Chapter 3: My Brother's Boyfriend

PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO || Sonny || Chasing Fireflies || Sonny || PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO

Title: Chasing Fireflies – The Next Generation of Heroes

Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus; post both series

Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Rick Riordan for he created the awesomeness that is Nico di Angelo. And everything else related to Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus. Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.

Warnings: shounen-ai, fluff, h/c, mpreg, explicit intercourse, anal, oral, D/s, bondage, masturbation, toys, spanking, rimming, handjobs, magic, knotting, collars, past rape/abuse, (temporary) character death, depression, threesomes, shoujo-ai, hetero

Main Pairing: Sander/Donny, Trend/Derek/Sam and Nico/Percy

Side Pairings: Chris/Clarisse, Piper/Annabeth, Frank/Hazel/Leo, Jason/Reyna, Travis/Connor, Malcolm/Katie, Lou/Miranda, Jake/Will, Kayla/Nyssa, Alabaster/Liam, Tyson/Ella, Paul/Sally, Hades/Persephone, Tempest/Blackjack

Side Pairings OCs: Trend/Sam, Herc/Thea, Joe/Nico, Marshall/Sara, Loki/Blance, Dash/Kara, Vic/Stella/Jonas, Chuck/Melissa, Luke/Thess, Kitty/Percy, Fred/Carry, JP/Milly

Percy Jackson Characters: Perseus Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Clarisse la Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Jason Grace, Will Solace, Jake Mason, Katie Gardner, Malcolm Cage, Miranda Gardner, Lou Ellen, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Nyssa Black, Kayla Hein, Alabaster C. Torrington, Thalia Grace, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Octavian Simmons, Ella, Tyson, Grover Underwood, Sally Blofis, Paul Blofis, Chiron, Small Bob, Mrs. O'Leary, Blackjack, Tempest, Arion

Gods: Hades, Persephone, Demeter, Poseidon, Artemis

Own Animals: Shadowchaser (Donny's shadow-pegasus), Trickster (Sander's pegasus), Nightowl (Thea's pegasus), Fighter (Sam's pegasus), Rush (Trend's pegasus), Poker (Jack's pet-bunny)

Own Characters of the Next Generation:

Nicercy: Bianca Maria 'Bia' di Angelo, Hades Poseidon 'Donny' di Angelo, Sally Persephone 'Percy' di Angelo, Theseus Paul 'Thess' di Angelo, James Charles 'Jimmy' di Angelo, Laura Silena 'Silly' di Angelo, Jackson Tyson Jack' di Angelo

Chrisse: Calandra 'Cally' Rodriguez, Chrysander 'Sander' Rodriguez, Charisma 'Carry' Rodriguez

Pipabeth: Theadora Tiphane 'Thea' Chase, Lucas Thomas 'Luke' Chase, Tristan Frederick 'Fred' Chase, Matthew Robert 'Matt' Chase

Jayna: Hercules 'Herc' Grace, Thalia Hylla 'Thyl' Grace, Jupiter Perseus 'JP' Grace

Frazeleo: Esperanza Nicole 'Nico' Zhang, Sammy Marie Zhang, Emily Fey 'Milly' Zhang, Claryssa 'Claire' Zhang

Matie: Amarilla 'Amy' Cage, Anthismos 'Andy' Cage

Louranda: Kathryn 'Kitty' Ellen, Alabaster 'Basty' Ellen

Jakill: Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Mason (adopted; daughter of Apollo)

Stolls: Hunter 'Hunt' Hood, Hayden 'Heist' Hood (adopted; sons Hermes)

Own Demigods: Samuel Raser (Ares), Derek Rhys (Demeter), Trend Austin (Athena), Marshall Mikaelson (Enyo), Sara Mers (Mars), Joanna Foxx (Vulcan), Phylicia Rosenberg (Persephone), Bellatrix la Fey (Ares), Phineas DeVorut (Venus), Melissa Montgomery (Dionysus), Charles Smith (Apollo), Stella Ribeiro (Aphrodite), Jonas Meyer (Enyalios), Victor Kruger (Hephaestus), Erik Anderson (Enyo), Lila Lovegood (Hecate), Rainbow Jordan (Iris), Takara Thompson (Trivia), Sedanur Aykan (Apollo, augur), Loki Murdock (Mercury), Blance Lamour (Chione), Ulrika Schuster (Eris), Arielle Schneider (Triton), Liam O'Riley (Hecate)

Summary: Donny di Angelo never cared about fighting or becoming a hero. Quite the opposite of Sander Rodriguez, who was the greatest Greek hero of their generation. Together with his beloved cousin Nico Zhang and his best friend Thea Chase, Donny faces the hardest quest possible. The one for confidence and love. His biggest support though are his parents and siblings. Being a teenage demigod was hard, being the son of the greatest hero ever was even harder.

