
Apparently, the Dark Master Sword works a bit like my Master Sword, just heavier, and can produce beams of darkness, and some form of a dark energy bomb. It must have transferred this knowledge to my head, to make its transition easier and as an apology for having to be used against me by evil. I put the sword up, so I can keep the Master Sword out, and I just realized I am stuck in the room I fought Bongo Bongo in. I came here, fought the bastard, but I haven't seen this Spirit of Shadows yet. Maybe it was a-

"Sorry for taking a bit to get to you Hero. I had to quickly regain enough power to come to see you." I hear a voice, a feminine sounding voice speaks as if around me. Slowly, the shadows start to close in on a specific spot, taking the form of a female Hylian, but shadowy. The shadows drop, revealing what I though, a Hylian looking female, with hair so black, I thought it was the shadows, eyes as red as rubies, and extremely pale skin like she was never out and about in the sun. Her outfit is a dress as black as her hair, with the symbols of Shadow, Spirit, The Triforce, and the Sheikah eye symbol. Other than that, I would have assumed she was just a normal Hylian.

"You are the Spirit of Shadows?" I ask, a bit confused, yet shocked.

"Indeed. I see my messenger was able to tell you I needed help. I am sure you are curious about who I am exactly?" She says.

"I admit to being curious. Who and what are you in all honesty?" I ask, straight to the point. Hey she already knew I was curious.

"I am Syala, Spirit of Shadows. I am the dark counterpart of the Goddess Hylia when she was alive. No, being a dark counterpart doesn't mean evil, just we are pretty much opposites in terms of powers, representations, and abilities. Though I am the Goddess of Shadows, I prefer to go by the term Spirit because it fits better in my opinion. I created the Dark Master Sword as the opposite of the Master Sword, only for balance purposes. It can't destroy evil like the original Master Sword, but those abilities it taught you, are its replacements. I know you have several questions, but I can't answer all of them. Some involve laws, and some are unknown to me. I will tell you Zelda is doing what she is doing of her own free will, with a tiny nudge from Bongo Bongo originally. I feel Hylia will soon leave her, which would either kill her, or leave her mentally, spiritually, and possibly physically scared. I don't know how much though. Go to Hyrule Castle. The King of Hyrule, your Granduncle does wish to speak to you. Before you go, I wish to give you a gift for helping me." She says before she launches an orb of darkness that enters me. "It won't affect your ability to use the Master Sword in any way. Instead it lets you have control of shadows and darkness, to a degree. Mostly so you can wield the Dark Master Sword without it harming you. It won't control a person's darkness, just shadows and the dark itself. I gave you a limited control, mostly because having total control would kill you instantly, in all honesty. You can use the shadows and darkness for all purposes travel, create barriers, and hide within the shadows. The shadows aren't affected by the flow of time, so I know you freed the Shadow Temple twice of Evil. Link, I apologize for what it did to you when you were readying to face Ganondorf. I can't heal you of those memories, as they will follow you forever. But, I can offer you this. I can at least heal you of some of the damage. I don't know how much though, and I don't know how it will affect you if it even will affect you in terms of personality. I can tell someone fixed your love and lust emotions, and actually did a good job with them, but you are still... Not correct in the head so to speak." Syala says to me, in a sad yet hopeful tone. She seems upset that the Shadow Temple did this to me but considering that this must be her home, and it was used for evil twice like this, this must-have made her seriously upset, and wanting to make amends about it. Makes sense, as she seems to be a more down to earth being, not a stuck up being to me.

"Go ahead Syala. I know flat out that my mentality can be dangerous for me, and I at least want some of it under control." I say, knowing what she might be referring to. She seems to float into my shadow, and for the next couple of minutes, I hear what sounds to be muttering, curses, and hammers? What the Din is going on in there? I hope it isn't something that will make my mental state worse.

