The thing is, everyone knows that the Hokage is stepping down. Jiraiya has been the interim Hokage for quite a while now, and Hiruzen has made no attempt to hide the fact that he's retiring. It's not a surprise; he'd already pushed well past the term he initially wanted. Minato's death had been an unforeseen misfortune that ended with him back in the seat he thought he'd finally been freed from. Therefore, him announcing that he was stepping down was acceptable — in that it was expected. What the public did not know was who would be the Godaime Hokage. Itachi's promotion was not public knowledge, the Council decided it best not to put a target on the boy's head before he came of age and took the seat. There was speculation, of course, and even some who thought that Jiraiya would eventually just take the seat.
Itachi being the future Hokage was need-to-know. Which, of course, meant that basically every Uchiha, Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi and Hatake knew about it. (Toshiro and Naruto as well, obviously.) Other shinobi likely had some idea, but the civilians were clueless.
Toshiro felt kinda bad for the kid, despite being incredibly proud. Even if Itachi was younger by five years, they were still friends. The Uchiha was far too...worldly to be considered a younger brother. Besides, the title of older brother fit Itachi far too well.
So, friends it was.
Toshiro flicks a thumb over a cherry red earring, a faint smile on his lips. It's been a few years now and he still wears them religiously. The memory of the day he first got them is still fresh in his mind. That little thirteen year old has grown up so much already. In around two months he'd be sixteen — Hokage.
Just last week, the new Academy year had started. Chiasa is now in her final year — it's a bit scary to think that around this time next year she'll be a genin (because he has no doubt that she'll pass) and off doing missions.
Itachi will be the one to make team placements, too.
Maybe Toshiro will ask what kind of — no, maybe he shouldn't. It wouldn't do to overstep his boundaries. Not with this subject. They're friends, but team placements are Hokage business, meaning it's information that Toshiro isn't privy to.
Privately, Toshiro just...wonders. What kind of future Itachi wants to bring to fruition. Creating teams is a heavier burden than one might think. Children are placed together for a reason, even if it doesn't look like it. There's no randomness about it. When he'd been placed on his own team — so, so long ago, he barely remembers them now, had only had them for three weeks — they were chosen for trapping and support.
From the quiet, infrequent stories about Kakashi's teammates, his team — Team Seven — was selected for frontline sabotage.
It put a lot of pressure on Itachi to find the best placement for students that would create both cohesive teams and high success rates. The goal is, after all, to cut down on loss of children. Twelve is, in Konoha's eyes, a perfectly fine age to be a genin. Which Toshiro can't even fault them for because the previous graduation age had been eight. There is only so much Toshiro can get away with saying before he becomes obnoxious, even if his ideals are logical to his mind.
This world is different. That means it can't all go Toshiro's way. There has to be a compromise between the ideals of the shinobi world and the ideals Toshiro holds. Frankly, the fact that he's gotten this far and has people who will support him is amazing all on it's own.
"How's the prosthetic working for you?" Toshiro inquires, sitting peacefully in seiza at the low table in the Uchiha's living room.
Fugaku sits with his legs crossed, unable to hold seiza with his leg the way it is but looking no less regal. "Quite well, Sensei."
The edge of his lip curls into a partial smile, "Better than the last one, huh." He's gotten pretty fluent at Uchiha Speak. It felt like they spoke an entirely different language based on miniscule expressions and subtle undertones.
Fugaku sends him a faintly amused glance. "It works."
He's here because Uchiha Mikoto wants to get to know Naruto. If there was one woman that could scare him into submission the way only a mother could, it would be her. Not that she wanted to scare him, or had even tried. No, she put all that anger into a pretty smile and calm facade — then very bluntly told him that the Sandaime could suck an egg.
Ok, she hadn't quite said that. But the message was basically the same. The Uchiha were especially told to stay away from Naruto after his birth, only out of fear for what the sharingan could do with the kyuubi. There had been a lot of speculation that a sharingan user had been the one to set the kyuubi loose in the first place — but no evidence.