Chasing Fireflies

The Next Generation of Heroes

2. My Brother's Boyfriend

Donny yawned widely as he woke up. He felt uncomfortable. And upon sitting up, he knew exactly why. He was still wearing his black jeans and shirt from the day before. Blinking confused, he remembered how he had fallen asleep on his new diary after writing.

"Donny! Donny! Donny!", screamed someone very loudly.

Hades Poseidon winced slightly as the door to his bedroom was pulled open and his youngest sibling ran up to jump onto his lap and hug him. Grunting slightly, the older di Angelo looked down at the five-years old hugging him tightly.

"Morning, Jacky", smiled Donny, ruffling his brother's hair.

"Percy and Silly are fighting again", pouted the sensible youngest di Angelo. "I don't like that!"

"Well, how about you go packing then and I'll take care of the girls?", suggested Donny.

Large, sea-green eyes stared up at him and Jacky nodded determined, bolting off. The youngest di Angelo was very ADHD sometimes. Their dad always blamed their mom for that. And out of them all, Jackson also looked the most like their mother. Even though aunt Annabeth insisted that Donny shared nearly as many features with Percy. The oldest son of Nico and Percy stood up and stretched. Walking over to his closet, he pulled a pair of skin-tight black leather pants and a tight-fitting sleeveless shirt that had three big cuts over the chest.

"Donny? Are you up already?", asked his mother.

"Yeah. Jackson woke me", grunted Hades Poseidon a bit grumpily.

Percy smiled amused and entered the room, slowly closing the door behind him. He sat down on the bed, motioning for his oldest son to join him. Frowning slightly, the boy obeyed. The olive-skinned teen sat down next to him, looking at Percy with large, curious sea-green eyes.

"What's up, mommy?", asked the sixteen-years-old softly.

"I don't know. You tell me", smiled the son of Poseidon softly. "I saw you used the diary I gave to you. Even though you protested quite loudly yesterday."

"Well, you can be very persuasive", shrugged his son awkwardly. "I still don't believe that that will help me any though. Anyway, what's for breakfast, mom?"

"You father is making pancakes. Be a good boy and force your sisters out of the bathroom, please? I have to pack Jacky's things with him now and Thess and Jimmy still didn't get to use the bathroom thanks to the girls", asked Percy with pleading eyes and stood.

"Sure thing, mom", nodded Donny and followed his mother out.

The son of Poseidon smiled after his oldest boy. Donny was always trustworthy, he always did everything to help. Not that his other children weren't willing to help, but the twins – both sets of twins, mind you – most of the times managed to distract each other enough to not be of any help at all and Jackson, his beloved youngest son, was even more ADHD than Leo and that was saying something. It was the reason Percy tried to keep Jacky as far away from Leo as possible. Because whenever the firebug was babysitting Jackson di Angelo, something always managed to first burn up and then get flooded. Never again, worst combination ever.

"Jacky? Did you already pick everything out you want to..."

"Yes, mommy! Yes, I did! See? See?", grinned the mini Percy broadly, running up to his mother and taking his hand to pull him into the completely messy bedroom. "I put everything on my bed!"

"Yes, you indeed put everything on your bed", sighed the son of Poseidon.

He collapsed exhausted on the blue swivel chair, wide, sea-green eyes staring at the overloaded bed. About everything his youngest son owned was laying on the bed. His teddies, his puppets, his toy cars, all his clothes, from the swimming shorts to the plushy pullover Sally had knitted for him. Groaning slightly, he turned to look at the proud five-years old in front of him.

"I did good?", asked Jackson with the largest sea-green eyes possible.

"You did great", grunted Percy, because really, what else was he supposed to say? "Go and help your father with the pancakes while I pack your things, my dear?"

"Yey! Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!", yelped Jackson and ran out of the room.