About twenty minutes of waiting and Syala finally exits my shadow, looking tired, yet happier than earlier. "Well, the damage was more than I was honestly expecting. But I managed to heal you somewhat. I think you are too ingrained with your personality to really notice the change, but it will be subtle at first for you. Now you should no longer truly fear the Shadow Temple as a whole, but your true fear will stay there sadly. It isn't something I can fix, as it wasn't caused by the Shadow Temple technically. I want to give you one more thing." Syala says, before fishing out a dark purple gem. "Should you ever need to return here for whatever reason, you can use that to teleport to this location, though I will be fixing it for a while, to remove that fuckers influence on it, like getting rid of this drum, and rebuilding the staircase out, or if you want to visit for other reasons, of course." She giggles weirdly when she says other reasons, for some reason beyond me. "Now, I hope to see you some other time, when there isn't a necessary reason like Bongo Bongo Link." She says, in a weird tone that makes me incredibly nervous for some reason. A blue circle forms next to me. "I guess you have to go now. Make sure to visit Link." She says, stretching my name for some reason, and I quickly walk into the circle, to get the Farore out of there before something scary or weird happens.

I am transported in front of the Grave of the Royal Family part of the Graveyard and making sure everything was with me, and Taget was in my hat, for the time being, I walk into Kakariko Village to see what has changed since I left. Which isn't much, minus a few more guard towers on its borders. I quickly exit the village, not wanting to be spotted, as I don't know what the guards would do to me, if they spotted me.

Walking into Hyrule Field, and not having to worry about Stalchildren or Poes, or monsters in general minus the odd Peahat, is nice honestly. Walking through it, makes me miss Epona honestly. She was a great help in both my fight to stop Ganondorf, and Termina as a whole. While I know her death was an accident on Malon's part, I mean, how were we supposed to know Epona had an allergy to Swift Carrots? I miss her Neighing, and I stop at the bridge that crosses over a river, on the path to the drawbridge to Hyrule Castle Town, and decide to play Epona's Song, a song I haven't played since Eponas funeral.

Putting the Ocarina to my mouth, I start to play the first notes, and I slowly fall into the song. I miss Epona, but I know she is happy in the Sacred Realm with plenty of carrots, and male horses to kick in the ass. She was a unique horse, that's for sure. Never cared about anything that wasn't me or Malon. Any horse that tried to pester her, had to have its tail reattached as she kicked it's ass seven way to the Gerudo Desert. Syala must have helped more than she thought, as I never would have thought of this. Maybe facing my fears and having someone of Hylian Origin, Goddess speaking, might have done more than I would have thought. Then again, I didn't know Syala existed, though, I have to wonder what the hell she means by other reasons. Maybe I will understand in the future, I don't know. Slowly, I end the song and begin walking to the drawbridge of Hyrule Castle Town. I want to find out why the King of Hyrule wishes to see me.

After a few minutes of walking, I reach the Drawbridge that lads into Hyrule Castle Town. I cross it, because it is the only way in beside the Prelude of Light, and I don't think appearing in the Temple of Time right now would be a good idea.

It seems Castle Town is busy this time of the year. As I walk through it, I see tons of Hylians wandering about, going to market stalls, coming in and out of the potion and Bazaar shops, a few going into the Happy Mask Shop, and kids hanging out at the shooting gallery. Guards seem to be posted at both entrances of the market place, to prevent anyone from doing shenanigans I believe, but as I pass a board with papers on it, I couldn't help but hear this conversation.

"I still can't believe the Princess would do such a thing." A male Hylian says, to a female Hylian. I quickly turn around and look at the board, and see a wanted sign of Princess Zelda, with a list of reasons why. "I mean, I know royalty can't be easy, but to end up doing all of that? That's disgusting. I hope the King can get a new heir of the throne soon. It's a miracle that Zelda hasn't been arrested yet." The male Hylian continues.

"You have to remember that Zelda does have a few tricks up her sleeves. She can use magic, among things. She isn't stupid." The female says.

I walk away from them, wanting to get to the King to find out what the Din is going on here. If Zelda is truly no longer the Princess of Hyrule, I wonder what the hell was found to make her no longer the Princess. I know Syala said that Zelda has gone off the deep end on her own, but it makes me wonder what the hell she did.