And even if people didn't know that Naruto was the son of the previous Jinchuuriki, Toshiro did.
Mikoto did.
Mikoto who was apparently close friends with Uzumaki Kushina, enough to adore Naruto without ever being able to meet him due to the village's prejudice and the Sandaime's law.
Close enough to take an immediate liking to Asuhi and have a hand in her education, out of duty to the Uzumaki Clan — or perhaps just a duty born of love. Mikoto didn't talk about it. She only spoke of Kushina fondly, with a faint smile and nostalgic eyes. (She was a shinobi, and shinobi died. Kushina died.)
She didn't talk about it.
But Toshiro knew.
Because he thinks about Shisui or Hoshika dying and it makes something in his gut shrivel and sour, until he thinks he might vomit. So he doesn't care if it's treasonous, and neither does she. He brings Naruto with him.
They're in another room now, unable to be heard. Neither Toshiro or Fugaku are interested in eavesdropping. It's not their place. They talk about progress, about Itachi. About Sasuke.
"Heard he's having a bit of trouble."
Fugaku sighs, chin tilting down just so, enough to give the impression that he's shaking his head even though he isn't. "He's doing well, as expected." Dark eyes flicker to him, "Competing for top student with your two boys."
Toshiro nods. "Gin and Sai don't pull punches." Kojika is in the same class, but like Toshiro, her talents are more of the mind than the body. She prefers gardening and medicine to taijutsu, and has no interest in the rivalry the boys have started. (Even if Sai doesn't realize he's competing at all, the poor, socially awkward child.)
The Uchiha grunts, "Hn. It's good for him."
"What's the problem, then?"
Fugaku reaches for the kettle before them, swiftly refilling his near-empty cup with practiced movements. The scent of spicy chai is reintroduced to the air. "I wouldn't say it's a...problem, in the traditional sense." The man almost looks awkward, his mouth set in a grumpy frown. "Ino-kun is adept at handling the worst of it. As brazen as she is, her presence is a good influence on Sasuke…."
There could be a few possible issues here. Damn Uchiha, he thinks fondly, getting anything out of them is like pulling teeth.
"He has admirers, doesn't he?"
Fugaku purses his lips. "They're quite tenacious, I'm told." There's a slight narrowing to his gaze that tells Toshiro the man thinks it's actually funny.
Well, it kind of is.
"Normally, I wouldn't care for this type of issue. Sasuke can handle himself, especially with the children he surrounds himself with." The Uchiha pauses to take a sip of his tea. "Unfortunately, he's constantly complaining about a single girl who is...part of their little group. To the point where it's starting to get on my nerves. Enough that I feel as though I should speak to her parents."
Immediately, Toshiro has an idea of who Fugaku — and therefore, Sasuke — is talking about. "Haruno Sakura-chan, yes?"
Fugaku looks mildly relieved. "Yes. It's not of….It wasn't the Uchiha way to form relationships with civilians, or civilian born shinobi. This incident between Haruno-kun and Sasuke has only...exacerbated my understanding of the differences between clan shinobi and civilian shinobi."
"Can you explain the situation to me?" While Sakura's crush was obvious, and probably annoying to a soon-to-be eleven year old, it seems like there's a little more to this issue than just that. Fugaku would never bring it up if it was just Sasuke complaining about a girl having a crush on him.
"According to Sasuke, they've been having trouble breaking Haruno-kun away from the civilian mindset. She's unable to keep up with their training, both physically and emotionally, and doesn't seem inclined to stop her so called dieting habits. Nor, according to Ino-kun, does she purchase clothing from the correct shinobi shops."
Wow. Fugaku has come a long way from the stoic, angry man he was a few years ago. It's amazing — he's basically a full-on family man now. Listening to his youngest complain and actually worrying about it. It's sweet.
