PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO || Sonny || Chasing Fireflies || Sonny || PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO
Title: Chasing Fireflies – The Next Generation of Heroes
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus; post both series
Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Rick Riordan for he created the awesomeness that is Nico di Angelo. And everything else related to Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus. Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.
Warnings: shounen-ai, fluff, h/c, mpreg, explicit intercourse, anal, oral, D/s, bondage, masturbation, toys, spanking, rimming, handjobs, magic, knotting, collars, past rape/abuse, (temporary) character death, depression, threesomes, shoujo-ai, hetero
Main Pairing: Sander/Donny, Trend/Derek/Sam and Nico/Percy
Side Pairings: Chris/Clarisse, Piper/Annabeth, Frank/Hazel/Leo, Jason/Reyna, Travis/Connor, Malcolm/Katie, Lou/Miranda, Jake/Will, Kayla/Nyssa, Alabaster/Liam, Tyson/Ella, Paul/Sally, Hades/Persephone, Tempest/Blackjack
Side Pairings OCs: Trend/Sam, Herc/Thea, Joe/Nico, Marshall/Sara, Loki/Blance, Dash/Kara, Vic/Stella/Jonas, Chuck/Melissa, Luke/Thess, Kitty/Percy, Fred/Carry, JP/Milly
Percy Jackson Characters: Perseus Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Clarisse la Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Jason Grace, Will Solace, Jake Mason, Katie Gardner, Malcolm Cage, Miranda Gardner, Lou Ellen, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Nyssa Black, Kayla Hein, Alabaster C. Torrington, Thalia Grace, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Octavian Simmons, Ella, Tyson, Grover Underwood, Sally Blofis, Paul Blofis, Chiron, Small Bob, Mrs. O'Leary, Blackjack, Tempest, Arion
Gods: Hades, Persephone, Demeter, Poseidon, Artemis
Own Animals: Shadowchaser (Donny's shadow-pegasus), Trickster (Sander's pegasus), Nightowl (Thea's pegasus), Fighter (Sam's pegasus), Rush (Trend's pegasus), Poker (Jack's pet-bunny)
Own Characters of the Next Generation:
Nicercy: Bianca Maria 'Bia' di Angelo, Hades Poseidon 'Donny' di Angelo, Sally Persephone 'Percy' di Angelo, Theseus Paul 'Thess' di Angelo, James Charles 'Jimmy' di Angelo, Laura Silena 'Silly' di Angelo, Jackson Tyson Jack' di Angelo
Chrisse: Calandra 'Cally' Rodriguez, Chrysander 'Sander' Rodriguez, Charisma 'Carry' Rodriguez
Pipabeth: Theadora Tiphane 'Thea' Chase, Lucas Thomas 'Luke' Chase, Tristan Frederick 'Fred' Chase, Matthew Robert 'Matt' Chase
Jayna: Hercules 'Herc' Grace, Thalia Hylla 'Thyl' Grace, Jupiter Perseus 'JP' Grace
Frazeleo: Esperanza Nicole 'Nico' Zhang, Sammy Marie Zhang, Emily Fey 'Milly' Zhang, Claryssa 'Claire' Zhang
Matie: Amarilla 'Amy' Cage, Anthismos 'Andy' Cage
Louranda: Kathryn 'Kitty' Ellen, Alabaster 'Basty' Ellen
Jakill: Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Mason (adopted; daughter of Apollo)
Stolls: Hunter 'Hunt' Hood, Hayden 'Heist' Hood (adopted; sons Hermes)
Own Demigods: Samuel Raser (Ares), Derek Rhys (Demeter), Trend Austin (Athena), Marshall Mikaelson (Enyo), Sara Mers (Mars), Joanna Foxx (Vulcan), Phylicia Rosenberg (Persephone), Bellatrix la Fey (Ares), Phineas DeVorut (Venus), Melissa Montgomery (Dionysus), Charles Smith (Apollo), Stella Ribeiro (Aphrodite), Jonas Meyer (Enyalios), Victor Kruger (Hephaestus), Erik Anderson (Enyo), Lila Lovegood (Hecate), Rainbow Jordan (Iris), Takara Thompson (Trivia), Sedanur Aykan (Apollo, augur), Loki Murdock (Mercury), Blance Lamour (Chione), Ulrika Schuster (Eris), Arielle Schneider (Triton), Liam O'Riley (Hecate)
Summary: Donny di Angelo never cared about fighting or becoming a hero. Quite the opposite of Sander Rodriguez, who was the greatest Greek hero of their generation. Together with his beloved cousin Nico Zhang and his best friend Thea Chase, Donny faces the hardest quest possible. The one for confidence and love. His biggest support though are his parents and siblings. Being a teenage demigod was hard, being the son of the greatest hero ever was even harder.