Percy sighed again and stood. It was too freaking early in the morning to deal with this kind of chaos. His love was right, two months without the children would be Elysium on earth. He could hear his two daughters fighting with Donny about who should use the bathroom now while Jack was downstairs, telling Nico something in a very loud voice. He loved his children dearly and wouldn't want to miss a single one of them, but sometimes he wondered how on earth he and Nico managed to deal with seven children. But... Now they only had to deal with six.

Percy hugged the teddy bear he had just taken from the bed close to his chest at that thought. He knew, he truly knew, that Lady Artemis and even more so Thalia would watch out for his oldest child. But... the last Bianca di Angelo that had joined the hunt had died... Even though Percy himself had promised to protect her. Nothing guaranteed that his Bianca would live. Shaking his head, he put the teddy into a backpack. Now was not the time for such thoughts. She was fine and she was a clever girl, there was no more reason to be afraid than when she had been on quests.

They grew up way too fast. Percy couldn't bear to even think of the day Jacky would be old enough to leave home... It would be a sad and lonely time. Maybe he should reconsider the whole no more children policy... No, he was just being ridiculous. By the time Jacky would be old enough to leave home, he could probably already expect grandchildren from Donny. Laughing slightly at that thought, he continued to pick out the things Jacky truly needed for the summer. He had his hopes up for Donny. The boy was probably the most honorable lad he had ever met. His other children were most of the times well-behaved and honorable too, but the two with the Hades-genes, Percy and James, were more often mischievous than anything. While Silena was very much in her own world, loving gossiping with the fishes and swimming. And the other two with Poseidon's powers were Thess and Jack. His youngest had good intentions, but was too ADHD to always archive his goals. Thess, on the other hand, had his head way too high up in the clouds. The boy could spend hours over hours riding through the clouds with the pegasi.

"Love?", brought Nico's voice him back from his musings. "Would you like to join us for breakfast or wait until that greedy bunch we lovingly call our children has wolfed down everything?"

"What?", blinked Percy confused. "Oh. Yes, yes. I'll come."

He put the last piece of folded clothes into the backpack and stood. Walking up to his husband of eighteen years, he wrapped his arms around the Italian's neck, pulling Nico down into a kiss. Even after twenty years of dating, he would never tire of that. The son of Hades smirked into their kiss and laid his arms around Percy's waist.

"What a nice greeting in the morning", murmured Nico with a smirk. "How about we chase the kids out and continue this in our bedroom, my love?"

"We will go and eat breakfast now, my love", chuckled Percy amused. "Come now."

He linked their hands and pulled the other demigod out of the bedroom, making a mental note to later on clean the room properly again. Even before they entered the kitchen, he could already hear their children's loud voices. James and Silena, their nine years old twins, were already sitting on the table and judging by the wide gestures Jimmy was doing, he was probably already planning a trip with the pegasi. His twin nodded absentmindedly, talking the same time as her brother, but about something completely different. She was planning her evenings with the lake nymphs. It always amazed Percy that both of them could talk at the same time and yet still understand what the other was saying. Jack was laying on the floor, cuddling with Mrs. O'Leary.

"Morning, mom", grinned their other daughter as she entered the kitchen.

She passed her parents and kissed her mother's cheek. The two Percys smiled at each other. The son of Poseidon ruffled the curly black hair of the young teenager. Sally Persephone. Since their oldest daughter was already named after Nico's mother – Bianca Maria – they had named their second oldest child after their living mothers. And thanks to the very useless Stoll brothers, the girl now had the same nickname as her mother. Persephone, Percy for short. She grinned cheekily at her mother and went over to serve the pancakes Nico had put aside. The girl was completely obsessed with her grandpa Hades, always wearing black and too often talking to the dead.

"Well, there are still two missing", noted Percy with a frown as he sat down.


Donny sighed relieved as he got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. His relaxed expression melted away as he noticed his younger brother sitting on the toilet-seat, awkwardly fidgeting with his hands. Thess was making faces and swinging his legs at the side of the seat. The fourteen-years-old had dark eyes and longish black, shaggy hair.

"Thess?", asked Donny softly. "Something wrong? Why aren't you downstairs for breakfast?"

"I... wanted to ask you a favor, big brother", murmured Thess sweetly.

"Okay?", grunted the older son of Nico and Percy curiously. "What's up?"

He rubbed his hair dry and put his towel aside to get dressed. Thess was still fidgeting and biting his lips. A very unusual behavior for the otherwise cheeky water-bender.

"I... Can you help me telling mom and dad something?"