"...Not to come across as rude, but this doesn't seem like the kind of thing you'd usually worry about." Toshiro finally says, "Though I do understand the worry. Did something in particular strike you as odd about the situation?"
Fugaku doesn't exactly shuffle, but he somehow gives off the vibe of shifting, dark eyes darting to the side in heavy contemplation. "The world is far different from what it was before. There is strength in having an ally beside you. If forging connections is what it takes to push us to a future of equality, then so be it. The younger Uchiha children are different from the older, more rigid generation. They are the beacons of hope for a Konoha where we will be accepted as we are. Before the alliances were forged, I thought the children of our clan would end up just the same as their elders. When Sasuke came to me about this, I realized just how far we've come." The man finally focuses on Toshiro, meeting his eyes without hesitation. There is something settled in the expression on the Clan Head's face. "Before, Sasuke would have never acknowledged someone like Haruno-kun. Be it her personality, habits or skill level, she would have bothered him to no end. Now, he feels no anger because of that — not entirely. No, he apparently feels anger because he knows she can be better, and doesn't know why she doesn't realize it."
The concept seems to bewilder Fugaku, yet also intrigue him. Seeing growth and change unfurl before your very eyes must be a feat both amazing and daunting. Toshiro hides a smile behind his tea cup.
Out of all his kids, there is definitely one that Toshiro never thought he'd have to worry about when it came to getting in trouble with superiors. Which is why he almost doesn't believe it when he is pulled aside after showing up at the Academy — just to be told that Chiasa got into a fight.
With a Hyuuga.
Apparently it happened just moments before he showed up. Mizuki-sensei has a tense smile on his face, and Sasuke is looking at Chiasa like she hangs the moon. The other kids are off to the side, not privy to the conversation but looking just as eager.
"I'm sorry, nii-san." Is what she says, bowing lowly.
Toshiro pats her head, "No need for bowing, Chiasa, really. I'm not mad. Just...curious. I didn't expect you of all the Hatake to get into a fight."
At this point even Sai was more likely, with the odd, goading attitude he was picking up from hanging around Ino.
"There was a skirmish between her and Hyuuga Atsuzumi." Mizuki-sensei explains, his smile a little tense. As to be expected, he's dealing with a potential fall out between two clans, after all.
Toshiro purses his lips, directing his gaze back to Chiasa. "Care to tell me what about?"
It could be any number of things. The fact that she's been speaking with a lisp as her teeth fall out and fangs grow in, or the fact that she's adopted into a clan and might be seen as lesser to those who thought themselves special. (Sage, the Hyuuga especially had sticks up their asses about clan business.)
Or something about the dogs. The kids are very protective of their puppies, and just a few weeks ago had finally been cleared to bring the pups to school with them. It's not as if anyone could stop them — no one stopped an Inuzuka, after all. The Hatake Clan was just as tied to canines. Chiasa's little seasame colored pup is sitting by her feet, quite well trained already. Her name is Saki, the kanji used very cutely meaning: bloom.
"Hyuuga-kun wa'th in'thulting Itachi-san." She lisps, face uncannily straight despite the fact that three of her front teeth are missing, fresh new ones poking through her gums in various stages of growth.
Of all the things it could have possibly been, that was the very last option his mind could have conjured. Yet it's also not...surprising. The Hyuuga and Uchiha Clans have never been fond of each other, which was a bit funny seeing as they had been the two with the closest set of rules and regulations — the Hyuuga's disgusting seal aside. Hyuuga Hiashi had not been pleased when Sandaime-sama declared he wanted Itachi to be the next Hokage. It was very likely the man's displeasure at the fact leaked over to his clan, heightening the animosity.
While the idea of Chiasa getting into a fight is still...out of character...Itachi is an important part of the dynamic between all the current allied clan quintet. He also fought Danzo toe to toe, contributing to the reason Chiasa and her siblings are free.