Chasing Fireflies
The Next Generation of Heroes
4. Home Alone (Parental Life Part I)
"You – are – the – most – beautiful – creature – on – this – planet."
Every word was punctuated by a well-placed kiss. Well-placed because they got those wonderful sounds from the man laying beneath him. A wicked smirk adored his lips while he was kissing his way along the jawline and over the chest of his lover.
"Stop being stupid", huffed the other with a blush. "I may have once been beautiful, but now I'm... old... Gods, I'm older than I ever thought I would be!"
"Way to kill the mood, Percy", sighed Nico annoyed and sat up between his lover's spread legs.
"What? It's true", grunted Percy with a pout and turned his head. "I'm turning thirty-nine this year... Thirty-nine... That's nearly forty... I... I'm old..."
"The only things you are is stupid and beautiful", smiled the Italian and leaned down to kiss his husband softly. "You should be proud. You saved the world two times, you're married to a pretty decent guy, you gave birth to the seven most amazing children ever... You lead a good life, you should be proud of every single year of it, my love..."
"I am!", protested Percy wide-eyed. "Of course I am! I mean, I married the most amazing man ever, I have the most wonderful children on this planet... I am grateful, I just... Look at me, after having seven children... You're still so handsome and you've really made a living for yourself..."
"For ourselves", corrected Nico and rolled his eyes, resting his arms left and right of his husband's head. "It's our life, so all my money belongs to us, my stupid beauty. And you are still as beautiful as you were when we first kissed in London. Of course you're older now. But you're like wine, you only got better with the years. Besides, even though you're thirty-eight now, you still look no day older than twenty-five. And the seven kids? Yeah, not noticeable when looking at that flat stomach of yours. You keep yourself in shape, my love. And I appreciate it. Very much so. And if you'd stop throwing a fuss now, I would love to keep appreciating it some more."
"Gods, I know exactly why I married you", smiled Percy and leaned up to kiss his husband. "I love you more than should be humanly possible. You're just... perfect."
He wrapped his arms around Nico's neck, staring dreamily up into those dark eyes. A happy smile spread over his lips as he sealed his Ghost King's with his own. This was his life, his perfect life, so much more wonderful than he would have ever pictured it.
"Uh... Mom? Dad? You should... turn the fountain off if you're snogging..."
Wide sea-green eyes stared helplessly up at Nico, demanding for the son of Hades to do something. Though the Ghost King didn't really know what to do either. He just pulled their blankets closer around themselves and turned to stare at the table fountain on their nightstand.
"Donny", grunted the son of Hades annoyed. "Shouldn't you be canoeing or something like that?"
"Uh... I... wanted to talk to mom?", mumbled the boy on the other side of the rainbow.
Nico huffed, knowing exactly that he wouldn't get any today anyway. "Fine. I'll go and take a shower. A very cold shower. Children! Why did I want them?!"
While he left, still mumbling some things beneath his breath, Percy turned his attention to their oldest son, who was just the tiniest bit flustered. Tilting his head, Percy waited.
"I... wanted to go to New Rome to visit aunt Hazel?", asked Donny softly.
"Well", shrugged the son of Poseidon a bit confused. "It's your summer. If you want, you can as well to got Camp Jupiter instead of Camp Half-Blood."
"No!", protested Donny hastily and wide-eyed. "I want to spend the summer with San and Thea!"
Oh? New order of priority. Percy put that away for later interrogation.
"Then what do you want to do in New Rome?", frowned the Sea Prince now very confused.
"I... uh... I wanted to... train with Nico", mumbled Donny hastily and blushed a bit. "I mean, I know you and dad would train with me too, but I want to learn that myself. And I only want Nico's help because she's like the only one aside from me who controls two elements. She could show me."
"You... want to... train?", repeated Percy skeptically. "You? You're the most pacifistic person I know. Why do you want to train, all of a sudden?"
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and frowned at his son. The boy blushed some more and averted his eyes, scratching the back of his head. Percy frowned a bit more.
"I just... Why are you against it?", huffed Donny confused and gestured widely.
"I'm not against it per se", grunted the son of Poseidon and shook his head. "But if there is a prophecy involving you – and really, that is the only possible explanation I could come up with – then I demand to know it! If any kind of danger forces you to suddenly train, I have a right to know. I'm your mother, Donny. I want to know if you're in trouble."
