Chapter 1

This story is rated M. I prefer realistic stories rather than everything being sunshine and daisies.

This is a Self-Insert/reincarnation story. Reincarnated as Luxanna Crownguard

BTW I don't do trigger warnings. This is the only warning I will give. I find they spoil stories if you already know something bad/triggering is gonna happen at the beginning of a chapter.

If you cant handle it... press Alt+F4, it will solve all your problems guaranteed.

Chapter 1

I stared at the screen in front of me. My gaze was unbelieving and my mouth was open in shock. The video I had just seen was unbelievable. Though my shock was short lived and was quickly replaced with excitement.

Riot Games had blown everyone out of the water that day, releasing shocking news after shocking news. A card game, a mobile version of League, a console version, and even a gods damned FPS. After ten years of Memehood, they were finally putting the S in Riot Games.

But none of that is what had shocked me into a stupor. No, that title belonged to the trailer they dropped a few minutes ago. They were a making a tv show….a fucking TV SHOW!

I had started playing League of Legends around four years ago at the behest of my friend, though I think he regretted it when he realized he would have to teach me practically everything that to him was obvious.

I mean honestly what the fuck was a gank? Was that even a real word?

But thankfully he apparently had the patience of a saint and he helped me get to level thirty.

After a few months I had gotten curious and binge watched all the cinematics at the time and it got me hooked on all the potential lore that it hinted at. So with my new hunger I scoured the web for any scrap of Lore I could find. Unfortunately most of the lore at the time was in the process of being retconned in someway. I mean they literally added a whole damn continent from out of the blue. 'Yeah im looking at you Shurima' With the confusion of all the retcons I decided to just focus on the characters I liked. And since I was a Lux one trick, most of my interest lay with things related to demacia. Whether it be the champions that lived in it or the countries that interacted with it. Noxus was also a focus of mine, though mainly through Katarina and Darius since they were vaguely related to Garen who was Lux's brother, one through a possible romance or hatred, the other because he was practically Noxus' version of Garen.

Unfortunately my lore knowledge was turned on its head once more when suddenly Demacia the paragon of Justice and Fairness of Runeterra was twisted. Now Demacia while still looking like the traditional good guys of the fantasy genre had an ugly side. They hated mages, went so far as to arrest them if found simply being capable of magic, Man, Woman, or Child, it mattered not if magic was involved you were guilty.

Lux who used to be an agent of Demacia, a person who would sneak into other countries and decypher their magics, a spellthief. Was now relegated to hiding her magical prowess for fear of her countries reprisal.

Although the twist was more interesting than the two dimensional good guy Demacia used to be, I grew weary of reading my favorite country be the villain. So I focused on other countries and expanded my lore knowledge once more.

But back to my current situation, they were making a show and it was a very exciting prospect. Even after only seeing a single cinematic I had wanted them to make at least a movie, but they exceeded my expectations by going the extra mile and making an animated series. Though I will admit their was a slight hint of disappointment that they didn't make it focus on a different country/character. Piltover and Zaun were interesting and all, but out of all the possible places they were the most boring in my opinion. But then I suppose that might have been the point, as it was the first season they needed something simple to not scare away potential watchers, once they got them hooked they could move onto more complex and adventurous places without fear of making people leave.

My thoughts were interrupted by a frantic, blaring beeping. It was my smoke detector, for the past month it had been randomly going off, something was obviously faulty with the sensor. With a scowl I got off my bed and hopped up onto the chair I had left under the smoke detector for just that purpose. This time though instead of simply pushing the button to get it to shut up, I decided that enough was enough and pried the cover off of it and removed the battery.

Finally with the blessed quite back I went back to my bed. My mind kept tossing different theories on what the show was going to be about, and even what future seasons were gonna be focusing on. I ended up falling asleep rather quickly with all those thoughts late at night, especially since I had already been tired after a long day at my college.

Perhaps, if I hadn't been so preoccupied with my thoughts I would have smelled the smoke.


I was having the strangest most terrifying nightmare. My body was trapped in this weird pulsating darkness, it was warm, and moist. I could occasionally hear sounds, but they sounded strangely muffled and distant, as if I was wearing headphones with a pillow also pressed over my head. I could make out enough to realize they were voices, but I couldn't hear much more than brief snippets and even then I couldn't hear them clearly enough to understand what they were saying, assuming it wasn't just random gibberish to begin with. But there was a constant beat of what sounded like a drum, it never ceased its endless beating, unlike the other sounds however this one was as clear as day.

If I thought it had been terrifying before, I was wrong. I was so, so, very wrong. The warm darkness was suddenly trying to crush me! It was the only explanation I could come up with when I was suddenly being squeezed from all sides for what felt like hours. Then suddenly after an eternity the warm darkness was replaced with harsh light, and bitter cold. I screamed my head off at the sudden pain and discomfort.

Quickly the bitter cold was replaced with warmth as I was wrapped in something warm, this time though it wasn't pulsating or moist, it was rough and dry, and made it feel like my skin was being rubbed with sandpaper. But for how bad it felt, it was still better than the biting cold of before. The light however, the damned light did not change. It was like someone turned a camera flash into a flashlight and was holding it an inch in front of my eyes. I kept my eyes firmly shut, small whimpers still escaped me from the pain that penetrated even through my eyelids.

Now somewhat over the shock of all those sensations, my wailing stopped and I realized I could hear voices.

"Oh she's perfect!" A voice seemingly right above me whispered with a hoarse voice. It was definitely masculine, but the emotions choking his voice made it hard to even guess anything more than that.


"Luxanna." A woman's voice this time. Her voice was even more hoarse than the mans, though it seemed more from recent overuse than from overwhelming emotions. "Her name will be Luxana." She repeated herself more firmly.


"So it shall be my love." I heard what sounded like a kiss above me. Then I felt warm, wet, disgusting giant lips press against my forehead. "Welcome to the family Luxanna Crowngaurd."

I screamed in anger, this dream was seriously getting weird and I just wanted to wake up. I had never lucid dreamed before but I had heard of it before, so I knew that whatever I wanted, I should be able to control. And I wanted to wake up with every fiber of my being.

So the question was why wasn't I waking up?

AN: Yeah Idk why but I REALLY needed to write this. After seeing the Arcane trailer (That's the name of the League of Legends show btw) I really wanted to write a league of legends fic. And just like my justice league story, I realized there's hardly any oc/si stories. Oh and this SI is actually me, i'm gonna write it as if it was me that was reborn into this world. My justice league fic is not me. This one is.

And correct me if im wrong but I believe that just like my justice league fic, this is the first fic on the site where the MC is reborn as Lux. Actually I have yet to see a fic in league of legends where an MC is reborn as any of the champions. Please correct me if i'm wrong though and tell me the fic, I would be interested in reading it.

I'm pretty sure that my justice league one is also in the same boat, my character is reborn as Kara Zor-El, and to my knowledge that is the only story in the justice league fandom with the MC being reborn as an already existing character in the justice league universe. Again I could be wrong but I can't remember seeing any stories with that premise, its always being reborn as some random OC, never as an already established character. And notice I said reborn (As in growing up from an infant), not put into the adult body of the character.