"It's still not like you to try and solve problems with your fists." He murmurs with a raised eyebrow, but offers her a smile to let her know he's not mad.
"I tried words." Chiasa replies, then her jaw sets and her gaze shifts to the side, giving her a mullish, disinterested expression that, to Toshiro's endless amusement, she's absolutely picked up from Kakashi. "When they didn't work, I pro'theeded to reeducate him in the only manner he th'eemed to understand."
Toshiro hums, then directs his attention to Mizuki-sensei. "Well, is there some kind of punishment she'll be facing?" Or backlash from the Hyuuga, he doesn't say.
Mizuki-sensei startles, "Uh, no — well, just a few rounds of detention over the next few days. She'll be completing some chores with Atsuzumi in order to foster a more positive relationship between the two of them."
Toshiro winces internally. Based on Chiasa's stubbornly set jaw, that's not likely to happen unless this Hyuuga boy apologizes. Knowing the Hyuuga Clan as a whole, that's not a viable possibility. It does make sense, from an outside standpoint. Konoha shinobi were supposed to view each other as allies, after all. Branches that made up the same tree.
(Everyone let the clan stuff get to their heads, and forgot that the people in the village weren't supposed to be enemies.)
"I see. And it starts today?"
"Yes, Hatake-sama." Mizuki-sensei replies, "About two hours. It'll run until five for the next four days."
Toshiro tries very, very hard not to react with an explosive blush at being called Hatake-sama. Chiasa doesn't blink, clearly not thinking there's anything wrong with the title, and that just makes the situation even more embarrassing. Clearing his throat, Toshiro offers another smile, this one a little tight, "I understand. Chiasa — do you want me to come back to pick you up at five?"
She shakes her head. "No, I'll be fine."
It's spring, the days decently warm and the sun setting later, so walking home at five would be perfectly safe. She's also twelve. And Danzo is dead.
"Alright." he replies, "Get home safe. Try not to beat up that poor boy again."
A smirk that looks to be a shadow of Shisui's flickers across her mouth for a few brief seconds. "I will try my best."
He supposes that's all he can ask for.
Later, Sasuke regales the story with a starstruck eagerness. The other kids had witnessed it themselves, so they're running around playing while Sasuke stands before a group of adults. Fugaku and Mikoto look faintly amused, Mikoto more open about it and even tittering gracefully behind her hand. Itachi merely blinks, something akin to surprise in the slightly widening state of his dark eyes. Toshiro pretends he doesn't see how the older boy's hands seem to shake.
"And then — And then she looked him dead in his dumb byakugan eyes and told him someone with your skill level shouldn't speak ill of their superiors, do they not teach manners in that clan of yours? And he turned soooo red! Like a tomato!" Sasuke mimes a quick, violent punch, "Then she hit him right in his ugly face 'cause he lunged at her! Like a big jerk! They weren't even sparring! She was so cool!"
Toshiro exhales sharply in poorly concealed amusement, sharing a glance with Mikoto. How cute.
Kakashi likes his friends. Even if he doesn't show it well, if at all. The fact that he doesn't leave or insult them behind their backs — he insults them to their faces, thank you very much — should be proof enough that he tolerates being around them. It's just that….he hates going out to bars because he doesn't feel comfortable pulling down his mask to actually enjoy any food or drinks. It's always quick, hidden bites behind a genjutsu or during some loud, obnoxious exclamation from one of them that draws away all eyes.
Toshiro likes going, though. So Kakashi has to.
Well. Has a bit…
It goes a little like this: Genma sleeps around. He's a fun, decently handsome guy that makes it clear he's transparent with lack of feelings towards sex. The man just likes his pleasure and there's nothing wrong with that. But for some odd reason, Kakashi has registered him as a threat, merely because of the possibility of the man propositioning Toshiro. Never mind the fact that Genma hadn't been sleeping around much as of late, and he and Raidou were tip-toeing around each other like their sexual tension wasn't palpable. There was even a betting pool going around for when one of them would finally snap and do something about it. Because it was serious. Genma, if he felt attracted to someone, just went for it. If he was turned down, no big deal. The fact that he didn't immediately just ask Raidou if he wanted to fuck meant something.