"I'm not... not in trouble, mom", whined Donny and blushed furiously. "It has nothing to do with any prophecy or quest or bullying or whatever reason else you're thinking of!"
"Really now?", muttered Percy, not very convinced. "Then why? If you want me to sweet-talk Chiron into giving you the allowance to leave camp, you have to give me a convincing reason."
There was a certain, unwanted silence between them, a silence in which Donny tried to use his best kicked-kitten eyes. But since he had learned those from his mom, they weren't properly working (they always only worked on his dad, grandparents, Thea and Sander anyway). After another couple of seconds of silence, Donny sighed in defeat and blushed a dark red.
"Okay", mumbled the young Sea Prince awkwardly. "There is this... boy... And I think I like him... a lot... But... I mean, I can't even use my powers really, that's not impressing, that's embarrassing! So I wanted to... uh... train so I can maybe perhaps eventually impress him... at least a bit..."
Another stretch of silence followed. Though this time one where Percy was busy staring doe-eyed at his son and trying to work with the information handed to him. His son was in love. With a boy. Oh. The son of Poseidon grinned mischievously. His son was in love with Clarisse's boy.
"What?", blinked Donny completely confused.
"I said okay", chuckled Percy amused. "I'll IM Chiron and tell him that you have my allowance to go and visit Camp Jupiter in your free time. No skipping the activities and you will be back in time for curfew. I'll tell Leo that you'll come over too, I think Hazel and Frank are in the restaurant..."
"Really?", beamed Donny with sparkling eyes. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you, mommy! I promise I'll be back before curfew! I'll take Shadow, I'll be safe, okay?"
"Good boy", nodded the son of Poseidon with a soft smile. "Tell your siblings I love you guys."
"Will do – I love you really a lot!", grinned Donny and the IM ended.
Clarisse would have a field-day with that. She had been saying that Sander was after Donny for five years now. But then again, they had been naive kids back then. Sander hadn't known it back then either. Though maybe... he knew it now. Or, worst case scenario, he had moved on because Donny had been too oblivious for too long. Sighing loudly, Percy fell back onto the bed face-first.
"What did he want, love? Aside from interrupting my Percy-time."
"That you're still calling it that is ridiculous, Nico", chuckled Percy softly and turned to look at his husband. "I mean, seriously? Your Percy-time?"
"My Percy-time is sacred to me", grunted the naked Italian, rubbing his hair dry, some single drops of water running down his well-defined chest and stomach as he slowly walked over to the bed. "Well? What did he want from you, love?"
Percy blinked a few times. He had been a bit too distracted by his husband's body to proceed the question. Blushing slightly, he coughed and sat up some.
"He just... wanted to go and visit his cousin. He wants Nico to train with him how he can control both, shadows and water", smirked Percy broadly.
"Suppose she's a good choice for that", nodded Nico thoughtful and sat back down between his husband's legs. "She had managed to not conflict her control over fire with her control over her shifting. Well, I'm glad he finally realized that he needs to train his powers."
"He realized it for a boy", chimed Percy mischievously.
"Oh, no", groaned Nico annoyed, his arms wrapped around his lover so the older demigod fell on top of him as Nico laid down onto his back. "Not him too. What is wrong with our children? First Percy last autumn, declaring all proudly that she's dating that witch daughter of Lou, then Thess now, having to take that charmspeaking brat. And now Donny?! I can't accept that."
"Then I better not tell you that Silena is already charming all the boys to do as she says", chuckled Percy amused and folded his arms under his chin to look at his husband. "She'll be more trouble than those three put together. And with Jimmy's bad-boy charm – which he completely and utterly got from you – he's already having his own fanclub at the Aphrodite cabin too. It's not helping that he and his friends are always up to mischief. Once those two discover what they could do with the interest others have in them... Let's just hope they're as slow as I was when it came to sexuality."
"Yeah", nodded Nico with a dark frown, tightening his grip on his husband's waist. "Let's hope so. My hopes are not so high, seeing as even my dear niece Milly, sweet, eight-years-old Milly, is already dating that brat of Jason and Reyna's."
"Oh, hush", giggled Percy delighted. "She's just like her best friend Carry. Since Carry and Fred started 'dating' this spring, she wanted too, so she declared JP to be her boyfriend. I think it's incredibly cute. They're children. Dating means holding hands in public and pecking each other's cheeks. It's the cutest thing ever. You should see how embarrassed JP always gets!"