"Sure", shrugged the older boy, pulling his leather pants up. "What is it?"

"I kind of... sort of... I mean, uh...", stuttered Thess before blushing furiously. "I may have a boyfriend now and I don't want dad to send zombies after him!"

Donny blinked with the widest, sea-green eyes possible at his little brother. His two years younger brother. His baby brother. Who, apparently, already had a boyfriend.

"A... boyfriend? As in, a boy who is more than a friend?"

"Yes, thank you Thesaurus", grunted Thess and rolled his eyes. "I'm dating, I guess. I mean, we've done plenty of kissing and kind of some groping and we're texting more than usual..."

"Who?", was Donny's next question as he absentmindedly grabbed his camp shirt from the shelf.

"Uh... Luke...?", mumbled Thess with a bright blush.

"Luke? Luke Chase?", grunted Donny surprised.

"No. Luke Skywalker. Of course Luke Chase", snorted Thess, slowly getting irritated by his big brother. "What's wrong with you today, Donny? Haven't you slept enough or something?"

"It's not... Oh, forget it", huffed the older teen. "Okay. So you and Luke, huh? How long?"

"Two weeks or something like that? I don't know. We never properly talked about it or anything, but yeah... The way he started to kiss me as a greeting, I'd say two weeks", replied Theseus Paul.

"Okay...", nodded Donny slowly, pulling both his shirts down.

The cuts on the front of his black shirt were placed so the logo of Camp Half-Blood could be seen through them. It was his style of wearing it. Because most of the time he didn't quite feel as if he'd belong to camp. Grabbing his little brother's hand, he pulled the younger boy along and into the kitchen. Everybody else was already seated and waiting for them.

"Finally! I'm sooo short of starving!", grunted Sally Persephone with a glare.

"What took you two so long?", asked Nico curiously as his sons sat down.

"Well, Thess told me something very, very interesting", replied Donny.

"And what may that be?", wanted the son of Poseidon to know.

"Uh... Well... You see... I...", stuttered Thess, looking nervously between his parents.

"You know you can tell us anything, right, Thess?", smiled Percy encouragingly.

"What he wants to say", started Donny, taking over for the flustered teen. "Is that he's dating Luke."

"Luke Chase?", grunted both their parents with wide eyes.

"No, Luke Smith", chuckled Donny amused. "Yes, Luke Chase."

"That charmspeaking, little brat, I'll show him-", started Nico with a glare and stood.

"You'll show him nothing, or his mothers are going to tear you a new one. Sit", interrupted his husband in a calm voice and pulled Nico back onto his chair. "And you, Thess. How... long?"

"Ugh, something like two weeks, I guess", replied Theseus awkwardly and shrugged.

"Thessy is being all lovey-dovey!", giggled Jack delighted and dug into his pancakes.

"Am not!", objected the older boy and stuck his tongue out. "Only a little bit!"

"And... how come you haven't said anything earlier?", wanted Percy to know. "I mean... You certainly started to develop feelings for him earlier than two weeks ago, I suppose."

"Just look at him!", exclaimed Thess wide-eyed and pointed at his father.

Percy blinked and turned to his husband, who was giving his most convincing Hades-impression. All dark and gloomy and short of bringing doom. He sighed and hit the Italian upside the head.

"You will let our children date whoever they want, as long as we know that those are good choices. And you can't tell me that Lucas Thomas Chase is not trustworthy", grunted the Sea Prince.

Nico huffed and rubbed the back of his head. "I know that Luke's alright. But I don't know if he's alright enough to actually date any of my children!"

"Dad", interrupted Donny with a soothing smile. "Luke's a good guy. When that Eris brat had been teasing Thess about how his long hair made him look like a f... well, you know, Luke had defended Thess' honor the best way possible. Without violence."

"How so?", interrogated Nico suspiciously and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"He had charmspoken the idiot into wearing a tutu and doing pirouettes in the middle of camp, saying 'I'm a pretty princess' over and over again!", giggled Thess' twin sister Percy.

The frown on Nico's face melted away slowly and his children and husband could practically see the wheels turning until the Ghost King nodded in approval. "Very well. But! No funny business while you're at camp. I'll tell Chiron to watch out for you boys."

"Dad!", whined Thess embarrassed.

"No", grunted the son of Hades. "I don't plan on becoming a grandfather any time soon."