It wasn't because they were friends, and had been for years. No, Kakashi knows for a fact that almost everyone has slept with someone else here. (Except him.)
Sage, he doesn't want to think about the time he caught Gai's scent all over Ebisu. What the fuck —
It is also quite telling, the fact that he knows all this. Who else but a friend would? For someone who constantly says he doesn't have any, Kakashi sure has a lot of friends. Maybe it's time he finally accepted the fact. They weren't just comrades, not just allies. Friends.
He watches as Toshiro throws his head back and laughs, pale hair spilling loose over one shoulder, looking free and uninhibited. Not drunk, never drunk. The man doesn't drink. He sips on fruity drinks until his breath smells like sugar and his tongue is cherry red with artificial dye. It makes Kakashi's gut burn to watch that red, red tongue wrap around that dumb little straw, lips pink and puckered.
Kakashi is disgusting. Deplorable. He's — He's an honest to god pervert, isn't he? Reading Icha Icha was one thing, that was funny! This is — this is new territory. Not only that, but he's starting to feel a little embarrassed about the fact that out of everyone at the table, he's the only virgin. Toshiro probably is as well, but Kakashi can't say for sure and isn't really confident enough to bring it up in casual conversation without making it weird.
Not that there's anything wrong with not having sex, there's quite a few who just...don't. Kakashi had assumed himself to be the same, as had the others. He was just...never interested. And it had been obvious. Everyone here saw right through the porn in his hand and into his soul and as grossed out as that sappy thought made him feel —
He doesn't know what to do now that the person he was before doesn't exist. It's like an entirely new being had possessed his flesh, one that was greedy and burning. Toshiro catches his eye and smiles, and Kakashi manages to curve his eye in response. His skin feels like it's crawling, like everyone has their eyes on him and they know.
They know.
Appearance-wise, Kakashi is unflappable. He's trained too hard and too long for anything else. He's a shinobi. A retired ANBU Captain. No one can see through his carefully crafted facade when he doesn't want them to. It's impeccable.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder. Kakashi realizes he's been staring at Toshiro for five minutes, the other man chatting with Aoba about something Kakashi has completely ignored in favor of just watching.
"Kakashi," Gai implores, his voice actually at a normal level. His big eyes are bright and watery. "I'm so happy your springtime has blossomed and born fruit."
Kakashi — reflexively, it was reflexively, he swears — punches Gai so hard the man flies out of the booth. Steam flies out of his ears and he doesn't look behind him and hopes everyone just assumes it's another challenge —
Except Anko is wiggling her eyebrows and Raidou's unimpressed eyes are boring into his head —
"WHAT A HIT!" Gai exclaims, lunging back like a damn springboard. "As expected of my eternal rival, always on your toes!"
Kakashi really, really wanted to go home.
Why did he think having friends was a good idea?
The new apprentice medic-nin — Kabuto, his mind supplies — is a bit of an odd one. He smiles easily and seems rather demure, though exceptionally capable. Toshiro thinks the teen is a bit...silky. Which can be taken two ways. There's the suave, smooth connotation behind the adjective, and then there's the snake-in-the-grass, silver tongue kind of silky. Which one the boy was is a bit hard to pin down. Either way, he's not malicious or anything, so Toshiro doesn't worry about it. It must say something that the biggest reason his mind flagged Kabuto as odd is due to the fact that the teen seems way too...adjusted.
Whatever. It's a shitty thing to be worried about, the fact that someone was too normal. So Toshiro puts it out of his mind and focuses on what's important.
Coming into his role as Hospital Director.