Walking past the guards that protect the pathway to Hyrule Castle, I walk up to the Guard of Hyrule Castle's main gate. I talk to the guard for a minute, and he ends up lets me pass to speak to the King. It is kinda surprising honestly, I know that the King has allowed me before to come and go to the castle, but normally it was unofficial. The guards knew, he knew, Din I am sure the pet cats knew technically I wasn't supposed to be in the castle, but they let me be there, because I wasn't a threat to them. Granted, I wouldn't do anything stupid, like attack them, as I would either be turned into mincemeat by Impa, or the entire guard of Hyrule, and by extension, the entirety of the Hylian races would be after my ass. Well, I didn't have the power and skill at the time. Now, I probably could, though it still wouldn't be easy. Maybe I should focus on reaching Hyrule Castle and see what the King needs.

Walking a bit more, and remembering my first time coming to Hyrule Castle, I reach the main entrance to it, which has its own drawbridge. As I walk up to it, it starts to lower, with four soldiers standing on the other side, waiting for something or someone. One of the guards, the leader of the group I assume, notices me and walks up to me.

"Ah Link. We were about to go searching for you. The King wishes to speak to you, Link." The lead guard of the group says. I look on with some confusion. I know the King wishes to speak to me, though that enough times, but for the Hylian army to be used to look for me? Must be a very serious situation then. Granted, it might have to do with the whole Zelda issue I noticed. The guard breaks me out of my thoughts, and ushers me into the castle, on the path to the throne room.

While I stayed in the castle at times before, I never really paid much attention to its walls. Mostly because I figured that I might as well look at them a bit. Not much to say, other than they look fancy, and that they depict events from ages ago, I think. Then again, no matter how much I read about Hyrule's History, it doesn't mean that I am able to accurately retell it. Most of Hyrule's History is eras of peace, but there were a few exceptions. The Civil War for example, the era of the Four Heros, and the Hero of the Sky era. Not much is known about the times before it, other than references to what might have happened beforehand. Though, that's all theory among the scholars, well all two of them.

After about five minutes of walking, looking at meh looking tapestries, we reach the throne room of the Hylian King. He is sitting at his throne, looking shocked to see me. Then his face slowly goes from shocked, to happy. He really must have been looking for me or concerned. "Hello Link. It feels like it has been a long time since we last talked. I know you aren't one to stay in one place since you are an adventurer after all. To be blunt, I need your help Link. As you might have heard, Zelda has gone down a dark path. I fear she is no longer truly the Zelda I raised, and I pray to the Golden Goddesses and Hylia that she can be saved. But the actions she has already done, made it where I had to disown her. Link, I need you to stop Zelda before she does something that will cause Hyrule to fall apart, back into a Civil War. I don't want to lose you, my grandnephew. Should Zelda truly be beyond help, I want you to be the Prince of Hyrule. I wanted to bring you back into the Royal Family, but not in these circumstances. But my hands got tied because of everything that has happened. Please Link, save Zelda, if she can be saved. If she can't be, then bring her back to be tried for crimes against Hyrule, and it's citizens." The King asks, tearing up at the idea his daughter could be truly lost. I know he loved his daughter to a massive degree, but she must have done something to have brought this to ahead.

"Before I agree my king, what did Zelda do to become an enemy of the Kingdom?" I ask, confused about it. While I would help still, I want to know what brought this situation to what it is now.

The King sighs at my question, a sad depressed sigh, kind of like when Darmani realized that the only way he could help his people, was through me. "My daughter committed acts that goes against Hyrule's laws, the Goddesses laws, and even the laws of Hylia. One of the laws she broke, involved you, Grandnephew. I had hope that Zelda was going through a phase, but she tried to do things that were just pure evil and disgusting. Acts that no one with a mentally fine brain would even think of doing. She was removed from the line of the Royal Family due to attempted Rape, attempted Murder, attempted Enslavement, among things. While the Royal Family has had its... less than stellar moments," At that he coughs, mutters Shadow Temple, and coughs again, "we try to at least atone for our less than stellar mistakes. Zelda has embraced them, and quite frankly, I am worried she will do stuff that will cause a Second Hylian Civil War. The kingdom can't have a second one Link. I need you to capture her, bring her back to the castle so she can stand trial. I also want you to become the Prince of Hyrule. You are the last member of the bloodline of the Royal family that has a strong enough connection to it. I wanted to bring you back in, I did, but I couldn't and I didn't know you were my Grandnephew until a few days ago. Please, stop Zelda and prevent a Second Civil War. I don't know what would happen to this kingdom if a second one happened, but I bet Ganondorf would try to take advantage of it." The King of Hyrule pleads to me. "Please Link! Zelda pulled you here, and I will send you back when it's over with, but please help!" The King gets off his throne, and actually getting on his knees, pleading to me.