"I suppose you're right", chuckled Nico a bit amused. "But I would still appreciate it if Jimmy and Silly could wait another... five to ten years with that... Just enough for me to settle with my other children's love-lives?"
"I don't think they're going to respect your wishes there, my love", smiled Percy and leaned up to kiss Nico passionately. "So... How about we continue where we got interrupted?"
He sat up to straddle his husband's hips, rubbing the creek of his ass against the already half-hard member of his Ghost King. Biting his lower lip, he stared seductively down at Nico.
"You're a horribly cruel tease, my Sea Prince", growled the son of Hades annoyed and turned them over so Percy was laying beneath him. "We don't have time for that now. Piper and Annabeth will come over in about... ten minutes, bringing lunch with them."
"Oh", hummed Percy with a disappointed look on his face. "I forgot... But... But I want you now! Now I want my Nico-time! Don't deny me, my Ghost King. I need you within me. Please?"
Nico gritted his teeth as he stared down at the luscious body of his husband. He captured Percy's wrists and pinned them to the mattress hard before leaning down to bite his Sea Prince's neck.
"No", whispered the son of Hades into Percy's ear. "We don't have time. Because if I'm going to take you, I'm not going to hastily screw you. I'll be tenderly caressing every last inch of your body, I'll worship it and then I will be preparing you properly until you'll be begging me to take you. Not that you'll be able to do much, seeing as I'll tie you to our bed so you can't escape me again. And then, once I'm pleased with the amount of begging you did, I will fuck you hard and brutal and make sure you won't be walking anywhere tomorrow, because tomorrow, you will be mine again and do nothing aside from pleasing me. I will torture your prostate until you come, harder than you did in months. And then I will continue fucking you until you come again. And again. Until you're a completely pleasured mess. Once that's accomplished, I will come. And I will fill you to the brim. I will fill you with my hot seed and then I'll plug that greedy ass of yours so you'll know who you belong to, who you will always belong to."
"N—Nico", moaned Percy hoarsely, his breath ragged and his face flushed. "Don't... Don't say things that make me horny and then don't take me... Don't be so cruel to me!"
"Oh? I'm being cruel? Who has been rubbing the hottest ass ever against my cock just moments ago even though I won't be able to take it?", growled Nico possessively. "Believe me, before we get to the taking part of the evening, I am going to punish you for being such a tease. I'll spank that perfect ass of yours until it's ruby-red and so sensitive that you'll come from the jolt of pain from just being touched. And then I will bend you over and fuck you hard, thrusting against your sensitive ass..."
"S—Stop it", whimpered Percy and buckled his hips. "Please, please just take me!"
"Okay. So no lunch, yes?"
The couple dove apart and turned to stare wide-eyed at the two females in the door. Piper looked a bit too smug as she held the bag with Chinese take-away into the air. And Annabeth next to her looked both, flustered and annoyed, her hands stemmed against her hips.
"Really now?", grunted the daughter of Athena annoyed. "Still? You're still coming too late for food because you need to come first?! You're still the same horny teenagers that missed Thanksgiving because you had to celebrate 'Thankstaking' – which is the most ridiculous thing Nico ever created, by the way. You are horrible! Both of you! We will be downstairs and set the table while you two will get decent. No fucking. We're downstairs, we can hear you."
Annabeth huffed and turned to leave. Piper chuckled amused and looked at them with pity.
"I know how you guys feel. After we've brought the kids to camp yesterday, the first thing I did was screwing Annabeth's brains out too", grinned the daughter of Aphrodite. "Now come on."
She too left the bedroom to bring the lunch down to the kitchen, leaving Percy and Nico alone again. The son of Poseidon whimpered depressed. Just as it was about to get good...
"Let's get dressed", whispered Nico into his ear, biting his earlobe. "And once the girls are gone again, I'll take proper care of you, my Sea Prince."
Percy hummed in agreement and stood up to get ready for lunch.
"So, there, we're dressed", huffed Nico with a glare. "Why did you want to come over anyway? Normally you spend the first week of camp locked into your bedroom too!"
"We've been wondering if your son had any interesting news for you yesterday too", hummed Annabeth as she set the plates with the food in front of the other couple.
"Interesting... Oh. Yeah. Our sons are dating", grinned Percy broadly.
"Yes, they are", muttered Piper with a glare similar to the one on Nico's face.
The son of Poseidon blinked and turned to his best friend. "Those two are such dads."
"I know", laughed the blonde amused. "You should have heard her speech about 'that useless sea-brat, running around, seducing her baby-boy'. It was adorable."