Itachi's birthday is approaching rapidly, and that means so does the time for both him and Toshiro to step up. The transfer paperwork on top of the normal paperwork (because rewriting the system of current paperwork and fixing the storage of it all was taking FOREVER) is exhausting. He is exhausted. It really makes him think about the distribution of power. Now, if Toshiro knows one thing about the position of Hokage, it's that whoever it is has to deal with a lot of paperwork. Itachi is too young to already have stress lines so deep, and he's not even Hokage yet.
How much of that paperwork could be dealt with by other people? What if there were proper systems in place for the regulation of such things?
"You know, I think Shodaime-sama was an idiot." He announces quite suddenly at dinner one night. There isn't any other explanation. This mess is because things were shitty at the start and then never corrected because the successors thrived in the comfort of familiarity, no matter how limiting that was.
Kakashi blinks lazily, "Yeah, probably."
Toshiro thinks he adores the man.
Haruno Sakura is...a walking contradiction. She acts tough, her personality forcefully loud and alpha female, to use Hatake terms, but is anything but. She reads and enjoys the quiet, can be both patient and impatient, and has periods where she is badgering, annoying, and non-stop talking.
She's obsessed with her appearance and any comments made about it, thinks dieting is a thing ninja do and takes every step to primp herself. Hair, nails, clothes — not that there's anything wrong with that….
If you're a civilian. Or using civilian oriented items..
For one, shinobi paint their nails all the time. Sturdy varnish is actually normal and expected of everyone to prevent nails from chipping during fights. Whether you get the colored kind is entirely up to you, of course. Toshiro has never really thought about it, always going for the clear varnish. Maybe he can toss it up and get red, to match his earrings — but that's another thought.
Sakura buys civilian nail polish. The kind that smells like chemicals and chips with ease. Her nails are long, too long, actually — far too easy to break or be used for torture. (Which is unfortunate but a true reality.) Her hands are too soft and barely calloused. It's obvious that outside of the academy, she doesn't train on her own time and her taijutsu scores are barely passable. Academically, she's amazing. On paper her stats are impressive. But she's laid out in a fighting setting within seconds. It's unfortunate, because she has a sharp mind that counts as a clear advantage.
If only she wasn't so caught up in civilian fantasies.
Second, it's not odd for shinobi to take pride in or care for their hair. Just look at the Hyuuga and Uchiha! That being said, there are specific brands of hair products intended for shinobi, ones that either don't give off a scent, or give off one created using only natural resources. It was easier to blend into nature that way.
Sakura smells like a perfumed cloud of artificial flowers. Overly sweet and powerful to even the common nose — never mind a shinobi. It was then infinitely worse for a Hatake or Inuzuka, or anyone who powered chakra to their nose to increase their senses.
Then there was the dieting. Toshiro — outwardly — liked to project that he wasn't a violent person. It's probably not as truthful to his character as he'd like it to be, but he's a shinobi, so what can anyone expect? Sakura's parents made Toshiro want to beat some sense into them. Objectively, they were good people. Probably. Sakura seemed like a well-loved child, but all her understanding of the world came from them — and they were civilians. Her mother instilled upon Sakura the desire to look ladylike and search for a husband. The fact that she wanted to be a ninja was probably wildly out of their realm of expectations.
Shinobi couldn't diet. Toshiro already had to talk to Ino about it, the girl getting wrapped up in civilian beauty and ideals after hanging around with a bunch of clanless academy kids. He had some very helpful notes and diagrams about the amount of calories shinobi were required to intake to keep themselves in top form. Using chakra expended a lot of energy, as did the intense training regimens shinobi forced upon their bodies.
Now, Toshiro didn't know Sakura, not really. They'd barely spoken, even if the pink haired girl hung around the kids pretty often. She acted very respectful and shy around adults, though her temper sometimes got the best of her. In the presence of Sasuke, she seemed to turn into an entirely different person — one that no one seemed to like.