"My King, I will help." I say, wanting him to return from this odd state of his.

The King quickly gets back up and sits back on his throne with a relieved face. "Thank you Link. Last I heard, Zelda plans on going to the Kokiri Forest to find you, and if the Kokiri refuse to give you up, she will throw them into the Shadow Temple. I think you know how bad that could be for them. You need to get back there, before she succeeds. Stop her, and I will return you to where you were at. I know it may seem wrong of me to do, to hold that over your head, but it isn't out of any reason other than I want to make sure that the issue is dealt with." The King says, with a sincere tone and look.

I pull out the Ocarina of Time, and play the Minuet of Forest to travel quickly to the Sacred Forest Meadow, and start running to the Kokiri Forest. I did this mostly so I can do a quick check-up on the Kokiri and Thalia. I trust them fully, but I want to make sure that during my trip to the Shadow Temple and seeing the King of Hyrule, Zelda didn't find it and go through with her threat that the King just told me about. Hey one of the thing I learned over my adventures, is that the one who makes a threat usually attacks the place they are threatening while the Hero or the one they are looking is away. Usually what happens from what I have heard and seen.

As I walk through the small part of the Lost Woods and reach the tree tunnel to Kokiri Woods, I hear what sounds like screaming, and thunder. Lots of thunder. Also explosions. I quickly rush through the tree tunnel, with the Master Sword and Hylian Shield pulled out, ready for a fight, and I see Zelda throwing balls of light at an awake and pissed off Thalia who is dodging said balls of light, and with the Kokiri in hiding, minus Saria who looks furious at Zelda. What surprises me the most in my opinion, is the look on Zeldas face. Hearing her descent into insanity, and seeing it are two different things. The look on her basically shows pure malicious intent and bordering pure insanity. When compared to the Zelda from the other timeline, its like a poor reflection.

I wonder how the hell she got like this, but as I start to get closer to the battle, to knock down Zelda, a massive lightning bolt hits Zelda dead on, completely encasing her in an explosion of electricity and light.

"That's what you get, you cunt!" Thalia yells at Zelda, who is still encased in the smoke of the lightning strike. As the smoke dissipates, Zelda is revealed somewhat burned and ash on her clothes with a few tears, she seems fine. She raises her sword, which happens to be a rapier sword, and causes a massive ball of light to form, and tosses it at Thalia, hitting her in the foot. Saria quickly causes a tree to rise around Thalia's foot, healing it quickly, then three more trees grow to fire a hail of seeds at Zelda, who causes a light barrier to form in front of her to block them. I pull out my bow, and notice I can make a new magic arrow now. Using my limited control of darkness thanks to Syala, I can make Shadow Arrows. They are essentially Light Arrows, but with the additional ability to destroy light-based constructs if it hits one, and weakens beings that are essentially light-based creations. It is limited as it won't harm living beings for the fact that it is shadows, and it isn't meant to stop or weaken evil like the Light Arrows, but they still have some use right now. Though, they might end up being situational from what I can tell.

I fire the Shadow Arrow at Zelda's light barrier, which is taking the seed attack without a problem, and the second the arrow hits the Barrier, the barrier dissipates, kinda like watching a fire go out, and the surrounding area getting engulfed by the darkness only slower, due to the Shadows power. Zelda looks on for a second in shock, before the seeds start hitting her like crazy, Thalia starts readying up another lightning bolt to strike Zelda with. This doesn't take long due to the already multiple lightning strikes that occurred already, and a pretty big lightning bolt strikes Zelda, who only had a second to react after the hail of seeds stopped.