His son whined some more and blushed furiously, burying his head in his older brother's chest. Donny chuckled amused at that and ruffled Thess' hair. The younger son of Nico and Percy should be grateful that Nico hadn't shadow-traveled to tear Luke apart or anything.

"Thanks, Donny", whispered Thess softly. "Love you."

"Love you too, little nuisance", smiled Donny and stood. "Anyway, I'll go and finish packing."

"But... breakfast?", blinked Jack wide-eyed, unable to understand how someone could skip that.

"I'm not hungry anyway", shrugged Donny and left the kitchen.

The curious eyes of his family followed him until he was out of sight. Percy turned to his husband with worried eyes, but all Nico could do was sigh and shrug.

"Don't look so worried! He's eating enough!", huffed Silena, taking her third serving. "He ate my salmon sandwich last night! Without my permission!"

"Silly's right", agreed James and stole some of her raspberries. "Don't get all protective parents mode just because he doesn't want breakfast once. Not everyone can eat as much as Silly."

"Hey!", yelped his twin with a glare. "Don't be mean or I'll make you regret at camp!"

Percy chuckled amused as he watched them bicker. It was always like this. Either they agreed completely, on the verge of creepiness, or they teased each other mercilessly. But they were right. He shouldn't worry so much. It was just Donny's overall situation that made him so worried...


Donny heaved as sigh as he put the last important items into his backpack. Though just as he was about to close it, his diary caught his eyes. Frowning slightly, he took a pen and sat down.


So yeah, it's me again...

Thess, my two years younger brother, has a boyfriend. We just told mom and dad. And I know I should be really happy for him. Because it's Luke and Luke is pretty awesome. But somehow it... bothers me. And that makes me feel guilty. I mean, I am happy that he has someone who really likes him, but... Why don't I have someone like that?

Okay, so I already told you how I basically have only two friends. Now guess how many guys want to be with me considering the amount of people who want to befriend me.

Yep. It's zero.

I'm just too much of a freak for that, I guess. I mean, who would want a boyfriend with who you can never be sure if he's talking to you or to the pegasi when you're taking him on a ride?

I mean, I don't know if I want a boyfriend. I mean... I'm not sure if I'm... uh... well, gay. Like I said, there's no one who's interested in me anyway, neither boy nor girl. So I never really paid it much mind. But if I really think about it... Sure, girls are pretty with their curves and stuff. But that's also kind of weird. I mean, what do you need two air-bags for, seriously? And girls wear way too much make-up most of the time. Or that's just the Aphrodite-daughters, I don't know. But guys are... Well, strong arms and broad shoulders and a sixpack are... practical. Yeah. Guys look hot with practical stuff, muscles that make them better fighters. Wait, guys look hot? Better stop right here.

Anyway, yeah, being gay or... 'open minded for new things to try' is kind of common around here, what with our parents or grandparents, depending on in which generation you're born. The godly genes. We're glad it's not that common that anyone starts dating a pegasus or something like that.

Sorry, losing track of my thoughts here. So, my two years younger brother already has a boyfriend who he had apparently done much kissing and some groping with. I have never been kissed in my life before. And kisses from mom and dad don't count there. I mean real, proper kisses from a lover. And that is really pulling me down...

Huh, maybe I should join the hunt? With that eternal virgin thing, it would keep my dignity at least.

But on the other hand... No. I want someone. Strong arms to hold me and someone to cuddle with while watching TV, like mom and dad. And someone to talk to, about like everything. Who actually understands me and doesn't look at me with that look that says I'm a freak when I talk about a swim with the fishes or a fly with a flock of pegasi.

But I doubt that there is someone like that anywhere out there. Especially not at camp. There are heroes. Real, proper heroes, who fought against monsters. Heroes who can fight. What should a hero like that want with someone like me who can't even hold a sword without nearly chopping someone's hand off (aunt Clarisse is still mad at me for that one...)?


"Donny? Are you finished with packing? We want to leave?"

Donny blinked up from his diary to look at his mother. Nodding hastily, he stood and stuffed the diary and the pen into his backpack, shouldering it to walk up to his mom. The son of Poseidon stopped him before leaving the room though, looking at him softly.

"Can you do me a favor and keep an eye on Thess and Luke this summer...?", whispered Percy. "Not that I don't trust them, I'm just... They're teenagers with hormones."

"Sure, mom", chuckled Donny amused. "Will do."