Simpering, meek, desperate. It was a bit embarrassing to watch, and probably unhealthy for a child her age to act so devoted to an almost-eleven year old boy. It wasn't her true personality. What made her think the facade she put on would attract Sasuke's attention was completely beyond Toshiro and everyone else.
Maybe I should talk to her.
Sooner rather than later. He thinks to himself, observing the scene before him. The academy has just let out and children fill the Hatake's yard space, their compound being the chosen spot of the day.
"Quit it, Sakura! You're being annoying." Sasuke snaps, tugging his arm from the girl's handsy grip. "I don't want some weak little housewife! If I'm marrying anyone, it'll be a super strong kunoichi that can fight me!"
It's probably the loudest tone he's ever used to speak to her, if the gobsmacked expression on her face says anything.
The boy looms angrily in Sakura's space, cute little face twisted into a scowl, "You're not a civilian, so stop acting like it — or get out of the academy!"
Then he storms back to the bulk of the group, some of them observing the scene with expressions that vary between apathy and worry, the others oblivious to the argument. Sakura stands there, hands clasped to her chest and long pink locks falling haphazardly down her back. She looks like a deer caught in headlights, her lip wobbling and eyes growing wet.
Ah, jeez.
"Hey." He says.
She startles and looks at him with wide, embarrassed eyes. Her cheeks flush red and she rubs at her wet eyelashes. "O-Oh, Aikawa-sensei, I'm — "
"Do you really want to be a shinobi?"
Sakura bites her lip, hands shaking as she drops them to her sides and grips at the loose, pretty fabric of her qipao style dress. "I...I don't know. I be useful. To help people."
And you don't need to be a shinobi to do that.
Toshiro hums. "Think about it a bit more, okay? When you have your answer, come back and tell me."
She sniffs and clears her throat, "But why?"
"Because there are other ways to be a shinobi, Sakura-chan. We're all useful in our own way, and we all help the village just by existing. That doesn't mean every shinobi is the same, and sometimes it's hard to figure out which path you want to take." He offers her a grin, "You can be a shinobi who helps people, it's just up to you to decide how. Sasuke's right in that civilian ideals don't have much of a place in shinobi education, but try to remember that strength comes in different forms. Find what best suits you, not anyone else, and certainly not Sasuke."
Sakura looks back over to the group, her face pensive and far too stressed for a little girl. "They're all so much better than me, though. I'm just...clanless."
"So?" As if that ever really mattered in the grand scheme of things. "I am too. As is our interim Hokage and half the jounin force. Don't ever think that genetics and hard work can't compete. If you do, you've already lost." None of the Hatake kids (aside from Asuhi, who wasn't even going to be a shinobi) had genetics on their side. They were Hatake in name and bond, but not blood. Yet they were still all prodigies in their own right.
"...okay." The girl murmurs, taking a deep breath. "Thank you. I'll... think about what you said."
"Sure thing," he grins, "Now go back over there, they're still your friends."
When she does meekly make her way back over, she's accepted back as if she'd never wandered away. Sasuke doesn't look at her.
Toshiro sighs. Maybe I should talk to Itachi about this. The academy should have a class on health and food. I bet the Akimichi would be interested in that…. He wanders over to the engawa, sinking deeper into his thoughts. It's been a few months since his last big 'project', so to speak, and even if Itachi was taking control of academy reforms, that didn't mean the teen wouldn't accept suggestions. After all, they met pretty frequently to just….talk, and the subject came up more often than not.
Maybe a class specifically for civilian-born students….how to eat, dress — what to buy and where to buy it…Ah, I'll have to see what his current game plan is right now, I know he had some new ideas last time I saw him...
(Somewhere in the Uchiha Compound, Uchiha Itachi sneezes, then coughs wetly. Uchiha Fuyumi looks up from the draft they're crafting to nullify his marriage contract and squints. "Are you catching a cold?")