That strike did more damage than the others, I can say for sure, based on her screaming. When the light show of the lightning ends, and the smoke clears, I see Zelda floating in the air still, but far more burned up and with her clothes basically ruined. She also has a look of pure rage aimed at Thalia. "You dare! You dare stand before me, stopping me from getting what I deserve!" Zelda seems to shout at Thalia and Saria in anger. "After I get what I want, I will make sure the two of especially suffer extremely! I will make sure you will suffer pain for as long as I can, before you are eliminated for keeping me away from what I want! I will have Link!" Zelda seems to yell in absolute rage at them. Saria and Thalia just look irritated at this point.

"Link isn't some object, he is a living being and a person! He doesn't have to do what you want him to do!" Saria says, gaining some heat to her words.

"Just because you are the Princess of Hyrule, doesn't mean you can use your title to make him do what you want him to do! All you are doing is showing yourself as a mentally unstable part of Royalty! But then again, you are nothing more than a useless piece of sh-" Thalia says, only to be cut off by Zelda flying at her, rapier first, in an attempt to stab her. Thalia jumps to the side and smacks Zelda on the head with her shield, only for it to bounce off another light barrier Zelda made.

I jump off the edge that happens to be behind Midos house, and fire another shadow arrow at Zelda, destroying the light barrier, while Thalia hits Zelda with a massive lightning bolt, knocking her out. "Finally. That crazy bitch is down. She has been at it for a good while, it feels. Oh, Link! I see you have returned after leaving me here, alone." Thalia says, in a less than happy tone. Something about it makes me nervous. For some reason, sweat is starting to form, and the hair on my neck seemed to rise because of Thalia's tone. Very strange honestly.

Quickly walking over to the group, ignoring the look Thalia is giving me, I grab Zelda, and throw her over my shoulder to make it easier to carry her, then look at Thalia. "I know you want to yell at me, I can tell that much. But we need to book it Thalia. If we are to return to the quest, and save Artemis. I also need your help in making sure she doesn't try anything. Saria, I wish I could stay and talk, but this is something that needs to be done quickly. I believe one day, we will see each other again, but for now, we have to stop a second Civil War." I say, in a tone that speaks of seriousness. Wow, I am now realizing that my emotions switch like a well, switch in a dungeon I have been in. Maybe seeing someone about my problems will be necessary in the near future. Regardless, I want to get Zelda back to Hyrule Castle before hell breaks loose.

"Fine, but you definitely will get an earful from me, Link." Thalia says, with a less than happy tone. Quickly, we run out of the tunnel that connects to Hyrule Field and Kokiri Forest, we start running to Hyrule Castle Town. It takes about an hour, mostly because we are able to move without much issue, minus carrying Zelda on my shoulder, but I have carried heavier, and the Goron enhanced strength makes it a breeze.

We reach the entrance to the town and walk-in. As soon as we enter, the guards have to create a wall between us, and the civilians that want to give Zelda a piece of their mind, and some justice. Surprisingly, Zelda stays unconscious throughout this, but I guess it might because she was knocked out pretty hard, so I assume that. Eventually, we reach the castle, and the guards are enmassed to keep the crowd from going nuts and allow us proper entrance. "Get in Link! Before it gets out of hand!" The castles drawbridge guard says, waving for me to enter, and I enter with Thalia following behind closely, looking at the castle with a bit of shock and awe.

We eventually reach the Throne Room, with the King in his throne, looking at us with a sad face. "Thank you Link." The King says, ordering a soldier to take Zelda from me, so she can be tried later. "Now, who is this with you, young Link?" The King asks, curious of Thalia.

"This is Thalia. A friend who was sucked here with me by the spell Zelda used." I say honestly. That's honestly all I say, but something in me seems to want to say something else, but I try to hear it, but I get nothing. Weird.

"Well Thalia, I assume Zelda attacked you, based on the glare you were giving her, and the fact you came with Link?" The King asks, with a now blank look. Not to insult Thalia, but more to control his emotions, I am willing to bet.