"Oh yes, I had to listen to something similar about 'that charmspeaking brat, corrupting my son!'."
The two giggled delighted and stared at their lovers in amusement. While Piper and Nico glared at each other as if they were silently accusing the other for taking their baby boys away.
"It's not funny! It's serious business", protested the daughter of Aphrodite.
"Yes", agreed the Ghost King. "If that boy of yours charmspeaks our baby into sex and I end up being grandpa before I turn forty, I will hold the two of you responsible!"
"Yeah, right", snorted Piper, pointing an accusing chopstick at Nico. "If anything, it's your son who is shamelessly seducing our Luke! He got this whole wide-eyed innocence act going on, just like his mother! And I know what you guys are up to in the bedroom! Acting all pure and good and being like that in the bedroom! If your son is anything like your husband, it would be entirely his fault if he ends up pregnant in the next month!"
"What are you saying there?!", growled Nico and stood angrily. "How dare you talk like that about my husband and my son!"
"Well, it's true", growled Piper back and stood too. "If it wouldn't have been for Lady Persephone, the two of you would have made a baby right away with how horny you were! You had forgotten about anything back then too! And your son is just the same!"
While the two of them were busy screaming at each other, their partners calmly sat at the table and ate lunch. The two watched in interest how Nico and Piper were short of ripping each other's heads off while sneakily stealing from their unguarded plates.
"So, how is it being reelected as mayor?", asked Percy curiously, ignoring their lovers.
"Oh, it's good. Good. Stressful though", sighed Annabeth and shook her head. "I thought I'd be rid of that job for good now. I mean, working had always been fine, but now I'm in a certain age and I feel as if Matt demands more attention than his three siblings had... I'm just not sure I can handle being mother and being mayor."
"Well, you've been the first mayor of New Athens, two times mayor even. The founder. And the three that followed had just not lived up to the standards set by you", smiled Percy and nudged her. "Besides, you were the one that agreed to going up against the last mayor this year."
"Well, he wanted to be reelected", shuddered Annabeth. "And what with the other options, he probably would have won. Couldn't let that happen. Some of his decisions had nearly caused a war between New Athens and New Rome. He's just not diplomatic enough. Not fit for the job."
"A lucky coincident Reyna won the election in New Rome then, mh?", smirked Percy.
"Not really, no", chuckled the blonde amused. "I kind of persuaded her into posing as mayor. I mean, she was two-times praetor of Camp Jupiter. The former campers are now living in the city with their own families, it doesn't need a genius to conclude they would vote for her. And since the diplomacy between New Rome and New Athens had been very delicate thanks to my predecessor, I needed to pull those strings to ensure the relationship between our cities will get better."
"Wise girl, you really grew up to become a wise woman", grinned Percy teasingly.
Annabeth chuckled slightly and rolled her eyes. Though as she noticed the silence around them, she turned to look at their partners. Both Nico and Piper were sitting on their chairs, pouting and looking into completely different directions.
"Are the two of you finished, yes?", asked the daughter of Athena calmly.
The two nodded obediently, though still stuck their tongues out at each other. Percy rolled his eyes.
"Really? I mean, seriously? You guys saved the world together and stood up against Gaia, but now you're turning into immature brats?", grunted the Sea Prince displeased and crossed his arms over his chest. "You two will now shake hands and say that you're sorry."
"What?! After what she said about you-", started Nico to protest.
"She didn't say anything that wasn't true", snorted Percy annoyed. "Hush now, or no sex."
Piper stared at the crestfallen look on the Ghost King's face and snickered. Served him right. Well, at least until she heard her own wife coughing slightly to gain her attention.
"Same goes for you. Say you're sorry or you're sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week."
Nico and Piper stared at Percy and Annabeth with wide, disbelieving eyes. But the wise girl and the seaweed brain didn't flinch. Sighing in defeat, they turned to each other.
"I'm sorry", muttered both of them at the same moment and shook hands awkwardly.
"There, that's my love", smiled Percy in praising and kissed Nico's cheek.
"Good girl", smirked Annabeth, also kissing her wife's cheek.
"Why are we so henpecked?", sighed Piper and stared at Nico desperately. "I mean, they're our subs, shouldn't we be the ones controlling them and not the other way around?"
"Well", shrugged the Ghost King with a pout. "We should have chosen more obedient subs then."
"But", smirked the daughter of Aphrodite. "We can still punish them for ordering us around."
Nico too smirk, making their partners pale. "I liked them better when they were fighting..."
"Yeah", agreed Annabeth with a whine. "We won't be walking for days!"