meiko and Sora. I know the route so I can meet you both in the park. You both can go ahead."

They both nodded and Meiko turned towards her brother and said, "Ok then we will keep a race Sora lets see who will reach the park first between us both."

Sora nodded and said. "The loser has to give the winner their snacks for a whole week."

Meiko nodded for the conditions and said, "Ok then DEAL. READY SET GO." and both of them started to run towards the park.

As I saw both of them run towards the park I just sighed and shook my head thinking just how much do both siblings like to bet against each other. I then shook all the thought away and also started to jog in my own pace towards the park. I observed my surroundings as I slowly jogged enjoying the atmosphere in peace. After a while, I reached the park drenched in sweat only to see both of them already there near a bench relaxing.

As I made my way towards them I then saw that Meiko was standing up laughing while Sora looking all gloomy by the side sitting. I slowly jogged to them and said to them, "Congrats Meiko it seems you won."

She then nodded and said with pride, "I sure did and now the whole week of snacks of his are mine." pointing at Sora.

Sora just stood up, "As now you are here Rei, let's start with the exercise." and started to do the exercise as if nothing happened. Seeing him I and Meiko couldn't help but giggle and join in. We three completed the exercises after some time and then started to jog back towards home. This time they both jogged slowly probably because they used most of their stamina in the earlier run.

As we reached home we opened the door and heard both Shirogana-san and Narumi-san talking about something. We made our way towards the hall and saw Shirogana-san. Both the Siblings ran towards him and said, "Congratulations on the win Otou-san."

He just pulled them into a hug and said, "Thanks kids." He then stared at me seeing me nearby standing. Seeing him stare at me, I built up the courage and said, "Congrats on the win Oji-san," He then just smiled and also pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that till we heard a click and we turned our head to see Narumi-san taking a picture.

She said, "It was a nice picture with you four. Now you three go upstairs and do a bath. You guys are full of sweat." with a glare.

We felt a shiver run down on our spine and we just nodded our heads and made our way. I entered my room and directly went inside the bathroom and took a long bath and came out. Wearing fresh clothes I made my way down to see the siblings already there talking with Shirogana-san. We then spent the rest of the day talking and seeing the televsion. At night Narumi-san cooked a feast to celebrate the win and the food was really good. I then went to my room and slept for the night.