"Yes. I woke up, talked about with the Great Deku Tree Sprout, surrounded by Kokiri, trying to figure out where the hell I was, and where Link was. After being explained to what got me there, Zelda came into the forest trying to kidnap or kill, not sure which, the Kokiri after they failed to says where Link was. I didn't hear the questions, but that is my bet based on what has happened so far. I fought with her, with Saria, one of the Kokiri, helping me where she could. It was Link who allowed me and Saria to finally knock her out, and we came here, and the rest is history." Thalia says, looking at the King.

The King sighs, looking older than he actually is. "Thalia, your words have confirmed my next action. Link, step up please. I wish to make it official." The king says. I step up to him and then kneeling in front of him. "Link, you have no need to kneel. I know even after I make it official, you will want to return to what you were doing with Thalia. I won't stop you, no matter how much I wish you would stay. Just, come back when you are done. Link, by my power as the King of Hyrule, and you have enough Blood of the Royal Family in you, I hereby bring you back into the Royal Family officially, and crown you the new Prince of Hyrule, the first one in many generations. Welcome back, young hero. Welcome back, to the folds of Royalty." The King says, motioning me to rise, before he hugs me. It was right then, I realize he was crying. Crying about what he has to do, and what he had to do. "Link, I will open a portal back to where you came from. The spell can do that, just a bit of a pain to do. I want you to do what you feel is best, and I wish for you to return to Hyrule, when your job is done, Link." The King says before his fist starts to glow with a pink Energy. "This will take you back to where Zelda took you from. I want to say though, Link, I apologize for not being able to help you. I failed massively, and I know that-" The King starts to say before I cut him off.

"My King, I know that you feel guilty about everything, but this whole situation wasn't your fault. It's Zeldas. Please, don't hurt yourself by putting blame on something you couldn't control. Zelda knew what she was doing, and thus acted on it with no thought of the consequences. Please, don't blame yourself. Blame the evils that turned Zelda into what she is. I promise though my King, I will return as someone you can gladly call, a Prince of Hyrule." I say honestly.

"I know Link, I feel bad no matter what though." The king says as he sets the portal up, back in that junkyard, just a few feet away from where Talos remains sit. "Link, before you go with Thalia, I want you to tell your mother for me, Hello, and I am sorry I failed her. She will know what you mean. Stay safe Prince. Stay safe." The King says before we walk through the portal, back in the junkyard of the Gods.

As soon as the portal closes, Thalia smacks me on the back of the head. "THAT WAS FOR LEAVING ME IN THE FOREST!" Thalia shouts in my ear, which hurts more than the slap, honestly. As soon as she finishes yell, she hugs me. "That's for coming back, though don't expect me to be happy with you Link. Even though I know you didn't have much of a choice, I am pissed still." Thalia says, clearly irritated.

"So... What do we do now?" I ask, rubbing my ear. It is clear the group left, and headed west again.

"You said you can curl up and roll like a goron right?" Thalia asks, to my confusion.

"I can, but why do you ask?" I ask.

"I think we can catch up to them if you can roll up, and follow their trail. We have only been gone for about half a day, and they might be on the pathway." She says.

"I see your plan, but the only problem with it, is that-" I start to say, only for Thalia to interrupt me.

" I know, but I was thinking, have you ever tried to turn back into your Goron self?" Thalia asks.

"I... I never tried honestly. I would think that I can't now." I say, unsure now.

"Give it a try Link, and see what happens. " Thalia says, as I start to concentrate on what would be a potential link to the powers that let me transform when I had the mask.

Alright, so this came out far later than I hoped. But with everything going to hell in a handbasket, I am honestly not surprised that this shit has taken so long. But now that this chapter is finished, I plan on making another Interspecies Hero chapter (Well, 2, but technically it IS just a rehashing of the shit Link when through, but put together in the others stories way, and the other one will be an actual chapter. At least that is what I plan) and hopefully, go from there.

I will take all anger at the abrupt cliffhanger, and use it to make more houses in Minceraft.